NSAID Other Than Aspirin Strongly Increase Risk Of Cardiac Arrest, Heart Failure, And Stroke


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It has been know for at least 20 years that taking NSAID drugs other than aspirin increases risk of heart problems. The risk was considered low and even if materialized it was thought it would lead to relatively low grade heart attacks. However, this new study shows that the risk is higher than previously thought and the most common adverse heart events was cardiac arrest and even heart failure, which are far from benign. So, the NSAID drugs will likely face restriction on sales in the near future or at least a black box warning by the FDA.

‘Harmless’ painkillers associated with increased risk of cardiac arrest
Calls for ibuprofen sale restrictions after study finds cardiac arrest risk

"...There have been fresh calls for restrictions on the sale of the painkiller ibuprofen after another study found it heightens the risk of cardiac arrest. Taking the over-the-counter drug was associated with a 31% increased risk, researchers in Denmark found. Other medicines from the same group of painkillers, known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), presented an even higher risk, according to the findings published on Wednesday in the European Heart Journal. Diclofenac, available over the counter in the UK until 2015 and still taken on prescription, raised the risk by 50%. Prof Gunnar Gislason of the University of Copenhagen, who led the study, called for tighter controls on the sale of ibuprofen and other NSAIDs. He said: “Allowing these drugs to be purchased without a prescription, and without any advice or restrictions, sends a message to the public that they must be safe. “The findings are a stark reminder that NSAIDs are not harmless. Diclofenac and ibuprofen, both commonly used drugs, were associated with significantly increased risk of cardiac arrest.” The findings are the latest to raise alarm about the use of NSAIDs. Last September a study in British Medical Journal found they were linked to an increased risk of heart failure. Previous studies have linked the drugs to abnormal heart rhythm – which can cause heart failure – and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke if taken regularly. Gislason urged people with heart problems to avoid ibuprofen and other NSAIDs. “NSAIDs should be used with caution and for a valid indication. They should probably be avoided in patients with cardiovascular disease or many cardiovascular risk factors,” he said."
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Deleted member 5487

Have heard Dr. Rhonda go over this in a podcast with joe rogan.

She explains the studies, Pretty much says you should ALMOST NEVER take NSAID. No more than a once a month.

It essntally goes around in your body and scoops up both good and bad inflammation Signals from your body.

Similar to statins. Which lower cholestrol indirectly by scooping up the inflammation signals that your body is sending out and your LDL is responding too by shuttling cholestrol to the site to rebuild.

These drugs are bad news across the board. Yet they're taken like candy.
She even went to mention that vitamin E is like a pillow that soaks up all good/bad inflammation.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Have heard Dr. Rhonda go over this in a podcast with joe rogan.

She explains the studies, Pretty much says you should ALMOST NEVER take NSAID. No more than a once a month.

It essntally goes around in your body and scoops up both good and bad inflammation Signals from your body.

Similar to statins. Which lower cholestrol indirectly by scooping up the inflammation signals that your body is sending out and your LDL is responding too by shuttling cholestrol to the site to rebuild.

These drugs are bad news across the board. Yet they're taken like candy.
She even went to mention that vitamin E is like a pillow that soaks up all good/bad inflammation.

I doubt there is such thing as good inflammation. The heart affects of these NSAID drugs have to do with magnesium and calcium depletion AFAIK, and not inflammation reduction. If it was the inflammation, then aspirin would have had the same bad effects but it is the one NSAID that did not have ANY negative cardiac side effects.


I doubt there is such thing as good inflammation. The heart affects of these NSAID drugs have to do with magnesium and calcium depletion AFAIK, and not inflammation reduction. If it was the inflammation, then aspirin would have had the same bad effects but it is the one NSAID that did not have ANY negative cardiac side effects.
Thank you @haidut - was hoping you would reply to this. Someone reading this without the throes of research you have posted about Aspirin could easily be scared away from such a valuable substance.


Jul 24, 2013
...NSAID drugs other than aspirin increases risk of heart problems.
...this new study shows that the risk is higher than previously thought and the most common adverse heart events was cardiac arrest and even heart failure....
Calls for ibuprofen sale restrictions after study finds cardiac arrest risk....Gislason urged people with heart problems to avoid ibuprofen and other NSAIDs. “NSAIDs should be used with caution and for a valid indication. They should probably be avoided in patients with cardiovascular disease or many cardiovascular risk factors,” he said."

Some historical context:

NSAID stands for “Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs”. Practically speaking, the intent was to distinguish between cortisone-related drugs and other drugs that reduced inflammation.

“Technically”, any inflammation relieving substance, such as vitamin E, glycine, and dozens more, could be “NSAI”. They just are not necessarily quick to patent.

Decades of experience with cortisone-family medications showed that they were dangerous side effects, particularly for long term use. So growing the cortisone medication family was no longer profitable for industry. Natural progesterone, a steroid, has strong anti-inflammatory action, but was probably not considered when the term NSAID started.

The NSAID designation was used to push aside aspirin, in favor of newer, patented drugs: Motrin and its many cousins. It is a long list of compounds:
NSAIDs: Drug List, Names, and Side Effects

Dr. Peat, @haidut, and others have pointed out that aspirin’s beneficial actions go far beyond “reduced inflammation”. As such, aspirin clearly in a different category from ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.

It has been clear for DECADES that (non-aspirin) NSAID’s cause thousands or ten of thousands of hospital deaths annually. Reported deaths mainly relate to digestive system bleeding.
Deadly NSAIDS | American Nutrition Association
The true death and disability from NSAID’s is far higher, with under-recognition of other side effects and under-reporting.

The low recognition of a major, preventable cause of disability and death probably reflects commercial forces.

It’s good that since heart attacks are **scary** that more caution is raised about NSAIDSs. NSAIDs may cause many kinds of damage, so multiple strains could burden heart function. The liver or kidney problems "alone" due to NSAIDs can be major, and strain all function.
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