The more time you spend in the sun, the longer you live.



Feb 26, 2018
It does definitely seem to have worked for you! I’m northwestern European ancestry and have been a big sun bather my whole life. I’m 53 and think you look quite a bit younger than me. I still feel so good from the sun though that I’m not willing to stop in order to look younger.
Dont be too humble, you look super young as well!
Which shows that sun exposure doesn't have to necessarily age our skin a lot.
I think progesterone has strong skin protective effects, so that would surely help.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Dont be too humble, you look super young as well!
Which shows that sun exposure doesn't have to necessarily age our skin a lot.
I think progesterone has strong skin protective effects, so that would surely help.
Thank you kindly brother.


Dec 11, 2020
I SUN-BATHED the whole summer - stayed out in the sun for 4+ hours every day - NEVER got sunburned and my Skin is FLAWLESS - I think if you maintain 24/7 good metabolism you wont get skin damage as the full recovery occurs after - I actually CRAVED sun-bathing
would you mind sharing your age?


Dec 11, 2020
Thanks and I think its possible to do both-the face and neck provide very little surface area and much of the benefit of the sun in that area is through the eyes to the pineal gland. a person could probably get their entire vitamin D allotment in seasons when that is possible by full body exposure while protecting just the face and neck for instance. my whole point is i dont think its an "either/or". And i dont believe in black and white thinking. there are always many "in betweens"; but ultimately we all do what works for us and there is no right or wrong. From my experience, women are most empowered when they feel good in their bodies and their skin, however that manifests for them. Health and happiness are everything in this world and whatever gets a person/woman to those is right for that person or woman and there is not judgment.
And i would justlike to clarify and reiterate I am all for sun exposure and not avoiding it. Sunlight is necessary for health for sure. What I am saying is to be smart about it. Even Dr. Peat does say the sun is aging to the skin. So my strategy is to get the benefits without the damage; and for my skin type the only way to do that is to use protection at a certain point. Even with the protection, i have tons of freckles and continue to get them so im getting sun for sure, im just not baking myself.

Also, this is very dependent upon skin type. my skin type evidently is fair enough that i can get all of my vitamin D requirements in as little as 10 minutes full body exposure mid-day summer; so there is just no need to bake myself beyond that and beyond the minimal need for unprotected skin exposure, I enjoy the benefits of the light itself through my eyes to my pineal while not frying my skin and ending up one gigantic freckle.

I feel i have found a happy medium where i get all the benefits of sunlight, maintain optimal vitamin D levels, and maintain youthful skin and i would stand by this recommendation for those with a similar skin type to mine. Ive been following this lifestyle for decades and Dr. Peat never renounced zinc oxide as a sunscreen and in fact told me that it could be a huge plus as it would allow one to stay out in the sun much longer and derive even more benefit. If anything, Dr. Peat teaches using individual discernment and wisdom to attain maximum health benefit and is not rigid in generalized recommendations Just wanted to open up everyone here a bit to a continuum of possibility using this sun topic as an example.

Also, in many places, particularly in winter, it is impossible to meet all light and D needs with sunlight- this is where incandescent red light and vtiamin D supplementation come into play even more and Dr. Peat has recommended both quite voluminously.


Jul 10, 2016
This makes a bit of sense considering Spain will have the longest life expentacy in the coming decades.

Despite the cold of the central Spanish plateau it is the sunniest European nation after Greece, even with the disastrous socio economical conundrum there, with higher altitude so more Co2 retention.

It would be interesting to see how long life would be in high altude tropical regions like the Andes if a massive improvement in socio economic status took place, there are parts of south America, near the equator, where you can settle at 3,000 metres (9,,600 ft) with a year round afternoon temp of 18c or 64F.... and mostly sunny.... I believe human potential is far what we have been lead to think.


Jul 10, 2016
Beautiful isn't it? That area is just 150 or 200 km south of the high altude Sierra... so you would have access to sub tropical produce at a high altitude yet sunny european plateau... shame politics are trash in Spain right now and the population (most) are ignorant of their natural treasures.

Heaven for politicians I suppose.


Jul 10, 2016
They (most of the Spanish population) dont value the biodiversity of the peninsula... my heart cries every summer with the forest fires (many intentional) eating up patches of the pine forests of Iberia... fortunately there are more and more "ghost towns" all over Castile-La-Mancha and Castile and Leon and even Aragon that people seeking to escape the madness of the XXI century could flee to - But it's not being made easy by the European union's NWO mantra of control and dictatorial tyranny.


Jul 10, 2016
Search "ghost towns of spain" and you'll see the beauty of an environment that has been forced to be abandoned by leaving no other choice by lunatics In power and sheeple who only follow the standard flow of things.
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