We Learn Faster When Our Choices Aren't Forced / Influenced


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
One of the most popular quotes by Peat states that "The attempt to steer a person can make it hard for them to move, because it inactivates their own guidance system". While he said it in the context of authoritarian systems designed to force/elicit specific actions from people, I have long suspected that such inactivation of innate guidance mechanisms applies to more abstract aspects of life as well, such as learning. The study below clearly demonstrated that when people are literally told what the "correct" answer/solution/protocol/principle/etc is this results in a dramatically slower rate of learning. Also, knowing that knowledge is temporary, conditional, flexible and context-dependent and fluid should quickly make one realize that most of the ostensibly "correct" answers imposed on learners are anything but. So, our schools may be simply factories for slow learning of (often) incorrect information. Cue the famous Pink Floyd song "Another Brick in The Wall" :): I can already hear the criticisms I get on a daily basis - "Come on Georgi, this is about some academic, unimportant concept of learning. When the stakes are high, people need discipline and robust instruction in learning!". Well, there is at least one study that shows new surgeons in training also learn faster and make fewer (potentially lethal) mistakes when nobody is "on their case". To the contrary, the study below also found that in the epitome of forced / influenced learning - the military - the low-ranking soldiers (who are the ones most often told what/how to learn/do) have almost no sense of agency/control and have poor learning skills.

The study below adds to a long line of evidence (consistently ignored by educational authorities) that conditioning people to learn abstract immutable absolutisms (especially by force) results in a very twisted approach to education/knowledge and towards life in general. This "forced learning" protocol in modern society/schools is precisely what Ivan Illich railed against in his treatise on public education, and also the fundamental premise behind "engineered consent" used so widely by politicians around the world. As the study below confirms yet again, people learn (and live) best when allowed to make free choices about the knowledge of and interaction with the world around them. Just as importantly, the study also found that people learned faster through rewards than through punishments. But even when learning through punishments, people still learned faster than when they were conditioned with instructions on what the "right" answer is, or what the "right" approach of solving a problem is. Considering these findings, if most of our learning is based on exactly the opposite approach of what is optimal for people, it is little wonder that the world is in existential crisis right now.

Information about action outcomes differentially affects learning from self-determined versus imposed choices | Nature Human Behaviour
We Learn Faster When We Aren’t Told What Choices to Make

"...Using disarmingly simple tasks, Palminteri’s team found choice had a clear influence on decision-making. Participants in the study observed two symbols on a screen and then selected one with the press of a key to learn, through trial and error, which image gave the most points. At the end of the experiment, the subjects cashed in their points for money. By careful design, the results ruled out competing interpretations. For example, when freely choosing between the two options, people learned more quickly from the symbols associated with greater reward than those associated with punishment, which removed points. Though that finding resembled a positivity bias, this interpretation was ruled out by trials that demonstrated participants could also learn from negative outcomes. In trials that showed the outcomes for both symbols after a choice was made, subjects learned more from their chosen symbol when it gave a higher reward and when the unchosen one would deduct a point. That is, in this free-choice situation, they learned well from obtained gains and avoided losses."

"...That result looked like a confirmation bias, with people embracing outcomes—positive or negative—that confirmed they were right. But there was more to it. The experiments also included “forced choice” trials in which the computer told participants which option to select. Here, though the subjects still pressed keys to make the instructed choices, confirmation bias disappeared, with both positive and negative outcomes weighted equally during learning. This impartiality might seem optimal, yet the learning rates were slower in the forced-choice situation than they were in the free-choice one. It is as though the participants were less invested in the outcomes—showing ambivalence about learning from them somewhat like a child woodenly practicing their scales on the piano to please a parent. Because the confirmation bias arose only during the free-choice situations, the authors dubbed it “choice-confirmation bias.” The tendency persisted in both poor and rich conditions, when rewards were scant or abundant. “Our human subjects were not capable of adjusting the bias as a function of the environment,” Palminteri says. “It seems to be hardwired.” This observation means the brain is primed to learn with a bias that is pegged to our freely chosen actions. Choice tips the balance of learning: for the same action and outcome, the brain learns differently and more quickly from free choices than forced ones. This skew may seem like a cognitive flaw, but in computer models, Palminteri’s team found that choice-confirmation bias offered an advantage: it produced stabler learning over a wide range of simulated conditions than unbiased learning did. So even if this tendency occasionally results in bad decisions or beliefs, in the long run, choice-confirmation bias may sensitize the brain to learn from the outcomes of chosen actions—which likely represent what is most important to a given person."

"...Another question raised by this research is: What might influence a person’s sense of control? It may be an inherent feature of an individual’s personality. Or it could be more pliable, as suggested by a recent study of people in the military in Belgium published in Nature Communications. The paper reported a greater sense of control among senior cadets, who are further along in their officer training and give orders, compared to privates, who obey them. The latter individuals’ sense of control, also called agency, was equally diminished in both free-choice and forced-choice situations. “They don’t experience agency, even when they’re free to choose what to do, which should not be the case,” says study leader Emilie Caspar of the Free University of Brussels (ULB)."


Sep 19, 2016
I've long felt this way about learning too. When you want to accomplish something, learning all the things around the subject becomes so much more interesting because it's relevant. At times it may seem slower since more observation is allowed to be involved (and safety). I think this is also relevant to working for yourself rather than on the clock. You're allowed to make better decisions to set yourself up for more effective protocols in the future, and better planning. It's also easier to take a breather and learn things correctly from others without feeling like an idiot.

I have a decent amount of friends who've gotten hurt in an attempt to rush or work harder or doing something rather than nothing, leading to "work make work" who've ended up creating problems as a result (Myself included).

It's amazing how complex the world is compared to what we visually see as a simple phenomenon. There's so much to learn.

There's so much anxiety revolving around it though from the outside looking in.
What about the people who are obsessed with learning everything?

"What if it's not good enough to make a living?" is a question I've been asking myself about a lot lately. I've been scooting by, but what about being successful and able to create a better future for society? I wonder how important fun is in conditioning that part of the mind.

...Removal from the social mask and other people's impositions/ linear thinking definitely helps with understanding what's going on sometimes.

It's a satisfying feeling to make something efficient/ long-lasting/"correct" compared to using conventional solutions for example. Learning can just be so intense and fun.. so many connections to be made.
Apr 1, 2021
This also happens in the workplace, when a new project appears, new protocols and rules are established, some employees feel forced to follow instructions already made without the power of thinking by themselves.
If you try to give your opinion they may say that's it's a great idea from the start, but nothing will be implemented.
It will be seen as stress and general motivation will decrease.


Mar 20, 2021
My oldest two daughters, are 17 and 14. I homeschooled both of them until about the age of 11. My oldest daughter is currently taking college classes as a high school student and maintains a perfect gpa.

The second daughter, on the other hand, has had a really difficult time with academics from the start. When she started going to a physical school she was way behind the other students in the class. The district conducted all sorts of horrifying tests for dyslexia and IQ and it was all around a difficult time with lots of crying on my part....

Then covid hit. I homeschooled her until last spring, not quite a year ago. During that time we just worked on material that was at her speed regardless of what the grade level was. Lots of reading interesting books that she picked and doing some math and keyboarding work. Not only was she able to work at her own pace without the stigma of being "slow" or "dumb", she was able to get the sleep she needed in the early morning, eat her own food at home, do lots of reading out in the sun in the yard on a blanket, and choose her own topics to research.

This year she is attending a project based Middle school, grades 5 through 8, and is ahead of grade level and is getting excellent grades. The kids have complete freedom in researching their own topics and designing their own visuals, and then present it to the rest of the kids. Sometimes they working groups but usually it is two kids per project. It has been so amazing to watch her progress under her own power.

For many families, the covid era was debilitating for children that were forced to be part of Google meet or zoom meetings all day. Sometimes there were no parents at home to help.... But for us, covid was an amazing opportunity to just pursue natural interests and this learning occurred organically and naturally in an exciting way!
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