Various bodybuilders now get heart attacks and clotting

Mar 24, 2018
@youngsinatra Do you think the only way to lose fat naturally is to stimulate stress hormones or is it possible to achieve it by promoting glucose oxidation? Exemple use FAS/FAO inibhitor during exercise or inibhit PDK


Feb 14, 2022
@Highserotonin90 my guess is (at the moment) that IGF1 is a much better choice health wise than HGH, because it has a narrower window of effects. However, if I have to be critical, I lean towards judging IGF-1 as not beneficial for healthy aging. But it does seem to have some beneficial effects among the negative, and probably a time component. So it could be beneficial under some circumstances.

I'm myself far away from getting to a final conclusion - and I would say if you have a good reason to use it - do it without worries. I use it from time to time to increase fertility and speed up healing of sport injuries. While doing this, I have observed systemic but definitely also local effects on muscle growth. One month of daily use in one shoulder was enough to generate a visible size difference. So, yes, rotate and dont use it for too long without break.

@all Sorry for the distractions I wrote in this thread - but it was my way to express that I dont see clear evidence that more bodybuilders are dying than 5 years ago. Joe Linder was a very very unhealthy guy, I followed him since he became known, and you could see this. That he took the vaccine so may times or at all just made it maybe a bit worse (and shows his nativity regarding health). He would have died likely unvaccinated in a similar way.


In a recent Podcast with Bradley Martin, Jo said that his blood work looked terrible after the vaccination and that he got blood cleansing precidure afterwards showing heavy metals and flawed blood clotting factors etc.
I saw the shot twitter clip. His diet was appalling too. Low carb, fish oil and very low salt. He was also fond of wireless ear buds. It was always going to end badly.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
@Highserotonin90 my guess is (at the moment) that IGF1 is a much better choice health wise than HGH, because it has a narrower window of effects. However, if I have to be critical, I lean towards judging IGF-1 as not beneficial for healthy aging. But it does seem to have some beneficial effects among the negative, and probably a time component. So it could be beneficial under some circumstances.

I'm myself far away from getting to a final conclusion - and I would say if you have a good reason to use it - do it without worries. I use it from time to time to increase fertility and speed up healing of sport injuries. While doing this, I have observed systemic but definitely also local effects on muscle growth. One month of daily use in one shoulder was enough to generate a visible size difference. So, yes, rotate and dont use it for too long without break.

@all Sorry for the distractions I wrote in this thread - but it was my way to express that I dont see clear evidence that more bodybuilders are dying than 5 years ago. Joe Linder was a very very unhealthy guy, I followed him since he became known, and you could see this. That he took the vaccine so may times or at all just made it maybe a bit worse (and shows his nativity regarding health). He would have died likely unvaccinated in a similar way.
Dave palumbo a bodybuilder claimed on a podcast that hgh increased T4 to t3 conversion and leveks of T3? Does it also increase cortisol? Supposedly bodybuilders lose fat on hgh
Mar 24, 2018
@tasfarelel So if you always use it on the same point, the growth will not be homogeneous but local. Did I get it right ?


Nov 10, 2018
I thought cortisol encourages bellyfat.

Only if you have low DHEA and test. Both cortisol and adrenaline mobilize fat and other tissues to be oxidized but DHEA protects against the damage cortisol does
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