Severe Anxiety


Nov 14, 2019

For the past months, I have waves of anxiety I feel discomfort in my heart, I can't sleep, I find it hard to talk to friends and family my throat closes up etc.

The past 1-2 weeks this has gotten out of hand, I am almost living with a constant feeling of anxiety and I even have panic attacks, I went to my local GP (yes I live in the UK) and they wanted to prescribe me anti-depressants but they didn't, they just gave me some websites and phone numbers so I "can talk to people".

I cannot cope, I just slept for 4 hours after 2-3 days of 0 sleep, I don't want to go to school because I find it really hard to communicate even with friends I've known for ages.

I wanted to mention that I have Chrons Disease, I found this article that mentions that says "This anxiety prevalence is much higher than expected by chance, and it is especially high in patients with Crohn's disease." which makes me lean on the side of it being the effect of Chrons: IBD Patients Suffer from Anxiety

I never had any type of anxiety in the past, especially on this level. The symptoms appeared around a month before I got diagnosed with chrons (when the symptoms of typical chrons started).

My diet is "specific carbohydrate diet" based on the book "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" which was recommended to me from a user in this forum (also a friend that is a big researcher on this topic), I find it hard to stick to the diet and I often eat way more carbs than I should but I am slowly cutting back.

My question is; is there anything I can do? I cannot live like this anymore, I find it really hard to do basic things and just this feeling of anxiety is not pleasant. I would truly appreciate any response that can hopefully go on easing my pain.

Kind Regards,


Sep 15, 2013
Serotonin is definitely at play, using something like Lisuride or Metergoline and seeing how you feel would help you as far as diagnostics are concerned.

I would go to the supermarket and buy the most nutrient dense 100% organic deep leafy greens and saute them in coconut oil, and see how you react to the taste, especially if you haven't had any greens in a while (it happens to the best of us Peat folk). Crush a clove of garlic into this and add salt to taste. This is a very sulfur rich meal, and will assist with detoxification.

I have come to view anxiety as coming from 2 varieties: the psychological and the physiological. The psychological makes sense and can be alleviated with therapy (ex: I have anxiety about an upcoming performance in front of 300 people, that's normal, it makes sense). The physiological not only doesn't respond to therapy, it is usually irrational (fear of your friends and talking to family, especially if you had open healthy relationships beforehand). If you are addressing your nutritional needs your body should be helping you. Every day the evidence piles up that many psychological maladies are heavy metal poisoning. Read up on the symptoms of various metals and see if any of it vibes with you.

If you have access to a dry sauna, use it. The greens test, if it goes down as something that you absolutely love (I know this is subjective but I'm counting on you to know yourself and be honest) may indicate a metals issue.

Youtube recipes to make magnesium bicarbonate water and begin consuming it as soon as you can. It'll calm things down and give you a chance to breathe while you do some more research and try to figure out what's going on.

In summary my 2 cents: Might be low calories, serotonin issues from the Crohn's, or metals poisoning. Eat well, see how you react to certain foods, look up what they contain and follow the thread.
Nov 21, 2015
Pregnenolone can help a great deal with anxiety. So can a little progesterone. I like the metergoline suggestion.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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