Research paper showing endocrine changes in Chernobyl liquidators throughout the years


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I found this very interesting research paper showing the endocrine changes in serum hormones of the Chernobyl liquidators throughout the years

Good find, thanks. So, despite the early increases, the log-term changes of thyroid function were downwards. This confirms other studies who have shown that most of the negative effects of non-lethal dose radiation are concentrated in the thyroid gland. From the study:
"...The long research shows that there is gradual decline in T3, T4, and TSH. The obtained regression formulae give an opportunity to predict further decline of these indices at least in the next 3-5 years. Through the dispersion factor analysis we found out that in the first years after the disaster radiation factor influence prevailed on the change of these indices but after 30 years the influence of the age factor has become more significant."
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