
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
A great new study, which, while genomic in character, inadvertently points the finger directly at estrogen and/or serotonin as causes of autism. After all progesterone's main role in the human organism is as an estrogen (and cortisol!) antagonist, while bromocriptine is one of the oldest anti-serotonin drugs in clinical use and despite recent attempts to market is as a "dopaminergic" drug its main research designation (as an LSD derivative) remains as a serotonin antagonist. Mainstream medicine has been trying to blame androgens and even dopamine as potential causes of autism but recent studies have confirmed that virtually all autism cases have low serum allopregnanolone (a progesterone metabolite), high whole-blood serotonin, low dopamine metabolites in urine, and elevated prolactin. It just so happens that progesterone or bromocriptine have beneficial effects on all of these biomarkers of autism and their combination would probably highly synergistic.

Drug repurposing candidates to treat core symptoms in autism spectrum disorder

"...A common anti-diarrhoea drug and two common hormonal contraceptives are among four drugs identified by researchers at the University of Oslo as potential candidates to treat the most common symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In findings published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology Monday, researchers named loperamide and contraceptives progesterone and progestin drospirenone to treat the most common ASD symptoms, such as difficulty in social interactions and communications. The fourth drug, bromocriptine, is commonly used for diseases like Parkinson’s."
Mar 10, 2021
A great new study, which, while genomic in character, inadvertently points the finger directly at estrogen and/or serotonin as causes of autism. After all progesterone's main role in the human organism is as an estrogen (and cortisol!) antagonist, while bromocriptine is one of the oldest anti-serotonin drugs in clinical use and despite recent attempts to market is as a "dopaminergic" drug its main research designation (as an LSD derivative) remains as a serotonin antagonist. Mainstream medicine has been trying to blame androgens and even dopamine as potential causes of autism but recent studies have confirmed that virtually all autism cases have low serum allopregnanolone (a progesterone metabolite), high whole-blood serotonin, low dopamine metabolites in urine, and elevated prolactin. It just so happens that progesterone or bromocriptine have beneficial effects on all of these biomarkers of autism and their combination would probably highly synergistic.

Drug repurposing candidates to treat core symptoms in autism spectrum disorder

"...A common anti-diarrhoea drug and two common hormonal contraceptives are among four drugs identified by researchers at the University of Oslo as potential candidates to treat the most common symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In findings published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology Monday, researchers named loperamide and contraceptives progesterone and progestin drospirenone to treat the most common ASD symptoms, such as difficulty in social interactions and communications. The fourth drug, bromocriptine, is commonly used for diseases like Parkinson’s."
Since posting this, have you heard of any positive results using progesterone for autism @haidut?


Mar 6, 2022
How can one get Bromocriptine either through perscription or "mexi farmacia" type outlets. Are there any associated risks with bromocriptine?
that's definitely true. I would give a lot to warn more people. Always and in any case start bromocriptine at a low dose. What just 5mg of bromocriptine did to me I cannot describe, no illness was as debilitating to me as that day of overdose. If to describe it, it's a HUGE nausea, low blood pressure, low pulse, REALLY AMAZING fatigue, terrible vasoconstriction in the head (thinking processes almost stop) and a completely blocked nose, you can't breathe without oxymetazoline, you'll be shivering and fell and feel some other typical symptoms of vasoconstriction. And yes that will last all day, even at night you will not let go if you overdose. But here are some good news though, I could give a 100% guarantee that a combination of domperamide and metoclopramide/ondansetron would have relieved you of almost all symptoms, but I didn't have it on hand at the time. In low doses it's definitely non placebo-drug and it works awesome on libido, but I'd say it's important to be MAXIMALLY careful and responsible with the dosage, I don't understand why no one is screaming😁 about how literally a small overdose can be excruciating. Start with half and further increase the dose every four days, or stay at the same dose if prolactin is at the bottom of the reference values(yes, it is also important not to let prolactin drop too much)


Sep 13, 2012
I would never treat autism with progesterone and drugs. What an allopathic model of symptom reduction.


Sep 13, 2012
How would you address autism?
Lutein has been on my radar as a cause of all manner of harm. This paper is full of information: https://trans4mind.com/nutrition/autism-lutein.pdf

They believe lutein is a cause of eye problems in autism. Extremely fascinating as one of the biggest symptoms my first son had that he wasn't normal was his left eye would turn in when he would try to focus on near objects, he is extremely far sighted. And they highlight that aspect of autism at the beginning. He has asperger's. I ate green smoothies and salads while I was pregnant with him. One of the largest sources of lutein is spinach which is what I used in the smoothie. Albeit I didn't get into the salads until weeks after he was conceived and smoothies came much later in the pregnancy. But I continued my vegeterian ways up until he was 2 and he was breastfed for an entire year before he ever really ate much. Lutein transfers through breastmilk.

They also mention canthaxanthin which is what they give hens to make the egg yolk a bright yellow color.
"Carotenoids can be toxic and even result in fatalities. Aplastic anemia and Canthaxanthin retinopathy have been reported. ‘Tanning pills,’ commonly available by mail order or sold in tanning salons are reported to have caused aplasticanemia, which led to death in a healthy young woman. A 20-year-old woman was hospitalized with headaches, fatigue, a general feeling of not being well, easy bruising, and weight loss four months after beginning the use of canthaxanthin containing tanning pills. She had noticed the onset of fatigue and easy bruising about two weeks after beginning the pills. Canthaxanthin can remain in the body for long periods of time. It has been found in blood several months after use was discontinued. It may accumulate in the retina of the eye, and has been reported to cause hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) with itching and hives.”

"Carotenoid sources of canthaxanthine and lutein from substances such as marigold flowers and sunflowers makes egg yolks appear more yellow. The European Union has limited permitted levels of a food additive given to salmon and poultry, which may damage the eye. The chemical, canthaxanthin, is added to feed. It makes salmon appear more reddish, and chicken skin and egg yolks appear more yellow. But research has suggested that a build up of pigments can damage the retina. The level of the chemical allowed in salmon feed is to be cut by over two thirds."

Sounds like the EU is restricting the amount they use. I didn't find anything about the US other than it is widely used. So there you go that's why supermarket eggs are causing so many problems! And it makes me so mad! Food nowadays isn't even safe. That's hard to wrap our mind around. We were told to eat the brightest colored yolked eggs!! We were also told to eat the rainbow in terms of vegetables.

Here is a paper that showed the success of a lutein free diet in reversing autism: http://saras-autism-diet.freeservers.com/Literature/diet-results.PDF
Why is this not more widely known?!?!?! FULL RECOVERY FROM AUTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Foods highest in lutein/zeaxanthin are: kale, spinach, mustard greens, yellow corn, broccoli, green peas, pumpkin, collard greens, summer (yellow) squash, carrot, brussels sprouts, currants, green olive, green peppers, green bean (pod), chicken fat, egg yolk, plums, peach, orange, tangerine, avocado, kiwi fruit, rhubarb. In many foods, the peel contains the majority of that food’s lutein content: cucumber, pear, pineapple. In other foods the dark outer leaves contain lutein: cabbage, lettuce, leek. Strawberry contains a red form of lutein: vitellorubin. The lutein or carotenoid content of the food depends on many factors including exposure to light, season, soil and type. Many foods contain multiple pigments such as oranges which have been identified to contain at least 5 pigments including lutein/zeaxanthin.

Some foods which do not contain lutein or beta-carotene such as tomato contain another pigment called lycopene which can be converted to lutein or beta-carotene in the body. It appears that for some these non-lutein foods can safely enter the body and the lycopene can reach systems which benefit from lutein and the lycopene conversion will occur away from the immune system interference resulting in bio-available lutein. Some foods contain lutein only at some stages such as green pepper which does not contain lutein as the pepper matures to its ripe red form, or olives which do not contain lutein in the black stage. Animals consume foods which contain lutein such as grass. These animals may then have lutein in their blood products or stored in their fat. The highest lutein content in the animal foods will come from blood products and meat fats, especially chicken fat.


It is most often that those who do not tolerate lutein/zeaxanthin foods also do not tolerate the foods containing beta-cryptoxanthin. Foods highest in beta-cryptoxanthin are: Orange juice, tangerine, papaya, peach, mango, apple juice. It is common among those who have behavioral and allergic response to beta-cryptoxanthin-containing foods that most fish and shell fish are also not tolerated. Reactions as severe as seizure has been observed when fish was ingested.

The second most common intolerance is to beta-carotene containing foods and supplements. Foods highest in beta-carotene are: Apricot, cantaloupe, kale, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot. It is common that those who are intolerant to beta-carotene also cannot tolerate alpha-carotene foods. The highest food sources of alpha-carotene so far identified are: carrots, oranges, pumpkin, and winter squash.

Bixen (Annatto)
Used as a food coloring in commercial dairy products and dairy replacers such as custard, butter, margarine, ice cream."

So we can be sure carotenoids are toxic, but these kids with autism were being given cod liver oil! And that is why I took so long to remove dairy fats from my diet because something in me is saying... no this can't be true dairy fat has been healing for many people. And I've seen with my own eyes kids who were healed of autism by using cod liver oil and the GAPS diet. I do still believe retinol can build up and become toxic, there's no doubt about that in the literature (see study I posted several days ago about the autistic child who was given 30,000 IUs a day and developed hypervitaminosis A and hypercalcemia). But maybe for those with an auto-immune condition such as eczema and psoriasis it is actually the plant pigments that the immune system is reacting to not the retinol. And Grant did suggest carotenoids seem to effect the skin more than retinol.

Found an awesome website where you can sort things by their lutein/carotenoid content: Food data

It doesn't have much lutein info on beans, but studies show green and brown lentils have the most lutein.

Pineapple, lime, lemon, medjool dates, figs, peeled apples, bosc pear, and bananas seem overall the safest fruits.

Pink colored seafood has some lutein, though not nearly as much as brightly colored plants.

Yellow corn and popcorn is very high! (another thing I got addicted to when I was breastfeeding) Oatmeal is higher than egg yolk in lutein and zeaxanthin. White rice showed zero not surprisingly.

Paprika, and cayenne are highest in lutein, chili powder is high in beta-carotene

But really the highest source of lutein is vegetables. I mean no wonder people do so well on carnivore! Spinach, swiss chard, collards, and kale should be illegal! I was poisoning my first son! :( Orange juice is nothing compared to those.

Here is an interesting part on the autism diet page:

"Acetylcholine has many functions in the body, including immune function activity, regulation of dopamine, binding to and removal of toxins. Acetylcholine is the only substance which can bind to and remove wheat toxins including gluten and the ‘toxic gliadin factor’. The enzyme in saliva called sialic acid breaks down simple sugar and kills bacteria at the point of ingestion. The sialic acid precursors are the same as the acetylcholine precursors: DMG, such as brown rice, white yam or supplement; complex polysaccharides such as root vegetables and berries; choline (from potato, lettuce, butter, peanut butter and apple) inositol (from soy oil/lecithin) and arachidonic acid (from blackcurrants, beef liver, safflower oil). Individuals with autism are often lacking one or more of these precursors in their diet. These same food precursors are needed to produce rennin for the regulation of blood pressure, renin for the break down of dairy protein (in the stomach so that it does not reach the gut intact) and the manufacture of prostaglandins which regulate pain stimuli. Adequate intake of acetylcholine precursors in the diet is essential for the autist. From this information it can be understood how just adding one nutrient e.g. DMG, cod-liver oil or blackcurrant juice can lead to enormous improvements for the autist, leading to frequent claims of ‘breakthroughs’ and ‘miracle cures’ for this population."

I don't know that I agree with all of that, but I do agree I've seen those so called miracle cures. For my son, he barely has any autism spectrum symptoms other than social anxiety after a massive turn around in the last two yrs, we thought it was mostly due to our family life becoming more stable. But the one thing he did start eating a lot of is haagen dazs! Now that does have egg yolk, but he had previously refused all dairy and all eggs. Especially cheese.

Someone on Grant's forum suggested the inability to tolerate plant pigments could be related to choline and/or betaine deficiency. So maybe the autistic kids can handle a certain level of them when their diet contains enough choline and betaine as evidenced by the recommendation above for DMG (I thought TMG was better?). If you can find the palest looking egg yolks maybe those would be the safest and would give enough choline to tolerate the lutein in them. But if you regularly eat like 3 eggs a day with the most orange yolks, probably not going to be good in the long run. (which is what I was doing when we noticed my son's eye problem)
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