Progesterone Oral Vs Topical


Nov 28, 2016
I was wondering what kind of experiences you guys have had with progesterone using different routes of administration. Personally, I find oral and topical completely different in terms of effects. Topical, it seems to have the stronger anti estrogen effect. I assume it gets into the blood unconverted. Weirdly, it doesn't seem to have any anti stress effects for me administered this way. Orally, it doesn't seem to have the same anti estrogen effects but has a great mood boost and stress relieving effect. I think this may be from allopregnanolone conversion, something I'm woefully deficient in. It also dramatically increases my confidence. It's basically like being drunk without the impairment. Basically, it almost feels like a different supplement. Curious if anyone can chime in with their experience. If anyone is wondering, I use 3mg per day.
Glad I found this thread, as I think I have come across something really helpful. Short story is that after going off trt cold turkey several months ago due to unpleasant sides, combined with an insanely stressful job and life overall, I was going downhill fast...low energy, numerous negative mental changes, terrible sleep, reduced libido, etc. I had been on physiological injectable trt for about 3 years. I am 68 and in great shape overall if labs and physical appearance mean anything. Worst of all BY FAR was increasing tingling, numbness and pain in my feet and ankles. I'm sure at this point cortisol and all the other bad stuff was off the charts. Anyway, out of desperation, after reading Peats article about anti stress effects of progesterone, I applied a full dose of my wife's micronized bioidentical progesterone cream 20 mgs to a hairless area yesterday and the results have been dramatic to the point of 80 to 90% reduced symptoms, calmer disposition and much better sleep. I am also using a drop of Tyromix daily which I've had for a while and which never gave me this kind of result. I also use a reduced dose of energin from time to time... again great supplement but no subjective benefit afaik. I think I should cycle this but not sure how best to do it.



Jul 10, 2016
Glad I found this thread, as I think I have come across something really helpful. Short story is that after going off trt cold turkey several months ago due to unpleasant sides, combined with an insanely stressful job and life overall, I was going downhill fast...low energy, numerous negative mental changes, terrible sleep, reduced libido, etc. I had been on physiological injectable trt for about 3 years. I am 68 and in great shape overall if labs and physical appearance mean anything. Worst of all BY FAR was increasing tingling, numbness and pain in my feet and ankles. I'm sure at this point cortisol and all the other bad stuff was off the charts. Anyway, out of desperation, after reading Peats article about anti stress effects of progesterone, I applied a full dose of my wife's micronized bioidentical progesterone cream 20 mgs to a hairless area yesterday and the results have been dramatic to the point of 80 to 90% reduced symptoms, calmer disposition and much better sleep. I am also using a drop of Tyromix daily which I've had for a while and which never gave me this kind of result. I also use a reduced dose of energin from time to time... again great supplement but no subjective benefit afaik. I think I should cycle this but not sure how best to do it.

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I don't know if you'll read this but would like to know how it's been for you...

I'm a 28 year old man who has used progesterone at a dose of 30mg a day for two years and only gotten good results from it, I did try 60 mg at one point but the relaxation turned to over sedation and my libido, actually great on 30 mg went down to almost 0 so I decided to stay at 30mg.

It's best divided into a smaller morning dose like 5mg and a larger evening dose, before bed, of 10 or 12mg for example....

I'm glad that at 68 you're in good shape that is impressive what do the lab results say? And have you eliminated the sources of stress in your life? If so, there'd be nothing wrong with continuing low dose T + Progesterone as the stabilizer and aromatase inhibitor, tyromix has done wonders for me as well. we'd really like to hear from you Sir.
Last edited:


Nov 28, 2016

I don't know if you'll read this but would like to know how it's been for you...

I'm a 28 year old man who has used progesterone at a dose of 30mg a day for two years and only gotten good results from it, I did try 60 mg at one point but the relaxation turned to over sedation and my libido, actually great on 30 mg went down to almost 0 so I decided to stay at 30mg.

It's best divided into a smaller morning dose like 5mg and a larger evening dose, before bed, of 10 or 12mg for example....

I'm glad that at 68 you're in good shape that is impressive what do the lab results say? And have you eliminated the sources of stress in your life? If so, there'd be nothing wrong with continuing low dose T + Progesterone as the stabilizer and aromatase inhibitor, tyromix has done wonders for me as well. we'd really like to hear from you Sir.
Thanks for asking. Is your progesterone oral or topical? I always thought I was a pretty healthy guy, but I have to admit to having a lot of physical insults over the years including a bad car wreck with concussion, gall bladder removal, elbow reconstruction after a bike wreck at age 66 (fantastic surgical outcome BTW), laproscopic inguinal hernia repair a few years ago, several CT scans through it all, one divorce (no kids), 2nd marriage at age 38 with 6 kids (all mine) to raise... in other words stress with a capital S as a way of life unfortunately. I have experimented with multiple supplements, and due to all these things going on I pray to the Lord Jesus for guidance, as I am a Christian, and also for the ability to be paying attention when he answers. So far, I seem to benefit most from Peat's ideas on metabolic energy enhancers and b12 and TMG, to keep homocysteine below 10 and lipothiamine. I recently have added low dose aspirin for all its benefits including cyp450 enhancement and plain flushing niacin because I seem to do better on it than niacinamide. Dr. Abram Hoffer MD and Canadian psychiatrist once said, "If you want to live a long time, take niacin." Dr. Derrick Lonsdale MD turned me on to lipothiamine which I believe saved my life from a B1 processing disorder. Of course aging is inevitable but it would be nice to age gracefully. Lots of rambling info but hopefully some of this is useful. Would love to get feedback.

I don't know if you'll read this but would like to know how it's been for you...

I'm a 28 year old man who has used progesterone at a dose of 30mg a day for two years and only gotten good results from it, I did try 60 mg at one point but the relaxation turned to over sedation and my libido, actually great on 30 mg went down to almost 0 so I decided to stay at 30mg.

It's best divided into a smaller morning dose like 5mg and a larger evening dose, before bed, of 10 or 12mg for example....

I'm glad that at 68 you're in good shape that is impressive what do the lab results say? And have you eliminated the sources of stress in your life? If so, there'd be nothing wrong with continuing low dose T + Progesterone as the stabilizer and aromatase inhibitor, tyromix has done wonders for me as well. we'd really like to hear from you Sir.


I don't know if you'll read this but would like to know how it's been for you...

I'm a 28 year old man who has used progesterone at a dose of 30mg a day for two years and only gotten good results from it, I did try 60 mg at one point but the relaxation turned to over sedation and my libido, actually great on 30 mg went down to almost 0 so I decided to stay at 30mg.

It's best divided into a smaller morning dose like 5mg and a larger evening dose, before bed, of 10 or 12mg for example....

Thanks for asking. Is your progesterone oral or topical? I have not measured T in a while, am doing very low dose about 10 mg topical to hopefully gain benefits without suppressing normal production. I always thought I was a pretty healthy guy, but I have to admit to having a lot of physical insults over the years including a bad car wreck with concussion, gall bladder removal, elbow reconstruction after a bike wreck at age 66 (fantastic surgical outcome BTW), laproscopic inguinal hernia repair a few years ago, several CT scans through it all, one divorce (no kids), 2nd marriage at age 38 with 6 kids (all mine) to raise... in other words stress with a capital S as a way of life unfortunately. I have experimented with multiple supplements, and due to all these things going on I pray to the Lord Jesus for guidance, as I am a Christian, and also for the ability to be paying attention when he answers. So far, I seem to benefit most from Peat's ideas on metabolic energy enhancers and b12 and TMG, to keep homocysteine below 10 and lipothiamine. Balancing methylation is difficult though. I recently have added low dose aspirin for all its benefits including cyp450 enhancement and plain flushing niacin because I seem to do better on it than niacinamide. Dr. Abram Hoffer MD and Canadian psychiatrist once said, "If you want to live a long time, take niacin." Dr. Derrick Lonsdale MD turned me on to lipothiamine which I believe saved my life from a B1 processing disorder. Of course aging is inevitable but it would be nice to age gracefully. Lots of rambling info but hopefully some of this is useful. Would love to get feedback.

I don't know if you'll read this but would like to know how it's been for you...

I'm a 28 year old man who has used progesterone at a dose of 30mg a day for two years and only gotten good results from it, I did try 60 mg at one point but the relaxation turned to over sedation and my libido, actually great on 30 mg went down to almost 0 so I decided to stay at 30mg.

It's best divided into a smaller morning dose like 5mg and a larger evening dose, before bed, of 10 or 12mg for example....

I'm glad that at 68 you're in good shape that is impressive what do the lab results say? And have you eliminated the sources of stress in your life? If so, there'd be nothing wrong with continuing low dose T + Progesterone as the stabilizer and aromatase inhibitor, tyromix has done wonders for me as well. we'd really like to hear from you Sir.


Aug 23, 2019

I don't know if you'll read this but would like to know how it's been for you...

I'm a 28 year old man who has used progesterone at a dose of 30mg a day for two years and only gotten good results from it, I did try 60 mg at one point but the relaxation turned to over sedation and my libido, actually great on 30 mg went down to almost 0 so I decided to stay at 30mg.

It's best divided into a smaller morning dose like 5mg and a larger evening dose, before bed, of 10 or 12mg for example....

I'm glad that at 68 you're in good shape that is impressive what do the lab results say? And have you eliminated the sources of stress in your life? If so, there'd be nothing wrong with continuing low dose T + Progesterone as the stabilizer and aromatase inhibitor, tyromix has done wonders for me as well. we'd really like to hear from you Sir.

Hey, was this topical or oral? I heard topical progesterone is only ~20% absorbed.

Also, did you ever notice any penile numbness from this dose? I put a drop of Cortinon+ on my neck and one in my milk the other night, and noticed that nocturnal tumescence wasn't as hard as usual. I did also use a drop of androsterone and pansterone on the naval, maybe it was the combination.


Jul 10, 2016
Hey, was this topical or oral? I heard topical progesterone is only ~20% absorbed.

Also, did you ever notice any penile numbness from this dose? I put a drop of Cortinon+ on my neck and one in my milk the other night, and noticed that nocturnal tumescence wasn't as hard as usual. I did also use a drop of androsterone and pansterone on the naval, maybe it was the combination.

I've varied between both.. Mostly on gums... No numbness unless I passed the usual 28mg (divided in two) dosage actually more vigorous.

Very anabolic or more correctly "Anti-catabolic" you can put on muscle much faster on it if you eat more and sleep more.

I'm down to 14mg a day now plus some 2mg DHEA and 1mg Androsteone.


Nov 28, 2016
Thanks for asking. Is your progesterone oral or topical? I always thought I was a pretty healthy guy, but I have to admit to having a lot of physical insults over the years including a bad car wreck with concussion, gall bladder removal, elbow reconstruction after a bike wreck at age 66 (fantastic surgical outcome BTW), laproscopic inguinal hernia repair a few years ago, several CT scans through it all, one divorce (no kids), 2nd marriage at age 38 with 6 kids (all mine) to raise... in other words stress with a capital S as a way of life unfortunately. I have experimented with multiple supplements, and due to all these things going on I pray to the Lord Jesus for guidance, as I am a Christian, and also for the ability to be paying attention when he answers. So far, I seem to benefit most from Peat's ideas on metabolic energy enhancers and b12 and TMG, to keep homocysteine below 10 and lipothiamine. I recently have added low dose aspirin for all its benefits including cyp450 enhancement and plain flushing niacin because I seem to do better on it than niacinamide. Dr. Abram Hoffer MD and Canadian psychiatrist once said, "If you want to live a long time, take niacin." Dr. Derrick Lonsdale MD turned me on to lipothiamine which I believe saved my life from a B1 processing disorder. Of course aging is inevitable but it would be nice to age gracefully. Lots of rambling info but hopefully some of this is useful. Would love to get feedback.
Going well after a brush with covid19 probably caught from one of my kids. Nothing really severe but not to be taken lightly either. I never took abx or paquenil etc but did take some different Chinese herbsls that seemed to help. I got off them though when I noticed I was becoming consistently cold all the time. I'm now back on small amounts of Tyromix progesterone dhea low dose aspirin very low dose T cream to try to avoid suppression etc. I'm also trialiing something called Metadichol which is a nano form of policosanol. @haidut wrote about it in one of his outside blog posts. It apparently induces the klotho gene 4 to 10x normal and a myriad of other things. If you choose to look into it would love to get thoughts about it. The before and after pictures of what it will treat are incredible. Anyway thanks for the dialogue.


Mar 20, 2021
Glad I found this thread, as I think I have come across something really helpful. Short story is that after going off trt cold turkey several months ago due to unpleasant sides, combined with an insanely stressful job and life overall, I was going downhill fast...low energy, numerous negative mental changes, terrible sleep, reduced libido, etc. I had been on physiological injectable trt for about 3 years. I am 68 and in great shape overall if labs and physical appearance mean anything. Worst of all BY FAR was increasing tingling, numbness and pain in my feet and ankles. I'm sure at this point cortisol and all the other bad stuff was off the charts. Anyway, out of desperation, after reading Peats article about anti stress effects of progesterone, I applied a full dose of my wife's micronized bioidentical progesterone cream 20 mgs to a hairless area yesterday and the results have been dramatic to the point of 80 to 90% reduced symptoms, calmer disposition and much better sleep. I am also using a drop of Tyromix daily which I've had for a while and which never gave me this kind of result. I also use a reduced dose of energin from time to time... again great supplement but no subjective benefit afaik. I think I should cycle this but not sure how best to do it.

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I was searching the forum for "topical vs. Oral progesterone" and came across this thread. I started using doctor Platts 5% progesterone cream last January or so, to help cure myself of Keto and intermittent fasting induced hypothalamic amenorrhea. One pump is 50mg...

A few months later I started using ideal Labs Progestene, orally. It caused the worst water retention and acne and bloating, I thought it was just an estrogen kick back. I didn't use the cream for a long time. I've been trying to use progestene in my luteal cycle for the past several months but I just can't stand the water retention!

A couple days ago I used the Platt Wellness progesterone cream again at night, just because I was cleaning out some stuff and found a bottle. I slept amazing and I had zero water retention the next day! In fact my pants were looser and my stomach was very flat. I've used it for a few days and I feel so good! I'm not sure, maybe I should try putting the progestene in my belly button???

I've been doing two pumps of the cream which is 100 mg, and when I orally dosed Progestene, I was taking 35mg.... so if I only absorb about 10 or 20% of tropical progesterone, the dosing shouldn't be that different...


Jul 10, 2016
My opinion and advice is Progest E or Haiduts formula orally...

Applying massive amounts of any topical can congest the lymphatic system and some accumulate in fat deposits.

Best applied on forehead or under belly button topically.


Peat has talked about oral vs topical progesterone in interviews and in his last newsletter. He said topical progesterone is only about 10 to 20% absorbed. Oral progesterone is absorbed much better but it has to be dissolved in longer chain fatty acids not MCT oil. If it’s dissolved in MCT oil and taken orally it will go to the liver and be metabolized so the progesterone wont reach the tissues. If the progesterone is dissolved in long chain fats, then it will get incorporated into chylomicrons and go directly to the blood stream and tissues which is similar to endogenously produced progesterone.
This is exactly what Peat says.


Mar 20, 2021
This is exactly what Peat says.
Idealabs' progestene is just suspended in alcohol, so when I drop it under my tongue maybe I'm swallowing too much and so it goes to my liver? Tonight I'm going to try putting the drops in my belly button when I lay down.

The cream I have used Shea butter...


Jun 2, 2017
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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