Red Light Exposure Directly To Male's Testes Increases Testosterone/Fertility



Mar 25, 2015
Agree with @Strongbad on this one. These phillips heats bulbs (and general infrared 1000nm+ and blue) are NOT suitable for testicle light therapy whatsoever. The testicles hang outside of the torso for a reason - they need to be cooler than the rest of the body. Applying heat to the testicles will give negative results.

A strong source of LED light around 620-670nm has got to be optimal. 700-950nm is probably fine too, in low doses.


Jan 2, 2015
just thought I'd let anyone that cares know that you won't burn your testes using this light ... g=f038b-20

I did it for 10 whole minutes longer then you would most likely need to and the only downside was my wife is sure I'm an idiot now. I am not going to be doing it anymore as I am not concerned with increasing testosterone/fertility. Just thought I would let someone thinking about buying a light for this know. This one works just take it out of the housing. I guess the wave length is a little high it's 850nm and the optimal would be 600-720nm but the site says up to 950nm is safe.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Dec 2, 2015
You guys are killing me! When I read the posts from y'all using the "heat source" red lights I thought I was going to die! What an image. :rolling

I have been using LLLT in my practice ( I have the ML 830 LLL laser) for years with nothing short of amazing results. I have not tried it on testicles nor semen yet to enhance fertility or testosterone production. I may test it on progressive motility in post thaw frozen stallion semen for my own edification. I have some "abandoned" frozen semen in my LN2 tank anyway so I'll put it to good use.

Yeah, I bet ur nutz moved away from the heat! Now your sperm will perform tight circles for months!

Oh and something to ponder. I have a veterinary acquaintance who is studying LLLT on neurons. They are finding (not published yet) that delivering any more than 5-6 joules to a site begins to alter the mitochondrial DNA. I am not sure how or that they even know how yet but it drives my potential treatment strategies with this technology.
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May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
This rat study shows that 30-min exposure to 200mW LLLT for 5 days raised testosterone levels by 760%+

I concur with the statements that it has to be red light, not infrared. So, use an LED or LLLT device, that converts most of the emitted energy into red light and not heat.
Figure 4 showing cellular hemorrhaging and this quote is kinda damning for all those putting 850nm bulbs on their balls.
"On histopathological examination, there were no definite changes in the 670 nm wavelength group. In the 808 nm wavelength group, there were such findings as an atrophy of the seminiferous tubules, disarrangement of sertoli cells, generation of giant multinucleated bodies and other deformities. It is apparent that the adverse effects occurred but serum T level was not increased following a 5- day course of irradiation with an 808-nm wavelength at n intensity of 360 J/cm2 /day"


Jul 22, 2012
Thank you Red Light Man for the red light option.
What I'm wondering about is how the incandescent option
compares to RLM's LED option
in terms of health impact, cost, and comfort.

Let me note that I'm one of those (maybe the only one!) who can't escape the conclusion
that Peat is mistaken about his favored red light source--
the 130V heat lamp run at 120V,
putatively moving the delivered spectrum back more into the desirable 620-850nm range.
Seems to me like that setup shifts the spectrum out more into the infrared.
(This discussion is on the forum somewhere--it was several years ago.)

So, I've long used the regular 300V incandescent bulbs.
Not the heat lamps--130V or 120V.
Halogen seems like a good or even maybe better option than incandescent,
but...more blue/greenish light perhaps and hot.

Here is a chart comparing the emissions and wavelength spectrums...

heelspurs comparative.gif Peat has said red light is the best,
and (forgive me if I'm a little off here, but)...roughly in the 620-850nm range.
He has said a continuous spectrum is probably better than a narrowly focus spectrum.

I would consider RML's technology.
But, the cost of one of his red light unit's is $150.
For that money I could buy about 10 x 300watt incandescent bulbs
and sockets and reflective housings, delivering about 3,000watts.

On the negative side, arguably, with that arrary I am still getting quite a lot of other spectrums,
and quite a lot of heat--though nowhere near as much as heat lamps,
and not really too unpleasant: I don't usually use 10 bulbs...more like 1-4.

Seems like RLM's red light unit is very cool.
How does the power compare, I wonder?
Each of those units runs on 100watts.
Does that mean it is about 1/3 as powerful as a 300w incandescent bulb,
but with that output being more focused in the 620-650nm range,
so perhaps given that concentration in the narrow spectrum...
I don't know...maybe about as powerful as one 300w incandescent bulb
in terms of Peatish wavelengths?

RLM's light would seem to be a hands down winner in terms of comfortableness,
unless one is trying to use the lights as a heat source.

Also I wonder about the health impact
of being able to shine RLM's unit in a focused way very close to the skin.
On the one hand that would seem to be desirable
if one is trying to heal a specific area.
On the other hand,
if one is going for a generalized healing effect,
would it be better to be shining the light over the whole body?

I'm also wondering if RLM's red light unit sends light any deeper into the body.
I guess one could get that idea,
seeing how one could place it very close to the skin
and have it focused intensely on a small area.
But...I'd lean towards thinking the light is of the same nature as an incandescent light--
I mean, it is not a laser--
so probably the light from his unit penetrates to the same depth as an incandescent bulb...?

Just some questions I've been ticking over in my mind
as I look at RLM's products.
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May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Agree with @Strongbad on this one. These phillips heats bulbs (and general infrared 1000nm+ and blue) are NOT suitable for testicle light therapy whatsoever. The testicles hang outside of the torso for a reason - they need to be cooler than the rest of the body. Applying heat to the testicles will give negative results.

A strong source of LED light around 620-670nm has got to be optimal. 700-950nm is probably fine too, in low doses.
I wonder if this would be a good set up to try. Could potentially act as a "wand" and for people wanting facial anti aging effects. The bulb would need some testing: LED Wholesalers Par38 12 Watt 660 Nm RED LED Grow Light Budding Flowering Fruiting, x1315RD: Automotive


Oct 6, 2015
I have been using 250 watt incandescent bulb shining directly over my body, fully naked, at distance of about 1.5 meters, it almost always gives me a strong increase in libido pretty quickly. Any one else experience this? Anyone know what mechanism it's acting upon to stimulate this sensation


Jul 27, 2016
This rat study shows that 30-min exposure to 200mW LLLT for 5 days raised testosterone levels by 760%+

I concur with the statements that it has to be red light, not infrared. So, use an LED or LLLT device, that converts most of the emitted energy into red light and not heat.

Anyone find a light like this and test it with success?
I've never seen anything give a boost that big to testosterone. Onion juice was around 200%; I had success sometimes (extreme burst of muscular energy to work out; voice extremely deepened, feeling like the king of the jungle), however the onion juice appeared to only be effective if I swished it around in my mouth as violently as possible; trying to absorb it under the tongue and thus in the bloodstream. The longer I swished it the more power it seemed to give. The downside was it caused a lot of tongue pain.
This red light stuff looks worth experimenting with, especially when winter comes. Appears to be no negatives to it.


Jan 6, 2015
Anyone find a light like this and test it with success?
I've never seen anything give a boost that big to testosterone. Onion juice was around 200%; I had success sometimes (extreme burst of muscular energy to work out; voice extremely deepened, feeling like the king of the jungle), however the onion juice appeared to only be effective if I swished it around in my mouth as violently as possible; trying to absorb it under the tongue and thus in the bloodstream. The longer I swished it the more power it seemed to give. The downside was it caused a lot of tongue pain.
This red light stuff looks worth experimenting with, especially when winter comes. Appears to be no negatives to it.
That Onion juice is interesting, never heard that before. Do you now what might be the mechanism for it to increase T?


Jul 27, 2016
That Onion juice is interesting, never heard that before. Do you now what might be the mechanism for it to increase T?

I can only think that it's the sulfur causing a testosterone boost:
Onion & Garlic for Increased Testosterone - Lift Big Eat Big

another link too: Onions + Ginger - both boost testosterone in rats

"Scientists conducted the study with rats, using a juicer to create onion juice that was fed directly into the stomach of rats via a tube."

Since it's going directly in the stomach is what caused me to practice the swishing around the mouth violently to try and get some absorbed into the bloodstream under my tongue.
I noticed much more enhanced effects the longer I was able to swish it around, but the tongue/mouth pain after was the difficulty.
I used to cut onions in half and just use half. I would wrap the other half in a paper towel and put in the fridge. I noticed when stored in the fridge for even a day; the onion would lose its sulfur punch and the beneficial effect would not occur.

I also remembered the first times it felt sort of like a burning in my stomach (but not painful, just a weird feeling) Putting it through a juicer also creates instant tear gas.
Now that I think of it, I wonder if exposure to onion gas can help kill bacteria in the nasal passage/eyes.

"The results were nothing short of impressive; over a 300% increase in serum testosterone levels after 20 days for the group of rats that were given 1 gram of raw onion juice per kilogram of bodyweight. LH, FSH and overall sperm quality was increased in the blood for this group as well. It has been stated that in 1967 an Egyptian researcher found that an intake of onion juice increased the testes in lab animals, although I have been unable to find this research myself.

The link also mentions garlic, but I've had mostly negative effects with garlic, and am not sure if it contains a different type of sulfur(if different types even exist) or if I over-sulfured myself or some other effect. Otherwise sulfur antagonizes copper, but to what degree I know not.

While these results are astounding, and make me want to carry a gallon of onion juice with me at all times, how much of a carry-over there is for humans has not been fully researched. The onion juice was given to the rats directly into their stomachs via a tube, bypassing the normal digestive system. It is unknown whether digestive enzymes would affect the raising of testosterone levels from onion juice. It is also important to note that most readers of LBEB are not lab rats, and are not men from Iran suffering from infertility issues. Most of us have high levels of testosterone already due to our diet and training programs. Still, drinking 1 gram of onion juice per kilogram of bodyweight seems like a great way to test your testicular/ovarian fortitude."

I remember when I was doing the experiment I went around telling others at work that "I'm on the juice". They would be like oh your taking steroids? Then I would say no man, I'm on the onion juice.
I think it's worth experimenting with just to use that punch line.


Dec 4, 2014
I can only think that it's the sulfur causing a testosterone boost:
Onion & Garlic for Increased Testosterone - Lift Big Eat Big

another link too: Onions + Ginger - both boost testosterone in rats

"Scientists conducted the study with rats, using a juicer to create onion juice that was fed directly into the stomach of rats via a tube."

Since it's going directly in the stomach is what caused me to practice the swishing around the mouth violently to try and get some absorbed into the bloodstream under my tongue.
I noticed much more enhanced effects the longer I was able to swish it around, but the tongue/mouth pain after was the difficulty.
I used to cut onions in half and just use half. I would wrap the other half in a paper towel and put in the fridge. I noticed when stored in the fridge for even a day; the onion would lose its sulfur punch and the beneficial effect would not occur.

I also remembered the first times it felt sort of like a burning in my stomach (but not painful, just a weird feeling) Putting it through a juicer also creates instant tear gas.
Now that I think of it, I wonder if exposure to onion gas can help kill bacteria in the nasal passage/eyes.

"The results were nothing short of impressive; over a 300% increase in serum testosterone levels after 20 days for the group of rats that were given 1 gram of raw onion juice per kilogram of bodyweight. LH, FSH and overall sperm quality was increased in the blood for this group as well. It has been stated that in 1967 an Egyptian researcher found that an intake of onion juice increased the testes in lab animals, although I have been unable to find this research myself.

The link also mentions garlic, but I've had mostly negative effects with garlic, and am not sure if it contains a different type of sulfur(if different types even exist) or if I over-sulfured myself or some other effect. Otherwise sulfur antagonizes copper, but to what degree I know not.

While these results are astounding, and make me want to carry a gallon of onion juice with me at all times, how much of a carry-over there is for humans has not been fully researched. The onion juice was given to the rats directly into their stomachs via a tube, bypassing the normal digestive system. It is unknown whether digestive enzymes would affect the raising of testosterone levels from onion juice. It is also important to note that most readers of LBEB are not lab rats, and are not men from Iran suffering from infertility issues. Most of us have high levels of testosterone already due to our diet and training programs. Still, drinking 1 gram of onion juice per kilogram of bodyweight seems like a great way to test your testicular/ovarian fortitude."

I remember when I was doing the experiment I went around telling others at work that "I'm on the juice". They would be like oh your taking steroids? Then I would say no man, I'm on the onion juice.
I think it's worth experimenting with just to use that punch line.

I remember reading a story from Indonesia about a guy showing up at the doctors to complain about his uncomfortable libidinous thoughts.

He was drinking ginseng tea and his blood test indicated his DHT was several times higher than the normal limit. He didn't have any physiological problems, but the docs recommended he stop drinking the tea.

I happened to be at a Chinese tea shop in Sydney once, and on the menu was "genuine" brewed ginseng tea. I drank the whole pot because it was delicious, and later that night it gave me a massive pain in the balls. Naturally, I recalled the story of the Indonesian...

My girlfriend was trying to get pregnant during this time. Long story short, it felt like I was ejaculating a lizard-wizard. And nine months later, a boy was born.

Make of this story what you will.


Oct 15, 2016
Are you sure this was not the story about the oh-so-raved-about butea superba?


Jul 10, 2021
I’ve been using Philips light bulb on my testicles for some time now and don’t know if it has done any damage or not. After reading this thread I got really paranoid as I’ve I’ve been feeling a tingling pain in my left testicle and the abdomen on the same side. Could I have done any permanent damage to my testicles from the near and infrared incandescent light? Would really appreciate some light on this @haidut


I’ve been using Philips light bulb on my testicles for some time now and don’t know if it has done any damage or not. After reading this thread I got really paranoid as I’ve I’ve been feeling a tingling pain in my left testicle and the abdomen on the same side. Could I have done any permanent damage to my testicles from the near and infrared incandescent light? Would really appreciate some light on this @haidut
Shouldn't be much different from eggs cooking in the sunlight.
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