Parkinson’s herpes shingles and other longer term “vaccine” threats especially to children

Nov 21, 2015

One key take-home from the Nature Reviews Drug Discovery article5 cited above is that replacing rare codons “must be used judiciously,” as rarer codons can have slower translation rates and a slowed-down rate is actually necessary to prevent protein misfolding.

The spike protein is the toxic part of the virus responsible for the most unique effects of the virus, such as the blood clotting disorders, neurological problems and heart damage. To expect the COVID shot to not produce these kinds of effects would be rather naïve.
A (adenine) and U (uracil) in the third position are rare, and the COVID shots replace these A’s and U’s with G’s (guanine) or C’s (cytosine). According to Seneff, this switch results in a 1,000-fold greater amount of spike protein compared to being infected with the actual virus.

What could go wrong? Well, just about anything. Again, the shot induces spike protein at levels unheard of in nature (even if SARS-CoV-2 is a “souped up” manmade concoction), and the spike protein is the toxic part of the virus responsible for the most unique effects of the virus, such as the blood clotting disorders, neurological problems and heart damage.

So, to expect the COVID shot to not produce these kinds of effects would be rather naïve. The codon switches might also result in protein misfolding, which is equally bad news. As explained by Seneff in our previous interview:

“The spike proteins that these mRNA vaccines are producing … aren’t able to go into the membrane, which I think is going to encourage it to become a problematic prion protein. Then, when you have inflammation, it upregulates alpha-synuclein [a neuronal protein that regulates synaptic traffic and neurotransmitter release].
So, you’re going to get alpha-synuclein drawn into misfolded spike proteins, turning into a mess inside the dendritic cells in the germinal centers in the spleen. And they’re going to package up all this crud into exosomes and release them. They’re then going to travel along the vagus nerve to the brainstem and cause things like Parkinson’s disease.
So, I think this is a complete setup for Parkinson’s disease … It’s going to push forward the date at which someone who has a propensity towards Parkinson’s is going to get it.
And it’s probably going to cause people to get Parkinson’s who never would have gotten it in the first place — especially if they keep getting the vaccine every year. Every year you do a booster, you bring the date that you’re going to get Parkinson’s ever closer.”
Immune Dysfunction and Viral Flare-Ups

Other significant threats include immune dysfunction and the flare-up of latent viral infections, which is something Mikovits has been warning about. In our previous interview, she noted:

“We use poly(I:C) [a toll-like receptor 3 agonist] to signal the cell to turn on the type I interferon pathway, and because [the spike protein your body produces in response to the COVID shot] is an unnatural synthetic envelope, you’re not seeing poly(I:C), and you’re not [activating] the Type I interferon pathway.
You’ve bypassed the plasmacytoid dendritic cell, which combined with IL-10, by talking to the regulatory B cells, decides what subclasses of antibodies to put out. So, you’ve bypassed the communication between the innate and adaptive immune response. You now miss the signaling of the endocannabinoid receptors …
A large part of Dr. [Francis] Ruscetti’s and my work over the last 30 years has been to show you don’t need an infectious transmissible virus — just pieces and parts of these viruses are worse, because they also turn on danger signals. They act like danger signals and pathogen-associated molecular patterns.
So, it synergistically leaves that inflammatory cytokine signature on that spins your innate immune response out of control. It just cannot keep up with the myelopoiesis [the production of cells in your bone marrow]. Hence you see a skew-away from the mesenchymal stem cell towards TGF-beta regulated hematopoietic stem cells.
This means you could see bleeding disorders on both ends. You can’t make enough firetrucks to send to the fire. Your innate immune response can’t get there, and then you’ve just got a total train wreck of your immune system.”
We’re now seeing reports of herpes and shingles infection following COVID-19 injection, and this is precisely what you can expect if your Type I interferon pathway is disabled. That’s not the end of your potential troubles, however, as these coinfections could accelerate other diseases as well.

For example, herpes viruses have been implicated as a trigger of both AIDS6 and myalgic encephalomyelitis7 (chronic fatigue syndrome or ME-CFS). According to Mikovits, these diseases don’t appear until viruses from different families partner up and retroviruses take out the Type 1 interferon pathway. Long term, the COVID mass injection campaign may be laying the foundation for a rapidly approaching avalanche of a wide range of debilitating chronic illnesses.


Aug 12, 2018
Is this the same/similar for non-mRNA vaccines such as Sinovac?

It does look like aside from Aluminium content, non-mrna covid vaccines are no riskier than other vaccines.
Nov 21, 2015
Is this the same/similar for non-mRNA vaccines such as Sinovac?

It does look like aside from Aluminium content, non-mrna covid vaccines are no riskier than other vaccines.

that‘s not what the article says.

The article says that the genetic manipulation includes very unphysiological codon substitution and huge amounts injected into the bloodstream overwhelm the body and can result in migration to the brainstem through the vagal nerve, resulting in Parkinsons, and other problems, especially in over vaccinated (such as kids)...these codons are very unnatural and could cause extremely severe chronic disease over time and are present in all the genetically modified "vaccines".
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Aug 10, 2012
I am just shaking from reading your summary EH. Now for the Lew Rockwell (Mercola) link. Thanks and I've sent this to a few interested people.

Next day, Aug 11, I am taking notes on their advice for removing spike proteins. Will post it here. I'll omit the limited eating window which we view as a stress on the body.
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Aug 10, 2012
My notes from video -

Remove Spike Proteins:

Sulfur foods
Herbs + spices (keep mitochondria & lysosomes healthy
Eat Cert Organic only (non GMO is not enough)

Stay away from cities & highways (glyphosate in the air)
Epsom salts bath

Check any drugs to be sure they enhance not derail immune sys
Don't inject GMO or eat GMO or put GMO on body

Use cannabis creams
Alpha Interferon nasal sprays
Pax immune nasal spray
Saline spray
Silymarin/Milk Thistle to keep liver macrophages clearing

"Never take another shot."
"Very low dose always"

Advice for Spike protein removal is at the end part of the video. I see that the Alpha interferon nasal spray used to be available on eBay. Ampligen is a drug used for ME/CFS.


Nov 18, 2019
My notes from video -

Remove Spike Proteins:

Sulfur foods
Herbs + spices (keep mitochondria & lysosomes healthy
Eat Cert Organic only (non GMO is not enough)

Stay away from cities & highways (glyphosate in the air)
Epsom salts bath

Check any drugs to be sure they enhance not derail immune sys
Don't inject GMO or eat GMO or put GMO on body

Use cannabis creams
Alpha Interferon nasal sprays
Pax immune nasal spray
Saline spray
Silymarin/Milk Thistle to keep liver macrophages clearing

"Never take another shot."
"Very low dose always"

Advice for Spike protein removal is at the end part of the video. I see that the Alpha interferon nasal spray used to be available on eBay. Ampligen is a drug used for ME/CFS.
Interesting list. Good for all those who took the shot and are wondering how to move forward...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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