The Mediterranean Diet


Jan 25, 2014
The fact that humans have a system to create unsaturated fats when non are available suggests that a normal, evolutionary, diet would have provided omega 3 and 6 at infrequent intervals with little or none most of the time. That would restrict them to functional locations and keep them out of general circulation and mostly out of storage depot.

I'll bet bushmen average two to five grams a week from seeds and bugs and whatever occurs naturally in the flesh of prey but sometimes near zero for weeks or months when the season turns and the only food around is the odd starchy root and a rat or a rabbit. I'm sure they eat any seeds they can gather that don't taste bad or have a bad reputation. The seeds in berries and fruits would certainly be chewed and swallowed (barring badness). Seasonal. Walking trade could bring dried fish and sea weed.

So, always skimming, slim to none. But when present, always dead fresh with co-occurring factors.

PUFA in dried fish is exposed. Carbon monoxide from smoking might preserve it. Iodine certainly does (from the fresh sea and fresh sea salt).


Jan 1, 2013
himsahimsa said:
RP said that the protocol that Budwig derived her therapy from used the flax seed oil as a purgative not a nutrient.

If you go to the Yahoo flaxseed oil group, you will read the huge quantities of flax seed oil they eat everyday, always blended to cottage cheese. Are you saying none of this oil gets into the circulation ?

I've myself consumed the budwig mix for a few years, and i did experience occasionally loose stools thereafter, but not always. If it didn't go out, then i absorbed it.

I might add the persons i introduced to this mix rather liked it's effect, and none complained of loose stools.

Johana's Budwig central claim is omega3 have disappeared from the blood of cancer patients, but can be found in normal people.

I've not read Peat disprove this.
How hard can it be to confirm/ infirm ?
And if true, then what does this mean ?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
burtlancast said:
Charlie said:
burtlancast said:
Lineseed exposed to air becomes rancid in only 15 minutes.
The Budwig followers are ingesting it by the gallon, blended with cottage cheese.

Once lineseed oil is bonded with the sulfate groups found in cottage cheese, it's protected from oxydation and becomes hydrosoluble , thus gets easily carried everywhere by the blood.

Budwig's rationale was the omega 3 PUFA are part of the respiratory complex chain in the mitochondria; by ingesting it, she theorized O2 consumption by the cancerous patient increases ( she had determined cancerous patients didn't have omega 3 PUFAS in their blood, contrary to normal folks).

Ray accepted these PUFAS have a definitive role in helping energy production inside the mitochondria, yet completely discounts their effects in Budwig's cancer plan.

Animals contain desaturase enzymes, and are able to produce
specific unsaturated fats (from oleic and palmitoleic acids) when deprived of the ordinary "essential fatty acids," [7] so it can be assumed that these enzymes have a vital purpose.

The high concentration of unsaturated fats in mitochondria-the respiratory organelles where it seems that these lipids present a special danger of destructive oxidation-suggests that they are required for mitochondrial structure, or function, or regulation, or reproduction.

Unsaturated fats have special properties of adsorption, [8] and are more soluble in water than are saturated fats.

The movement and modulation of proteins and nucleic acids might require these special properties. As the main site of ATP production, I suspect that their water-retaining property might be crucial.

When a protein solution (even egg-white) is poured into a high concentration of ATP, it contracts or "superprecipitates." This condensing, water-expelling property of ATP in protein solutions is similar to the effect of certain concentrations of salts on any polymer. It would seem appropriate to have a substance to oppose this condensing effect, to stimulate swelling [9, 10] and the uptake of precursor substances.

Something that has an intrinsic structure-loosening or water-retaining effect would be needed. The ideas of "chaotropic agents" and "structural antioxidants" have been proposed by Vladimirov [11] to bring generality into our understanding of the mitochondria.
Burtlancast, the reason I asked about the delta 6 desaturase enzyme was because I had personally previously tested as lacking this enzyme and the doctor that tested me didn't know what to make of it (no surprise there) or even how to advise me about the issue. The good news(not) was that I had an over abundance of omega 3 in my system. I'm thinking that is one of the things that led me to Peat, my search for information on 'essential fatty acids'. My health doesn't seem to be impaired in any way from not having the enzyme as long as I keep pufa minimal so it's probably not important but still is interesting. Maybe people with the delta 6 desaturase enzyme are able to use the miniscule amounts of omega 6 that would be in a more ancient type diet for some good while someone like me just can't do anything with them at all? It's supposedly an inherited trait but that might just be more genetic fallacy for all I know.
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