serotonin, stress, endotoxin


Jul 4, 2015
OK I'm still in the midst of this nervous breakdown. I've decided to go back to trying a little bit of the old RBTI regime and drinking juice of milk every 30 minutes to see if this stress response is due to my blood sugar dropping and bacterial infection fermenting ***t in my gut.. The past few days I had a lot of gas and I'm still running on stress hormones in the night. Now I'm getting boogers up my nose. I'm gonna give this a try for a few weeks .. I don't fully understand what all this means but I'm pretty sure I have a b12 deficiency which I think is due to not converting b12... In my blood tests my b12 came back in the high range at 753 but apparently that can mean I'm not converting and I was a vegan for 9 years in my 20/30's I feel like I have a lot of symptoms and I don't have anything to loose to try this out. I've tried about everything else.. Any suggestions or if anyone can explain what is going on with high serotonin and endotoxin would be great. I'm gonna read some articles and then get off line, this computer messes me up after a few hours . Oh and yes I'm taking a b12 sup now and also supplementing potassium which I think I was low on..


Nov 9, 2012
Drinking OJ or milk every 30 mins won't necessarily be a good thing to keep blood sugar up and stress down. If you rely on this for your energy, then as soon as you forget to get sugar or at bedtime, you'll run out of it and get low blood sugar or stress. In my experience eating that way destroys the ability to keep blood sugar nice and stable. I know its counter-intuitive at first, I was also doing the same thing initially after reading Peat - I was prone to nervous breakdown and lightheadedness sort of symptoms so my thinking was to keep continuously fed, which made things even worse without me even realising it. The more you get the breakdown the more you'll go into that mode of survival feeding with stress hormones going to the roof every day. After this personal experience and reading about insulin and sugar regulation, I feel this is not the right way to think about it. Sometimes nervous breakdown has nothing to do with endotoxin, it is much simpler - just energy deficiency from an inappropriate diet, regardless of the amount of calories.


Jul 4, 2015
So how did you fix it JYB.. ?
I was eating peat like before this happened and getting around 2000 cals a day. Everytime I go back to eating normally I get high pulse and temps.. SO it seems that for now I can only do milk and sugar and a meal in the evening and one at lunch


Jul 4, 2015
When I say peat like I was eating 3 main meals and 3 snacks a day. Eating eegs with fruit or starch in the am, then lunch was fish or oxtail with fruit and potatoes then same for dinner. snacks were cheese and fruit. I felt great for a while but think I was running on adrenaline and then went down hill very quickly.. Other suggestions?
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