Vitamin A Deficiency / Keratosis Pilaris


New Member
Sep 12, 2018

I am new to this forum and really hope that someone can give me some clues cause I feel helpless.

I am 24 years old female. When I was around 11/12 years old I got pretty bad keratosis pilaris on my arms and legs which is a clinical sign of vitamin A deficiency. When I was 14 I was on Accutane for a few months. It cured my acne completely but did nothing to KP.

For the last ten years I tried many different medication and supplements and none of them helped. I suppose that I have a vitamin A deficiency cause besides KP I also have very dry eyes and night blindness.

I tried beta carotene supplement. I didnt help KP but my hands and feet turned orange (it also happens when I eat lots of carrots and sweet potatoes too) which makes me think that I am a poor converter of beta carotene. I tried fermented cod liver oil which slightly smoothed out my skin. I could see a subtle difference but it never improved more even when I took a bigger dose. I tried liquid retinyl palmitate in olive oil which also improved the skin a bit. It didnt work better when I increased the dose. Now I am taking the emulsified version (around 15 000 IU daily). The situation is the same - it improved to the certain point (the skin is still pretty bad but I can see a difference) but it doesnt want to improve more regardless the dose.

I tried gluten free for two years which didnt make a difference. I dont eat dairy cause it makes my KP worse but only on my legs, the arms stay always the same. It never clears up fully even if I dont eat dairy for months. A year ago I supplemented vitamin d for a few months in winter and my KP got way worse. I dont think I have a problem with fat soluble vitamins cause when I was taking vitamin d I had a blood work done and it showed a big increase in this vitamin in my blood.

I was thinking about some thyroid problems but my TSH is 2,89. Two years ago it was around 1,5 but KP was the same. My ferritin is around 50. I have problems with cold hands and feet. I am always super cold in winter, way more than other people around me.

I feel like my body absorbs vitamin A (probably stores it in the liver) but cant use it properly.

I run out of ideas how to help myself. I cant wear short sleeves and shorts and it really ruins my self-esteem cause my skin looks really bad. Even the doctors say that they have never seen such a bad case but they cant help me. Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong and how I can improve it?
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Can be caused by low Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin K2. These can be found all in full-fat raw milk. Vit D you get from the sun or from egg yolks. Sources of pre-formed vitamin A are animal products and seafood – egg yolks, liver, and full-fat milk.

What can you can do against the bumps is daily gentle dry-brushing with a soft/medium brush. Apply some Apple Cider Vinegar. Use a light scrub gel to remove dead skin.

It could also be from too low Zinc. Zinc is also vital to skin health, and zinc interacts with vitamin A. Oysters, red meat, and poultry are excellent sources of zinc. Else it could be digestive problems or low stomach acid that is reducing nutrient absorption from food. Don't use anti-acids.

This condition can be triggered by high estrogen and low Vitamin A:

A quote from Ray Peat PhD:

"Vitamin A's effect on the skin opposes that of estrogen....vitamin A is necessary for proper the differentiation In the skin and other membranes. A deficiency tends to cause an increased rate of cell division, with the production of abnormal cells, and a substitution of keratinised cells for other types. Estrogen also promotes keratinization and speeds cell division. "

Therefore it can be helpful to use a skin cream with vitamin A and E. Also the use of aspirin and one daily raw carrot between meals will keep the estrogen down.
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Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
"I have problems with cold hands and feet."

I learned this can be from too much collagen synthesis via TGF-beta.

You could try a skin cream with Centella Asiatica in it that regulates collagen synthesis and inhibits TGF-beta. The google search results show it is used for Keratosis Pilaris.
CA also increased blood flow to small capillaries when used orally.
Also milk is good for blood flow to extremities.
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Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016

I am new to this forum and really hope that someone can give me some clues cause I feel helpless.

I am 24 years old female. When I was around 11/12 years old I got pretty bad keratosis pilaris on my arms and legs which is a clinical sign of vitamin A deficiency. When I was 14 I was on Accutane for a few months. It cured my acne completely but did nothing to KP.

For the last ten years I tried many different medication and supplements and none of them helped. I suppose that I have a vitamin A deficiency cause besides KP I also have very dry eyes and night blindness.

I tried beta carotene supplement. I didnt help KP but my hands and feet turned orange (it also happens when I eat lots of carrots and sweet potatoes too) which makes me think that I am a poor converter of beta carotene. I tried fermented cod liver oil which slightly smoothed out my skin. I could see a subtle difference but it never improved more even when I took a bigger dose. I tried liquid retinyl palmitate in olive oil which also improved the skin a bit. It didnt work better when I increased the dose. Now I am taking the emulsified version (around 15 000 IU daily). The situation is the same - it improved to the certain point (the skin is still pretty bad but I can see a difference) but it doesnt want to improve more regardless the dose.

I tried gluten free for two years which didnt make a difference. I dont eat dairy cause it makes my KP worse but only on my legs, the arms stay always the same. It never clears up fully even if I dont eat dairy for months. A year ago I supplemented vitamin d for a few months in winter and my KP got way worse. I dont think I have a problem with fat soluble vitamins cause when I was taking vitamin d I had a blood work done and it showed a big increase in this vitamin in my blood.

I was thinking about some thyroid problems but my TSH is 2,89. Two years ago it was around 1,5 but KP was the same. My ferritin is around 50. I have problems with cold hands and feet. I am always super cold in winter, way more than other people around me.

I feel like my body absorbs vitamin A (probably stores it in the liver) but cant use it properly.

I run out of ideas how to help myself. I cant wear short sleeves and shorts and it really ruins my self-esteem cause my skin looks really bad. Even the doctors say that they have never seen such a bad case but they cant help me. Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong and how I can improve it?
Hi there, I feel your pain. Have you tried to use coconut oil on the KP areas? I developed KP at 13 and used Retin-A until I was about 25 or so. The Retin-A did not completely eliminate it for me and left my skin feeling raw. Wanting to stop the Retin-A, I read somewhere that coconut oil was effective at eliminating KP so I tried it. In about 2 weeks my KP was completely gone. It is not a cure though. If you stop using the coconut oil, the KP comes back. Before going down the rabbit hole of theories and supplements, I would give it a go. It completely worked for me and there’s not much to lose trying it.


New Member
Sep 12, 2018
Can be caused by low Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin K2. These can be found all in full-fat raw milk. Vit D you get from the sun or from egg yolks. Sources of pre-formed vitamin A are animal products and seafood – egg yolks, liver, and full-fat milk.

What can you can do against the bumps is daily gentle dry-brushing with a soft/medium brush. Apply some Apple Cider Vinegar. Use a light scrub gel to remove dead skin.

It could also be from too low Zinc. Zinc is also vital to skin health, and zinc interacts with vitamin A. Oysters, red meat, and poultry are excellent sources of zinc. Else it could be digestive problems or low stomach acid that is reducing nutrient absorption from food. Don't use anti-acids.

This condition can be triggered by high estrogen and low Vitamin A:

A quote from Ray Peat PhD:

"Vitamin A's effect on the skin opposes that of estrogen....vitamin A is necessary for proper the differentiation In the skin and other membranes. A deficiency tends to cause an increased rate of cell division, with the production of abnormal cells, and a substitution of keratinised cells for other types. Estrogen also promotes keratinization and speeds cell division. "

Therefore it can be helpful to use a skin cream with vitamin A and E. Also the use of aspirin and one daily raw carrot between meals will keep the estrogen down.

Hi. Thank you so much for your response.

I dont have a vitamin D deficiency. I checked it many times. Its in upper normal ranger. I used to take vitamin D capsules with vitamin K2 and there was no difference to my KP. I was also taking good guality zinc which made no difference. Dry brushing and ACV don't help either. I tried.

I take plenty of vitamin A but somehow my body can't use it properly :(

I will ty out this raw carrots trick. I used progesterone cream for some time and there was no difference either so no idea if it can be estrogen.


New Member
Sep 12, 2018
Hi there, I feel your pain. Have you tried to use coconut oil on the KP areas? I developed KP at 13 and used Retin-A until I was about 25 or so. The Retin-A did not completely eliminate it for me and left my skin feeling raw. Wanting to stop the Retin-A, I read somewhere that coconut oil was effective at eliminating KP so I tried it. In about 2 weeks my KP was completely gone. It is not a cure though. If you stop using the coconut oil, the KP comes back. Before going down the rabbit hole of theories and supplements, I would give it a go. It completely worked for me and there’s not much to lose trying it.

Thank you very much :)

I use coconut oil on daily basis to moisturize my skin. I love how it nourishes it but unfortunately no difference to KP :(
Jul 9, 2017
I think what you are missing is Iodine and lots of it. I am 51 and I have suffered with KP all of my life. I have recently discovered that iodine may be the key to all of my health issues (KP included). According to a lecture by Stephanie Buist, ND most holistic medical doctors are using between 50 to 100 mg of iodine daily for their patients. Stephanie publicly stated she takes 100 mg per day. In the 1800's and early 1900's, doctors would 'prescribe' 300 to 2,000 mg of iodine daily to their patients. The first two days I took 100 mg and, today, day three, I am taking 200 mg (please note I am very overweight, hence the reason I am taking a little higher dose). It's too soon to tell if this is the solution but I do feel like I have more energy and less brain fog. You do have to take co-factors such as 200 mcg 0f selenium. The skin requires a large of amount of iodine. Iodine increases moisture in the skin and mucus membranes. I highly encourage you to read the book 'Iodine Crisis" by Lynne Farrow. There is a lot of information on iodine on the Curezone website but it is very confusing to navigate through. In the meantime, I would keep taking the Vitamin A (not beta carotene) and keep consuming good fats. Good luck and hopefully this is the answer to our problem!!


Jan 9, 2019

I am new to this forum and really hope that someone can give me some clues cause I feel helpless.

I am 24 years old female. When I was around 11/12 years old I got pretty bad keratosis pilaris on my arms and legs which is a clinical sign of vitamin A deficiency. When I was 14 I was on Accutane for a few months. It cured my acne completely but did nothing to KP.

For the last ten years I tried many different medication and supplements and none of them helped. I suppose that I have a vitamin A deficiency cause besides KP I also have very dry eyes and night blindness.

I tried beta carotene supplement. I didnt help KP but my hands and feet turned orange (it also happens when I eat lots of carrots and sweet potatoes too) which makes me think that I am a poor converter of beta carotene. I tried fermented cod liver oil which slightly smoothed out my skin. I could see a subtle difference but it never improved more even when I took a bigger dose. I tried liquid retinyl palmitate in olive oil which also improved the skin a bit. It didnt work better when I increased the dose. Now I am taking the emulsified version (around 15 000 IU daily). The situation is the same - it improved to the certain point (the skin is still pretty bad but I can see a difference) but it doesnt want to improve more regardless the dose.

I tried gluten free for two years which didnt make a difference. I dont eat dairy cause it makes my KP worse but only on my legs, the arms stay always the same. It never clears up fully even if I dont eat dairy for months. A year ago I supplemented vitamin d for a few months in winter and my KP got way worse. I dont think I have a problem with fat soluble vitamins cause when I was taking vitamin d I had a blood work done and it showed a big increase in this vitamin in my blood.

I was thinking about some thyroid problems but my TSH is 2,89. Two years ago it was around 1,5 but KP was the same. My ferritin is around 50. I have problems with cold hands and feet. I am always super cold in winter, way more than other people around me.

I feel like my body absorbs vitamin A (probably stores it in the liver) but cant use it properly.

I run out of ideas how to help myself. I cant wear short sleeves and shorts and it really ruins my self-esteem cause my skin looks really bad. Even the doctors say that they have never seen such a bad case but they cant help me. Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong and how I can improve it?
I hate to be so certain but you clearly sound hypothyroid, you have all of the symptoms. I would personally study carefully and deeply then choose the right dose and type of thyroid and start on it.

The cold
The inability to convert beta carotene and have a buildup of orange
The livers inability to process

Probably why iodine helped that other user who commented (though I would never take a dose that high...)

Obviously all Peat advice should be a given, no PUFA, calcium to phosphate, lots of alkaline minerals, low muscle meats, liver and oysters, plenty of fresh fruit OJ, some vitamin E etc.

With proper lifestyle changes you can get off the thyroid.

This thread is old so who knows, but maybe it'll help.


Had liver yesterday, this morning my temperature was higher than of late.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016

I am new to this forum and really hope that someone can give me some clues cause I feel helpless.

I am 24 years old female. When I was around 11/12 years old I got pretty bad keratosis pilaris on my arms and legs which is a clinical sign of vitamin A deficiency. When I was 14 I was on Accutane for a few months. It cured my acne completely but did nothing to KP.

For the last ten years I tried many different medication and supplements and none of them helped. I suppose that I have a vitamin A deficiency cause besides KP I also have very dry eyes and night blindness.

I tried beta carotene supplement. I didnt help KP but my hands and feet turned orange (it also happens when I eat lots of carrots and sweet potatoes too) which makes me think that I am a poor converter of beta carotene. I tried fermented cod liver oil which slightly smoothed out my skin. I could see a subtle difference but it never improved more even when I took a bigger dose. I tried liquid retinyl palmitate in olive oil which also improved the skin a bit. It didnt work better when I increased the dose. Now I am taking the emulsified version (around 15 000 IU daily). The situation is the same - it improved to the certain point (the skin is still pretty bad but I can see a difference) but it doesnt want to improve more regardless the dose.

I tried gluten free for two years which didnt make a difference. I dont eat dairy cause it makes my KP worse but only on my legs, the arms stay always the same. It never clears up fully even if I dont eat dairy for months. A year ago I supplemented vitamin d for a few months in winter and my KP got way worse. I dont think I have a problem with fat soluble vitamins cause when I was taking vitamin d I had a blood work done and it showed a big increase in this vitamin in my blood.

I was thinking about some thyroid problems but my TSH is 2,89. Two years ago it was around 1,5 but KP was the same. My ferritin is around 50. I have problems with cold hands and feet. I am always super cold in winter, way more than other people around me.

I feel like my body absorbs vitamin A (probably stores it in the liver) but cant use it properly.

I run out of ideas how to help myself. I cant wear short sleeves and shorts and it really ruins my self-esteem cause my skin looks really bad. Even the doctors say that they have never seen such a bad case but they cant help me. Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong and how I can improve it?
Hi there,
I don’t know if you saw my earlier comment in this thread, but have you tried virgin coconut oil? This has been a very good solution for me.

I have had KP since I was 13. I’m now 53. Back in the day, they said it was caused by allergies and I’m inclined to agree because I would have flare ups at the turn of a season, i.e. from winter to spring, spring to summer etc..

At that time, the doctors prescribed Retin-A, which in truth, was not a perfect solution. It really hurt my skin, got red and flakey and, over all, didn’t eliminate the bumps. I’m personally not sold on the vitamin A deficiency theory, I have always been a big dairy consumer and have a balanced diet. I doubt I’ve ever been deficient.
Anyway, applying coconut oil on my arms everyday keeps the KP away. I suspect the oil dissolves the hard little plugs. If I stop using it for several days in a row, the KP starts to come back.

Btw, I have a long history of hay fever and allergies which have mostly gone away now, but I was wondering, do you have allergies? Could there be a connection?
Apr 4, 2021
People with allergies usually excrete tons of mineralcorticoids for a tiny stressor. I think allergies are a typical case where the stress response is more damaging than the stressor itself.
Sodium reduces aldosterone and lidocaine resets tissue memory to a certain extent.
I have no allergies (that I am aware of) but I would research this angle first if I had.

Vitamin A usually normalises keratinisation and helps the skin producing defensive layers
Apr 4, 2021
A quote from Ray Peat PhD:

"Vitamin A's effect on the skin opposes that of estrogen....vitamin A is necessary for proper the differentiation In the skin and other membranes. A deficiency tends to cause an increased rate of cell division, with the production of abnormal cells, and a substitution of keratinised cells for other types. Estrogen also promotes keratinization and speeds cell division. "
Ah, perfect quote
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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