Please Support Our Legal Advocacy Efforts to Stop the Atrocity in the Hospitals and Expose the Fraud Against Humanity


Jan 25, 2014
Unfortunately, due to the level of indoctrination and corruption, the scientific arguments have not yet been fruitful for the legal efforts; thus our navigation of the constitutional law to help people get exemptions and preserve their lives- bandaids but one that helped a lot of people- i have been very successful getting people exemptions with some exceptions such as the healthcare workers in NY where a regulation was passed banning the religious exemption for them. WE filed a federal court class action for them which is going to be appealed from corrupt decision denying it. this is an example where NY has thrown the constitution of this country out the window. We also used the science; but as i said, the indoctrination and fear are huge obstacles despite its truth as you and i know it.
Why would that matter in court? There, it's only the facts that are presented, or agreed upon, that matter. Not what people may "believe." And not even what is "true."

It should be relatively straight forward to show that Covid Shots cause 1000x the death reports to VAERS of any other vaccine in any other comparable time period. It should be easy to show a similar trend in any adverse reaction. Enter the VAERS data for the Pfizer vax from 2020- current or so, and the same for Moderna and J&J. Also, enter the data for flu shots from 2017 and 2018. And any other vaccine you care to enter data for. Enter Peter Doshi's critique, he's an editor for the BMJ. And point out how the discrepancy in the individuals that were excluded for "protocol violations." 311 were excluded in the vaccine group, only 60 in the placebo. Since there were only 170 total cases of so called "Coivd," that 251 participant difference is massive, and could have completely swung the 2 month clinical trial results in the opposite direction.

It is also easy to demonstrate that the Covid Shots did not meet the FDA's standard for "approval" when they were given EUA back in December 2020. How could they? A five year process was crammed into 8 months. Even though some of those drugs may have gotten "approval," it's clear that they didn't meet the standards the FDA set prior to 2019. Enter those standards into evidence, and enter the Pfizer trial data into evidence, and the same with Moderna and J&J. I don't think there is any question in anyone's mind that two months is less than two or three years. Also, enter into evidence the admission by all the drug companies that they offered the vaccine to everyone in the placebo group at the 6 month mark, unblinding the trial and effectively ending it prematurely, at when it was only about a quarter complete.


Dec 11, 2020
Why would that matter in court? There, it's only the facts that are presented, or agreed upon, that matter. Not what people may "believe." And not even what is "true."

It should be relatively straight forward to show that Covid Shots cause 1000x the death reports to VAERS of any other vaccine in any other comparable time period. It should be easy to show a similar trend in any adverse reaction. Enter the VAERS data for the Pfizer vax from 2020- current or so, and the same for Moderna and J&J. Also, enter the data for flu shots from 2017 and 2018. And any other vaccine you care to enter data for. Enter Peter Doshi's critique, he's an editor for the BMJ. And point out how the discrepancy in the individuals that were excluded for "protocol violations." 311 were excluded in the vaccine group, only 60 in the placebo. Since there were only 170 total cases of so called "Coivd," that 251 participant difference is massive, and could have completely swung the 2 month clinical trial results in the opposite direction.

It is also easy to demonstrate that the Covid Shots did not meet the FDA's standard for "approval" when they were given EUA back in December 2020. How could they? A five year process was crammed into 8 months. Even though some of those drugs may have gotten "approval," it's clear that they didn't meet the standards the FDA set prior to 2019. Enter those standards into evidence, and enter the Pfizer trial data into evidence, and the same with Moderna and J&J. I don't think there is any question in anyone's mind that two months is less than two or three years. Also, enter into evidence the admission by all the drug companies that they offered the vaccine to everyone in the placebo group at the 6 month mark, unblinding the trial and effectively ending it prematurely, at when it was only about a quarter complete.
You are preaching to the choir and all of this is in progress and yes, i am hopeful that eventually it will get through and the false narrative will finally collapse.

the science as you synopsize has been presented in court many times over the years and i am telling you, firsthand, for the most part, it has made little difference. There have been some victories premised upon the constitutional grounds.

Of course the fear and indoctrination has effected the courts and the judiciary- its part of the flawed system. Didn't you hear the quotes from Justice Sotomayer during the CMS mandate case decided earlier this year? she is completely indoctrinated and made statements that were completely untrue scientifically. We are hoping to get to a jury for sure.

I am simply giving you the reality of the last few years and i know because I have been completely immersed in it as an attorney and I have been a litigator for approaching 23 years. If you are an attorney, please advise as we need all the help we can get and you seem intelligent and informed re the information; however I suspect you are not an attorney as you have no grasp of the practical reality we attorneys understand inside and out after having been steeped in this movement for years.

On the note of help and the original intention of this thread, we very much need everyone's support for the remdesivir case so please if you have the inclination to either buy the bracelets i posted at the top of this thread or donate directly to:

I and my colleague who have been working on this case for over a year now and the thousands of aggrieved families who lost loved ones would be deeply grateful.
Aug 29, 2020
The Rocky Mountains
Yes. It would be nice if we could get back to the original intention of this post, which is helping victims of medical tyranny. There is a time and place for the back and forth...this isn't it.


Oct 21, 2013
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to our class action effort against Gilead with the intention of putting a stop to this, plus, in answer to the question posed to me of what can be done to empower against this madness if one should ever be in a position warranting a hospital, here is a solution. Thank you in advance for your support!

Give the gift of Health and Safety this holiday season to your friends, family members, co-workers and strangers on the street. This trendy medical alert bracelet is our unified way to say no to harmful drugs without going to Court.
Bi-partisan power of the people, yes we mean you! The bracelet says you are
Allergic to: Remdesivir, Barticinib and Fentanyl.

Hospitals cannot ignore this medical directive.

The hospitals and their employees have been pushing these deadly drugs because they are making enormous amounts of money. Big pharma buys expensive ads causing the networks and their affiliates to keep quiet when reporting the news. We can unite and force big pharma and hospitals to stop using these expensive deadly drugs.

The medical alert bracelet is your directive in case you are unable to speak for yourself if you have to go to the hospital. It’s a Tax deductible gift when purchased through through We are taking preorders now for delivery in two weeks. Demand is high so take advantage of the preorder by emailing CC at Former Feds

  1. Your name
  2. Address for delivery
  3. Quantity (see pricing below)
  4. Please put MAB in memo part of email
  5. You will receive an auto response confirming receipt of your email and a link to make your payment which is deductible as a charitable donation.

Email to: [email protected]

$25 for one medical alert bracelet. $20 per bracelet when you purchase five or more in one order.

The bracelet is a silicone band with a stainless steel buckle and plate, laser engraved. Turn it over it looks like a cool stylish bracelet. A conversation starter with strangers. Buy extras and hand them out to strangers and save lives this holiday season.

We already have pre-orders so if you want yours in time for the holidays order today.

Let’s make this the new ice bucket challenge. Let’s save the world from death by hospital and pharma protocols. Proceeds will help fund the class action on behalf of the thousands of victims killed by these protocols. The class action is Primarily seeking a cease and desist order from the Court. The Court could award disgorgement but the focus of the surviving family members is mostly to prevent others meeting the same painful and inhumane fate.

Thank you for your support. Stay healthy and safe
I emailed to Carolyn asking for bracelet - how to pay?


Dec 11, 2020
I emailed to Carolyn asking for bracelet - how to pay?
Thank you so much- if you emailed per the instructions, she will get back to you for processing. Thank you to all the members here who have donated so far- i know of a few but may not know everyone that has supported this as am not managing the bracelets but i do see those who are supporting us on give send go and had posted a personal thank you so thank you so much!!!


Oct 20, 2015
Oh @Advocate2021 you are one of the people who called in on Danny's Remembering Ray Show. You are doing important work, and I loved your testimony, along with the many other's that called in it was such a good show.

Deleted member 14744

@Advocate2021 I heard you on the memorial show and was deeply moved. I am going to donate as well as purchase bracelets. I am an attorney and my father died after being hospitalized with covid and given remdesivir. I would like to connect with you about this class action and possibly volunteering my legal skills too. Thank you for all you are doing, I cant tell you how hard it has been to lose my dad, and to have so few people to talk about it with. Even some family members dismiss my concerns about his treatment and cite his age and his comorbidities, but I know it was remdesivir that did him in. I also suspect that the hyperfocus on covid made them ignore treating other possible conditions, for example he showed signs of stroke but they dismissed it as covid. The whole scamdemic infuriates me to no end. Besides donating, let me know if I can help. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this !!!!


Dec 11, 2020
@Advocate2021 I heard you on the memorial show and was deeply moved. I am going to donate as well as purchase bracelets. I am an attorney and my father died after being hospitalized with covid and given remdesivir. I would like to connect with you about this class action and possibly volunteering my legal skills too. Thank you for all you are doing, I cant tell you how hard it has been to lose my dad, and to have so few people to talk about it with. Even some family members dismiss my concerns about his treatment and cite his age and his comorbidities, but I know it was remdesivir that did him in. I also suspect that the hyperfocus on covid made them ignore treating other possible conditions, for example he showed signs of stroke but they dismissed it as covid. The whole scamdemic infuriates me to no end. Besides donating, let me know if I can help. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this !!!!
So sorry for your loss and amazing to have your support. no doubt we can use some help once Gilead buries us with paper- i will message you directly. Thank you!


Dec 11, 2020
Oh @Advocate2021 you are one of the people who called in on Danny's Remembering Ray Show. You are doing important work, and I loved your testimony, along with the many other's that called in it was such a good show.
Thank you!


Dec 11, 2020
Update: Funding has trickled in and is nowhere near what we need to file against Gilead. I just finished the complaint- no doubt we will tweak and edit until it is ironclad; but we are basically ready to file. We have been talking to potential donors. We are going against BIg Pharma which has infinite financial resources; so we must have solid funding as will need it to litigate against the GIANT. Right now all we have is a sling shot which could work if GOD makes it a magic sling shot that can kill a Giant lol. All resources and suggestions to which any one here may be privy are greatly appreciated and thank you to all here who have supported this advocacy effort with donations and bracelet purchases thus far. Help us get Big Pharma!!!!!!!!


Dec 11, 2020
UPDATE!!!!!! WE FILED!!!! SEE ATTACHED!! Spread to the ends of the Universe and Thank You to all for your support that allowed this mission to activate which is also dedicated to and in honor of Dr. Ray Peat who was has been the number one guiding influence for my mission on this planet. Love you Dr. Peat!!!


  • ATTORNEYS PRESS RELEASE 9-27-23 with link to Complaint.docx.pdf
    140.8 KB · Views: 17
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