Serotonin, SSRI drugs may be the cause of IBD, Parkinson's, diabetes, etc.


Mar 20, 2021
I don't think the CIA was using it as a mind control tool. It was using it as a truth serum, as some of their own research suggested serotonin promotes lying/slyness while lowering serotonin had the opposite effect. I'd say this is probably a valid hypothesis, but what the CIA did not take into account is that the defectors they used LSD on were all interrogated in obviously very stressful settings (e.g. military installations), often accompanied by torture, so whatever "truth-telling" effects LSD may have got drowned by the instinct for survival and the stress of torture/interrogation. In a social, uninhibited setting, LSD and other anti-serotonin agents probably promote being truthful. It is not a coincidence that "artistic" types are often very blunt and socially "awkward" in public. They tend to have high dopamine / low serotonin and find rigid settings demanding fake and hierarchical behavior abhorrent and will often tell the truth to the embarrassment of everybody around them.
I am this awkward person ?... Talk too much, too loud, and I seem to describe the "elephant" in the room that everyone else was pretending to ignore...

This all worsened a few years ago when I quit drinking...


Apr 19, 2020
I think this is a very reasonable explanation - i.e. "benign" drugs that are mass-prescribed serving as a gateway to becoming hooked on the medical system, with steadily declining health in the process. The PPI drugs are another great example of a "gateway" drug, and are perhaps the most prescribed in developed countries. If you search the forum for PPI you will see just how many studies on their detrimental effects there are. And unsurprisingly, there is a pill/treatment for virtually all of those side effects, and those pills have their own side effects and there are more pills for those and so on ad-nauseam. Considering the PPI drugs are now approved for even infants, the medical/pharma industry has basically ensured it will have an unending and steady supply of clients for as long as people are willing to consume that poison.
Thanks @haidut and @JRK. I have noticed this "general trend" in standard medical treatment for a variety of diagnosis - "One thing (medication) leads to another, which leads to another (medication), which leads to another." Ad infinitum or ad nauseum, whichever comes first. Excellent for a business model, Cha-Ching!, but the losers are us humans.

Specifically regarding serotonin and the scourge of anti-serotonin drugs and "promoted foods/diet" that inhibit serotonin in the last 50 years, I remember clearly years ago in an anatomy/physiology course the professor saying something to the effect of "..the intestines have a lot more to do with the immune system than these textbooks state. Just look at the lymph nodes near and connected to the intestinal wall for example." A functioning GI tract is the cornerstone of good health.

It seems to me the medical establishment is playing the same game with health(disease) and serotonin as they are with health(disease) and estrogen. I guess that's why some folks call it Rockefeller Medicine. (Who controls the Medical universities and textbooks controls the medicine show.) I am deeply grateful of the information and collaboration of all on this site, and Ray Peat of course, in more realistic avenues to true health. Carry on.


Mar 2, 2021
Thanks for posting this @haidut. A hypothesis that I have been considering as of late.
For many years we have heard that marijuana is a gateway drug to more of what are considered detrimental drugs such as cocaine, heroin, meth amphetamine, and as of late OxyContin.
My thoughts are that what if,(and this is based upon observations of people around me). What if you start out with asthma and they give you a glucocorticoid inhaler with instructions,”to just use it as you need it”. Eventually that glucocorticoid is not strong enough for your symptoms so they increase the dose, and the cycle continues, then one day you go to the doctor and they find that you now have high blood pressure so they prescribe an ACE inhibitor and of course reduce your salt intake, so now you take the ACE inhibitor but your using your inhaler more because you have reduced the ACE 2 in your body but your bradykinan levels have risen and your,”asthma” seems worse so you now are using the glucocorticoid more often and not only raising your cortisol levels higher, but also your aldosterone levels due to the reduced salt as well as (I think this might be true) the ACE inhibitors effects upon the RAS. Invariably this rise in these stress hormones will also cause estrogen to rise as well as serotonin due to the stress put on the entire system.
The combination of cortisol (both endogenous and prescribed) and serotonin levels rising feeds into the feelings of anxiety and depression, which they will monitor and try different techniques such as therapy, hypnosis, and of course meditation to relieve these feelings. But as we know these things appear to be mildly and temporarily effective at best. So now they start you on a low dose of SSRI’s,” just to see if it will relieve the anxiety and depression”. This of course just opens up more problems with the above mentioned more serious diseases.
Oh and I almost forgot, they would also recommend that you get some rest and relaxation which is not bad advice, and avoid doing any physical activities that involve lifting or physical movements that aggravate the aches and pains you are experiencing . This of course leads to a sedentary type of life which will feed more cortisol due to muscles not being used and being canabalized and turned to fat which of course upregulates estrogen.
But you might want to get away to somewhere tropical and for that you will of course need a COVID vaccination.
This ought to be put into a visual.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This all worsened a few years ago when I quit drinking...

Interesting, so quitting alcohol made you more blunt/direct? In many people it is usually the opposite, which probably led to the famous Roman saying "In vino veritas" - i.e. drunk people tend to tell the truth...even if they embellish it a little (or a lot!).


Mar 20, 2021
Interesting, so quitting alcohol made you more blunt/direct? In many people it is usually the opposite, which probably led to the famous Roman saying "In vino veritas" - i.e. drunk people tend to tell the truth...even if they embellish it a little (or a lot!).
When I was drinking, in social situations, I thought everything and everyone was so cool and funny and sophisticated.. I quit because I never wanted to stop at 2 or 3, and I was getting really sick after- estrogen dominance and sluggish liver I suspect...

Anyway, now I find social situations to be pretty boring, and like you said, the social rules of small talk and being polite or excruciatingly painful. It can be a lonely place however.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Anyway, now I find social situations to be pretty boring, and like you said, the social rules of small talk and being polite or excruciatingly painful. It can be a lonely place however.

Story of my life:):


Mar 20, 2021
Story of my life:):
We just need more like-minded social gatherings...Im always in the live chat during the Friday podcasts.

Spending time with my 4 children (ages 7-16) is my favorite social pastime now. I homeschool my 13 year old. Really enjoy your 10-MH, it lends to spontaneous and non-introspective humor and social ease.... Life feels easier - kind of like being a kid again too...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
We just need more like-minded social gatherings...Im always in the live chat during the Friday podcasts.

Spending time with my 4 children (ages 7-16) is my favorite social pastime now. I homeschool my 13 year old. Really enjoy your 10-MH, it lends to spontaneous and non-introspective humor and social ease.... Life feels easier - kind of like being a kid again too...

God bless you and your family! I think times like these will make many people realize a "career" or "status" really mean nothing if they have nobody close to share their life with.


Apr 5, 2016
God bless you and your family! I think times like these will make many people realize a "career" or "status" really mean nothing if they have nobody close to share their life with.

Very true.


Mar 23, 2016
Where's the evidence that LSD is anti-serotonin? I've brought it up in the past but nobody has shown me anything on it
Does anyone have any evidence showing this?

I cannot find any study that shows that it is an antagonist
Where's the evidence that LSD is anti-serotonin? I've brought it up in the past but nobody has shown me anything on it
This is an interesting read. It goes into some theories about LSD’s possible inhibitory/antagonistic mechanisms:

Last edited:
Jun 30, 2021
Does anyone have any evidence showing this?

I cannot find any study that shows that it is an antagonist

This is an interesting read. It goes into some theories about LSD’s possible inhibitory/antagonistic mechanisms:

Considering he is well-versed in surfing medical journals and studies, it seems like @haidut doesn't have any evidence on LSD being anti-serotonin either. He is just repeating what Peat says as gospel.
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