Why Aren't You Telling Us What Works Over The Long Run


Apr 3, 2013
Thyroid, progesterone, coffee, and making sure I eat enough food/nutrients(super important)


Nov 29, 2017
Hey, thanks for saying i am always coming up with new ideas, i kind of thought i was boring everyone because I'm always posting about photobiomodulation and how beneficial it is to get orange/red light through ones eyes by bringing light photons (620 nm - 670nm wavelengths) through the optic nerve to stimulate hypothalamus, pituitary and cerebral functioning.:):

I have made enormous improvements in my health with photobiomodulation and nutrition, adding Molecular Hydrogen to my water has been really wonderful and taken my health to a new level, the first thing i experienced was an almost immediate relaxation of my senses and emotions, improved focus and concentration. The next thing i noticed was improved, energy, digestion and bowl functioning.

I really feel orange/red light therapy and drinking molecular hydrogen go very well together.

I mentioned before that i noticed one of the spectral emission lines of hydrogen was 656 nm (visible red light) right in the sweet spot for photobiomodulation, i don't know if there is any correlation to hydrogens beneficial actions but i thought it was very interesting.

“Drinking H2‐water reduced hepatic oxidative stress, and significantly alleviated fatty liver.”

“The mitochondria are a major source of reactive oxygen species during energy production metabolism and H2 directly protects mitochondria that are exposed to reactive oxygen species.”

“Indeed, H2 stimulated energy metabolism as measured by oxygen consumption. The present results suggest the potential benefit of H2 in improving obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.”



This is the little device i have, good quality works very well.

Genuine Hydrogen For Health Water And Inhaler Products
It’s taken me a few years to finally appreciate your posts about red and orange light. Thank you for hammering it home for so long !!!


Apr 13, 2017
It’s taken me a few years to finally appreciate your posts about red and orange light. Thank you for hammering it home for so long !!!

Hi there, that’s wonderful to hear you are enjoying photobiomodulation, the orange/red spectrums are definitely the best, I think that’s why sunsets makes us feel so good.
Thank you for talking about the H2 water, I actually have a H2 water generator sitting on my counter but just was not inspired to use it, I read all about it but never heard anyones personal experience how it helped them, now I am definitely going to start.
How much H2 water do you drink a day?
Do you drink it first thing in morning before eating, do you try drink on empty stomach or does it not matter?
So nice to hear from you…


Nov 29, 2017
Hi there, that’s wonderful to hear you are enjoying photobiomodulation, the orange/red spectrums are definitely the best, I think that’s why sunsets makes us feel so good.
Thank you for talking about the H2 water, I actually have a H2 water generator sitting on my counter but just was not inspired to use it, I read all about it but never heard anyones personal experience how it helped them, now I am definitely going to start.
How much H2 water do you drink a day?
Do you drink it first thing in morning before eating, do you try drink on empty stomach or does it not matter?
So nice to hear from you…
I inhale hydrogen gas nowadays but when I started with hydrogen, I was drinking first thing in the morning and another bottle before lunch, typically on an empty stpmach. Have since stopped drinking and don’t inhale much these days but will probably pick it back up eventually.


Apr 13, 2017
I posted this info on another thread but I also wanted to talk about it here. In all my years of learning to heal my body there are a few herbs I have found most helpful, One is ginger, I prefer organic fresh pressed ginger juice, I mix in warm water and honey. It’s benefits for digestion are well researched. The two others herbs are Casgara Sagrada and Guayusa. I will talk first about Casgara. Ray has talked in detail about the benefits of this herb, it’s most pronounce benefit is it will help you have a healthy bowl movement every day, and the reality is that everyone is looking for ways to detox their bodies by healing their guts and improving liver functioning, and the main way our body does this is by pooping. Having a good bowl movement every day is the first and foremost thing you should be doing to heal your body. Slowed bowel transit time leads to increased estrogen levels, accelerated ageing, and is detrimental to overall health. This is not the only benefit of Cascara, Emodin, the active ingredient has been demonstrated to possess multiple biological activities including being antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral. It is also a potent selective 11β-HSD1 inhibitor, the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of cortisol, which is closely associated with the development of metabolic disorders including insulin resistance, central obesity and hyperglycemia. Rays advice about this herb is as usual brilliant, but the one thing I don’t understand or agree with is why he recommended the brand Farmalabor from Italy, I have a infamous degree in Clinical Herbology, I use to own a herb store and had many relations with botanical farms around the US and wholesalers around the world, and I assure you there is nothing special about the Cascara from Farmalabor, as a matter of fact for some bizarre reason they add maltodextrin to their Casgara, this is not good for you and makes no sense, so I highly recommend not using their product, also Casgara is native to North America not Europe. The company I do like and recommend to get Casgara Sagrada from is Natures Way, for several reasons, first I want to mention that Casgara must be aged over one year to be effective, Natures Way does not advertise this but I talked to them and they only use Casgara that is 1-2 years old, and the reality is some brilliant indigenous healer many moons ago figured out that if you don’t age Casgara it will make you sick, so obviously no herb company is going to sell Casgara that is not aged. The two other reasons I like Natures Way is they are one of the first and largest herbal companies in the US, they have full in-house diagnostic laboratories and test all their batches for identification, microbes, mold and heavy metals, the other point about their Casgara is they sell it in 270 mg capsules, most other companies only sell it in 500 mg size, I find one 270 mg capsule taken at night almost always produces a good bowl movement the next morning, sometimes I feel like I need two capsules and will do that and some of you may find you need and prefer 2-4 capsules to feel good and get things moving, usually take at night before bedtime, may also work well and feel good for you to take a extra dose during the day, it does not have to be taken on a empty stomach. Because it functions as a laxative they are required to say on their label not to use for more then 7 days, for other laxatives that’s probably true, but that’s not correct for Casgara, you can use it every day for years with only increasing benefits, you may find at some point you want to give it a break but the benefits for the gut are many. Please research Ray’s info about the energetic effects of Cascara Sagrada.

My next favorite herb is Guayusa, a plant that comes from Ecuador. It’s the only herb that has caffeine that I am able to tolerate, as Ray has talked about the great benefits of caffeine many times, but Coffee makes me feel awful, tea is little better but not great, I tried many times Yerba Matte and Guarana and did not like at all how they made my feel, but Guayusa is a whole different experience for me, the herb has caffeine but is also rich in L-theanine and Theobromine, plus many other key nutrients. I prefer using the whole powder, I feel it works better then steeping the leaf. I use a teaspoon of the powder mixed in cup hot water, let steep 5 min, I like adding honey and organic ginger juice, I have 2-3 cups a day, definitely a game changer for me, I feel adding the ginger juice and honey is very synergistic. The other thing I like about Guayusa is it is not smoked or fermented just air dried. Check out the website for details about this amazing herb.


A critical review of the composition and history of safe use of guayusa: a stimulant and antioxidant novel food - PubMed

Cascara Sagrada | Nature's Way®

Emodin, a natural product, selectively inhibits 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and ameliorates metabolic disorder in diet-induced obese mice


Sep 10, 2019
Hey @Daniel11 would you mind sharing which device you’re using for red/orange light therapy? I currently have a Red Light Man but it’s just red light and reading one of Ray’s later comments about red light, I think it would be good to get some orange in there to more closely mimic sunlight.


May 24, 2013
My next favorite herb is Guayusa, a plant that comes from Ecuador. It’s the only herb that has caffeine that I am able to tolerate, as Ray has talked about the great benefits of caffeine many times, but Coffee makes me feel awful, tea is little better but not great, I tried many times Yerba Matte and Guarana and did not like at all how they made my feel, but Guayusa is a whole different experience for me, the herb has caffeine but is also rich in L-theanine and Theobromine, plus many other key nutrients. I prefer using the whole powder, I feel it works better then steeping the leaf. I use a teaspoon of the powder mixed in cup hot water, let steep 5 min, I like adding honey and organic ginger juice, I have 2-3 cups a day, definitely a game changer for me, I feel adding the ginger juice and honey is very synergistic. The other thing I like about Guayusa is it is not smoked or fermented just air dried. Check out the website for details about this amazing herb.


very interesting stuff, @Daniel11 ! I love ginger too, I love the way it makes me feel and the warming sensation in my stomach. Unfortunately I can't drink it more than a couple of days or I start getting heartburn/reflux at night. I think maybe it relaxes my upper stomach sphincter too much but I'm not sure. Or maybe the spiciness just irritates my stomach.

Wanted to ask you about guayasa, I've never heard of it before, quite interested in trying it. I'm guessing you have this whole powder, Guayusa Powder Bag, but then do you just mix it in the hot water and drink it after 5 minutes, drinking all the dregs and plant bits too? Or do you strain out the plant bits?


Apr 13, 2017
Hey @Daniel11 would you mind sharing which device you’re using for red/orange light therapy? I currently have a Red Light Man but it’s just red light and reading one of Ray’s later comments about red light, I think it would be good to get some orange in there to more closely mimic sunlight.
Hi there,
I use this light…



Apr 13, 2017
very interesting stuff, @Daniel11 ! I love ginger too, I love the way it makes me feel and the warming sensation in my stomach. Unfortunately I can't drink it more than a couple of days or I start getting heartburn/reflux at night. I think maybe it relaxes my upper stomach sphincter too much but I'm not sure. Or maybe the spiciness just irritates my stomach.

Wanted to ask you about guayasa, I've never heard of it before, quite interested in trying it. I'm guessing you have this whole powder, Guayusa Powder Bag, but then do you just mix it in the hot water and drink it after 5 minutes, drinking all the dregs and plant bits too? Or do you strain out the plant bits?
Yes I use the powder, it is pretty finely grinded and dissolves well in the hot water, I drink it all, I find it has a more enhanced effect then when straining the herb, you need to stir some when drinking, because some of the herb will settle to the bottom. It’s a wonderful herb.


Apr 13, 2017
I inhale hydrogen gas nowadays but when I started with hydrogen, I was drinking first thing in the morning and another bottle before lunch, typically on an empty stpmach. Have since stopped drinking and don’t inhale much these days but will probably pick it back up eventually.
I’m very interested in H2, did you get good effect from the water, what difference do you experience between inhaling the H2 and the water?
How long did you inhale each day, why did you stop?


Dec 28, 2021
Having a good bowl movement every day is the first and foremost thing you should be doing to heal your body.
Agree with this. I can't really say one substance or one lifestyle change that's my go to over a year's time, but honing in on digestion seem to be aiming me in a general good direction regarding overall health.


Apr 13, 2017
very interesting stuff, @Daniel11 ! I love ginger too, I love the way it makes me feel and the warming sensation in my stomach. Unfortunately I can't drink it more than a couple of days or I start getting heartburn/reflux at night. I think maybe it relaxes my upper stomach sphincter too much but I'm not sure. Or maybe the spiciness just irritates my stomach.

Wanted to ask you about guayasa, I've never heard of it before, quite interested in trying it. I'm guessing you have this whole powder, Guayusa Powder Bag, but then do you just mix it in the hot water and drink it after 5 minutes, drinking all the dregs and plant bits too? Or do you strain out the plant bits?
I find having honey with the ginger is important and synergistic for me, I use this organic ginger juice.



May 24, 2013
I find having honey with the ginger is important and synergistic for me, I use this organic ginger juice.

Lovely thank you, I might try that bottled juice as it appeals to my lazy side. I'm really craving a hot ginger drink now, so I'll try it soon with some honey and see if my stomach is OK with it.
I want to try the guayusa powder too, it looks like a nice alternative to tea.


Apr 13, 2017
Something not talked about that much in this forum, but is probably the single most important thing effecting our health is the kind of water we drink, if your drinking municipal water it is filled with chlorine, fluoride and often other chemicals.

“Chlorine is used to combat microbial contamination, but it can react with organic matter in the water and form dangerous, carcinogenic Trihalomethanes. According to Dr. Joseph M. Price, MD, in Moseby's Medical Dictionary, "Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. It is an insidious poison".


“The elevated fluoride from drinking water impacts on T3, T4 and TSH hormones.”

Impact of Drinking Water Fluoride on Human Thyroid Hormones: A Case- Control Study

It would be very difficult to fully regain your health unless your drinking clean water, if you are drinking municipal water I highly recommend you get a good water filter or water distiller, they sell small water distillers for very reasonable prices these days, I drank distilled water for years and my health got better, you can get your minerals by using a good salt on your food like Himalayan Pink Salt, its full of trace minerals.

The other excellent option is a good water filter, most on the market like BRITA are not effective at removing chlorine and other chemicals, I think the best from my experience and taste is Reverse Osmosis, either a good under the counter unit or nice counter top model, I really like this one.

AquaTru Carafe - AquaTru
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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