Tips on Donating Blood without Fainting Afterward?


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
The last time I donated blood, 15+ years ago, I was in college and ended up fainting afterward. It was probably 15-30 minutes later and I don't have any recollection of passing out. For this reason, I haven't donated blood since as I don't particularly enjoy losing consciousness. Now I am 35 and looking to donate blood again for its health benefits.

I'm relatively new to Peating but simply incorporating OJ and other carbohydrates, a daily raw carrot, some milk and limiting PUFAs has already made a significant difference in my health. Simply keeping my blood sugar stable throughout the day really has improved my mood and energy levels. For years in my twenties I consumed lowish carbohydrates and I'm pretty sure this wreaked havoc on my health and depleted my glycogen stores (I'd get weak and shaky at the gym from any exertion at all).

My question is this: what can I do to prevent fainting if I choose to donate blood? The typical advice is to stay hydrated and eat well the day of donation. Just wanted to see what you all have to suggest and see if anyone has had success dealing with this issue. I suspect many will say... OJ, milk and plenty of salt on the day of donation?


Mar 28, 2019
Blood donation is supposedly comparable to a loss of 700 calories so just make sure you're well fed before and after, I've only donated once and had half a litre of coke before I went in and was fine.


Oct 7, 2018
I donated blood only once too. I got lightheaded afterwards, the blood donation crew gave me a cookie and told me to lie down for a bit.

Another time I had my blood drawn first thing in the morning without eating and also felt lightheaded. The doctor gave me a can of Coke. I was fine pretty much right away.

So eat some sugar immediately after, maybe even some before, and you should be fine.


Jan 25, 2014
My question is this: what can I do to prevent fainting if I choose to donate blood?

Donating regularly might take care of this over time. It seemed to in my case.

The first time I did it, I was tired and lethargic the rest of the day. On subsequent attempts, it wasn't near as bad, and got to the point I could donate in the morning and go on with my day normally (sans any heavy lifting or extreme physical activity).
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