Please Help Me Interpret My Thyroid Lab Results


New Member
Jun 16, 2019

New member here, Been reading the forum for months and looking for some input on my blood test.

I'm a 37 male suffering from cold hand and feet, hair loss, fatigue, Always tired even after a long night of sleep, Brain fog, Not interested in doing anything ... etc

The doctor said that my results are fine and asked me to take a vacation and get some rest.

Below is my test results which I have difficulty understanding:

Triiodothyronine (FT3), Free, Serum 4.72 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8

Thyroxine (FT4), Free, Serum 14.98 pmol/L 13.1 - 21.3

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), 2.28 mIU/L 0.27 - 4.2

I was also low on Iron with, 10.33 L Lmol/L 11 - 28

Low on vitamin D and severely low WBC !!! , Also my resting heart rate is 65 (I do cardio exercise like 3 times a week )

I would be grateful if anyone can guide me towards the next step.

Thank you,


Jan 25, 2016
Hi. Are you talking any thyroid medication at all as your lab work looks great. It may be something other than the thyroid. Low iron, D and WBC being low may be where you should look into. I am not pro supplements and only use my thyroid meds and eat for health. I yet have to find a supplement that works for me without it triggering another issue or side effect


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017

New member here, Been reading the forum for months and looking for some input on my blood test.

I'm a 37 male suffering from cold hand and feet, hair loss, fatigue, Always tired even after a long night of sleep, Brain fog, Not interested in doing anything ... etc

The doctor said that my results are fine and asked me to take a vacation and get some rest.

Below is my test results which I have difficulty understanding:

Triiodothyronine (FT3), Free, Serum 4.72 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8

Thyroxine (FT4), Free, Serum 14.98 pmol/L 13.1 - 21.3

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), 2.28 mIU/L 0.27 - 4.2

I was also low on Iron with, 10.33 L Lmol/L 11 - 28

Low on vitamin D and severely low WBC !!! , Also my resting heart rate is 65 (I do cardio exercise like 3 times a week )

I would be grateful if anyone can guide me towards the next step.

Thank you,
What's your diet like? Are you restricting meat and specifically red meat? Are you restricting calorie?


Jan 25, 2016
Hi Hans. I eat gluten free. Cheddar cheese but no milk, soy, low sugar, gluten free Udi's bread, sweet potato, squash, low fiber and low fodmap. Red meat twice a week, fish, chicken and turkey other days. No pork. Home made nut butter, coconut ice cream, chocolate. fruit once a day and lots of veggies mainly steamed. Home broths and soups. tea and coffee now and then. Have Hashimoto and celiac disease. Do not count calories. 5' 2" 101 pounds. Trying to up my weight. Being in Hyper phase of Hashi makes it difficult


New Member
Jun 16, 2019
Hi. Are you talking any thyroid medication at all as your lab work looks great. It may be something other than the thyroid. Low iron, D and WBC being low may be where you should look into. I am not pro supplements and only use my thyroid meds and eat for health. I yet have to find a supplement that works for me without it triggering another issue or side effect

No meds at all, Only started taking vitamin D and K2 lately.

What's your diet like? Are you restricting meat and specifically red meat? Are you restricting calorie?

About 2000 calories a day, no dairy, no gluten because I can't tolerate them. fish 3x a week, red meat 2x a week and beef liver once a week. olive oil & coconut oil, 3 eggs a day, white rice, potatoes, plenty of fruits and honey.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
No meds at all, Only started taking vitamin D and K2 lately.

About 2000 calories a day, no dairy, no gluten because I can't tolerate them. fish 3x a week, red meat 2x a week and beef liver once a week. olive oil & coconut oil, 3 eggs a day, white rice, potatoes, plenty of fruits and honey.
Did you test ferritin as well?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Ferritin 66.03 ng/mL , Male 30 :400
Your ferritin is normal, but iron low which together with low WBC count possibly indicates infection. This can be due to overstress, low immunity and low androgens perhaps.

Eating low calories is undesirable as it will make it harder to recover and be resilient to stress. Your diet looks good but you might have to bump up your calories. Do you know how much of each macronutrient you're eating?

Do you experience digestive problems?


New Member
Jun 16, 2019
Do you know how much of each macronutrient you're eating?

I get about 80 grams of protein and about 70 grams of fat and the rest from carbs.

Do you experience digestive problems?

Yes, I went low on calories because of this, Whenever I eat I feel bloated, lazy, and diarrhea.
I visited a gastro clinic about two months ago and did a stool test, Doctor said that I'm H.Pylroi positive and put me on two antibiotics course for two weeks, My gut was feeling better while on antibiotic but again the previous symptoms are back.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I get about 80 grams of protein and about 70 grams of fat and the rest from carbs.

Yes, I went low on calories because of this, Whenever I eat I feel bloated, lazy, and diarrhea.
I visited a gastro clinic about two months ago and did a stool test, Doctor said that I'm H.Pylroi positive and put me on two antibiotics course for two weeks, My gut was feeling better while on antibiotic but again the previous symptoms are back.
Do you react equally bad to both starch and fruit or just starch?

Increasing stomach acid production can help or using digestive enzymes. Have you tried digestive enzymes? This can help digest all food properly and prevent any undigested food particles from reaching the bacteria for fermentation and endotoxin production.

Maybe between meals or before bed you can use activated charcoal/carrot salad with coconut oil and vinegar to help keep the gut clean.


New Member
Aug 19, 2016
Low WBC can indicate either viral or bacterial infection. Pancreatic insufficiency also induces phagocytes to help break down food. Some autoimmune conditions have low WBC counts. Have you had an ANA test? There may also be a decreased production from marrow for some reason and lastly a primary raw food diet can lower WBC


Mar 9, 2017
I wouldnt say your labs "look great" Tsh over 2.0 and low Ft4. Your labs are exactly like mine, kinda weird actually.

My temps are in the mid to late 35c's. Im definitely hypothyroid. Dont put too much stock in blood tests and test your temperature and pulse.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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