Plants Can Hear And Even Speak, And Their Talk Depends On Their Disposition


Oct 15, 2016
Coming Out As Vegan To Your Beef Farming Father
“You know the joke ‘how do you know someone’s a vegan? Don’t worry they’ll tell you’. Well, not to be zero craic or anything but it’s actually hard to tell your beef farming dad. He tried to understand, and amazingly he switched to diary farming the next year. But I explained about the not eating diary products thing ‘cus that’s still bad.

He changed for me again, and I loved him even more for it. He shut down the farm, and just took up being a gardener as a profession but when I told about how plants too have feelings and emotions and he shouldn’t mutilate grass with a lawnmower he eventually told me to **** off, which is fair enough” – Gary Prentice (21), vegan.


Aug 6, 2017
You think vegans will move to synthetic foods only or stay hypocrite?


Apr 17, 2013
The fascinating news about plants just keep on coming. It just looks like the "tree-huggers" may have been right all along - plants may be as alive/conscious as we are, with all of our capacity for listening, discourse, and even emotion. Here is a recent thread that summarizes some of the fascinating similarities between plants and animals/humans.
Plants Recognize Their Own Relatives And Are Kind And Altruistic To Them

The study below now adds to that evidence that plants can actually hear animals and respond based on information gained from what they heard. The study also mentions plants emitting high-frequency sounds, the purpose of which is not currently known but is highly likely it is a form of deliberate sound/vocal communication. Actually, there is much more solid evidence that plants can speak to each other through W-waves and a link on that is available from the thread above. However, this study discusses sound communication (not W-waves) and some scientists suspect that these vocalizations are meant for the animals that the plants were able to hear in the first place. I think the speaking portion is even more fascinating because not only do flower seem emit high-pitched noises, but those noises vary if the plant is healthy, sick, withering away, or under attack. Call me naive, but it looks to me that plants are capable of vocalizing their mood and needs just like us. They can sing from happiness or to woo a mate, or cry for help.
So, there you have it. It looks like plants can not only communicate with and hear each other but can also hear and communicate with "higher" life forms. The reason I put "higher" in quotes is that at this point I am not even sure what makes us a higher life form compared to plants. They seem to possess most/all of our faculties, and in my experience are a lot nicer than most humans.

Haidut, can you recommend a good way for a novice to learn to read studies and filter through biased or poorly done studies/research?

Often when I go to do my own research on pubmed or whatever, I don't know how to determine if something is a good study or not.
I assume the 1st thing to check is who funded something, and then 2nd, the methods and materials used, length of study and perhaps the size or type of control, but I'm not alway sure if I have enough information to trust a study or to come to a sturdy conclusion.

Are there a few specific things you always check to verify/validate any research you're viewing?

And what journals or online sources are worth paying for to view full texts?


Oct 16, 2017
You think vegans will move to synthetic foods only or stay hypocrite?
Most will move, move towards some new adapted philosophy, vegans care to sentient beings, they are capable to be reasonable

I know lots of people who are absurd, foolish and incoherent against Veganism, you made a Good question to maybe, bright things up and hypothesize
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Aug 6, 2017
I'm not so sure they are reasonable. For instance, what bad does eating an egg do to any sentient being? Or milk? Vegetarianism is somehow arguable as sane but vegans are brainwashed people who were molded into that form before they were old or clever enough to see the big picture.


Oct 16, 2017
I'm not so sure they are reasonable. For instance, what bad does eating an egg do to any sentient being? Or milk? Vegetarianism is somehow arguable as sane but vegans are brainwashed people who were molded into that form before they were old or clever enough to see the big picture.

Vegetarianism is just a diet, they continue to abuse, exploit and kill animals, if you don't want to do this, want to diminish this, you become vegan

Again, Vegans care to sentient beings, so if they knew that plants are also, I already responded

If you think you know the industry of egg and dairy, at least in USA or Brazil, you will be surprised
Is unnecessarily cruel!

Vegans build things soon destroy the habitat of other beings, use money soon indirectly help industries that kill, would kill to survive, veganism is sensate and moderate because what is vital, necessary or "imprescindível" can be done; but what is unnecessarily cruel is clearly aim to suppression.
Veganism have a radical branch of people who don't do any of these sad things, if they want to have a child, they aren't ethical or reasonable, because of health issues

Veganism is a very adaptable philosophy

We are hijacking the thread, this forum have a better to discuss this
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Jun 22, 2021
I had been visiting my local park every week for awhile now, theres 6 trees in that park that are a lot bigger than the others that I tend to hug or touch

In my opinion, you can actually tell when a specific tree is 'happy' to see you, if your stress hormones are low and you know what it feels like for an organism to give you energy, then you can tell when a tree is happier to see you by how much energy/love it gives you when you touch them or hug them.

If your stress hormones are low enough, you can also tell when the tree is male or female based on the type of energy you receive when you hug them or sometimes you can tell by just looking at them too

If you do nice things for the trees and give them love, they'll definitely remember you and respond with the same energy.

Like for example, you can bring them gifts (like rocks, jewelry) things like that, they'll recognize that you did that and remember you.

or for example, I spoke about this before but if someone did something that stressed out the tree (like put shoelaces around it or put tape on it, or like a rubber bike lock), if you free the tree from that stress by taking it off they will remember you.

Anyway, I hadn't been to the park in like 3 months and went to visit it last night and theres a pine tree there that seemed really happy to see me, more than the other trees at least. He gave me a lot of energy when I hugged him,

but also for this specific tree, I recall when I had a more stressful household, I used to spend A LOT OF TIME in the park and I used to lay down on and next to this specific tree, so I'm very sure he remembers me because of how much time/energy I spent around him.

The other trees also seemed to be happy when I hugged them, but that one tree was definitely a lot happier to see me than the others.

But leave all stressors at home, leave stressful clothes and your phone at home because if you bring stressors near these trees they are not going to like you and not going to want to give you their energy, stressful organisms give their stress to other organisms so if you don't want to come across as an intruder then check your stress at home
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Aug 17, 2016
I had been visiting my local park every week for awhile now, theres 6 trees in that park that are a lot bigger than the others that I tend to hug or touch

In my opinion, you can actually tell when a specific tree is 'happy' to see you, if your stress hormones are low and you know what it feels like for an organism to give you energy, then you can tell when a tree is happier to see you by how much energy/love it gives you when you touch them or hug them.

If your stress hormones are low enough, you can also tell when the tree is male or female based on the type of energy you receive when you hug them or sometimes you can tell by just looking at them too

If you do nice things for the trees and give them love, they'll definitely remember you and respond with the same energy.

Like for example, you can bring them gifts (like rocks, jewelry) things like that, they'll recognize that you did that and remember you.

or for example, I spoke about this before but if someone did something that stressed out the tree (like put shoelaces around it or put tape on it, or like a rubber bike lock), if you free the tree from that stress by taking it off they will remember you.

Anyway, I hadn't been to the park in like 3 months and went to visit it last night and theres a pine tree there that seemed really happy to see me, more than the other trees at least. He gave me a lot of energy when I hugged him,

but also for this specific tree, I recall when I had a more stressful household, I used to spend A LOT OF TIME in the park and I used to lay down on and next to this specific tree, so I'm very sure he remembers me because of how much time/energy I spent around him.

The other trees also seemed to be happy when I hugged them, but that one tree was definitely a lot happier to see me than the others.

But leave all stressors at home, leave stressful clothes and your phone at home because if you bring stressors near these trees they are not going to like you and not going to want to give you their energy, stressful organisms give their stress to other organisms so if you don't want to come across as an intruder then check your stress at home
Yes. Great post.

Even tough I couldn't help thinking of the apple trees in Wizrd of Oz :eek:)

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