Nearly All Prescription (and Some Supplements) Pills Contain Highly Allergenic Excipients


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I personally think supplements are dangerous not just because of potential additives but also how it is actually affecting your body holistically, an aspect that many don't consider. You just assume or hope it is helping you, but without bloodwork, you can't be sure. I was guilty of this for years. I won't be touching supplements again unless I have easy access to before-and-after blood tests.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yeah, it is a rabbit hole that does not bear much fruit. You take a supplement, you don't react well, and the reason is undefined additives. So you try another of the same supplement and have the same result. At what point do you say you just don't react well to that supplement? There could be additives in all of them, or none of them. Annoys me when Peat uses this cope out, which may well be true...or not.

Yeah, me too. I would like to hear him spell out what are these "estrogenic contaminants" he mentions so frequently in regards to pregnenolone or isolated amino acids. Or the unspecified "contamination" of vitamin C powders. This way we could at least test the raw materials and see if those allergens are even there.


Apr 30, 2015
Yeah, me too. I would like to hear him spell out what are these "estrogenic contaminants" he mentions so frequently in regards to pregnenolone or isolated amino acids. Or the unspecified "contamination" of vitamin C powders. This way we could at least test the raw materials and see if those allergens are even there.
I hate to say it, but I think the vagueness is intentional. Any grand rational framework needs explanations for things not going quite right.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I hate to say it, but I think the vagueness is intentional. Any grand rational framework needs explanations for things not going quite right.

The really confusing part is that when it comes to steroids he never said anything (to my knowledge) about contaminated DHEA, DHT or testosterone. In fact, I think he got some DHT from China, dissolved it in vitamin E and used it himself without even getting it tested. I think he did the same for testosterone. So, how come all of these other steroids are fine but pregnenolone is at a much higher risk of contamination? Is it the production process of pregnenolone somehow specific and it involves these contaminants but other steroids do not? It seems pretty unlikely to me that just pregnenolone is somehow uniquely contaminated but others are not...


Jul 4, 2015

Someone on the forum offered to send him a little bit of the chinese dht, and he told me he experimented with it in amounts less then a milligram. With the testosterone he sometimes uses, and recommends people using only 1 or 2 milligrams per day. With dhea he mentions he uses about 5mg a day and thats what he commonly recommends. Possible impurities have much less chance of causing problems when your using such small amounts, and even less when using topically.

With pregnenolone Ray typically recommends at least 20mg, most often 100mg or more, orally, to get the proper anti stress effects.

I dont see how you guys think this is just a "cop out" from Ray, a cop out from what? Lol, hes not the one selling supplements...

He told me : " a few years ago we got some pure crystalline pregnenolone from [email protected]"
-(dont bother emailing them ive tried a few times, no response) he said it was from China, wasn't sure what company it was and that;
" A friend had the crystalline batch analyzed, and it was extremely pure, higher purity than USP standard"

So maybe theres still some manufacturers operating today that are doing a good job, but most are probably opting for a cheaper process that sacrifices purity.

If only there was a guy with the financial backing and the skills, resources, industry access and what not, to be able to source and test a for a highly pure pregnenolone powder and then offer it for sale to this community? Hmmmm


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
...intelligence alone is not enough. Kindness of heart is also imperative...a more nefarious person with such knowledge could have easily become a servant of evil.
Sounds like a quote from Gandalf the Wise.

Ray agreed to a half-hour phone interview with me once for a research project. He's a good man.


... I don't know if you have had a bad experience with his products or something, but his supplements have done me a lot more good than harm (even though I'm not saying they are perfect -- not a fan of DMSO and things like 5a-DHP which Peat clearly says has a high chance of being harmful)

Why not a fan of DMSO?

Not only is it safe both topically and orally in ANY amount, but also highly beneficial.

Check Dr Jacob’s videos on DMSO


The really confusing part is that when it comes to steroids he never said anything (to my knowledge) about contaminated DHEA, DHT or testosterone. In fact, I think he got some DHT from China, dissolved it in vitamin E and used it himself without even getting it tested. I think he did the same for testosterone. So, how come all of these other steroids are fine but pregnenolone is at a much higher risk of contamination? Is it the production process of pregnenolone somehow specific and it involves these contaminants but other steroids do not? It seems pretty unlikely to me that just pregnenolone is somehow uniquely contaminated but others are not...

Yes, things coming from China are mostly fine nowadays if you have done minimal background work on your supplier.

They have come to realize that a reputation is built, and that word of mouth spreads at lightning speed with today’s technology if a customer happens to perform tests and is disappointed.

The « everything coming from China is filthy » still held 10 years ago, I think it’s getting better.

Oh, except for garlic. Never, ever buy Chinese garlic. They mix it with chalk to give it a whiter color


I quit ALL supplements a month or two ago and haven't looked back since. I never found any long term benefits from supplementation. And now I'm saving money. Food is my source of supplementation now, as it should be.

Same here.

I went from around 50 pills a day to zero.

Like not even a multi or a B complex or fish oil, strictly zero.

I noticed the white of my eyes is much whiter and my lids are more open


Oct 21, 2013
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    Mar 18, 2013
    USA / Europe

    I hate to say it, but I think the vagueness is intentional. Any grand rational framework needs explanations for things not going quite right.
    The really confusing part is that when it comes to steroids he never said anything (to my knowledge) about contaminated DHEA, DHT or testosterone. In fact, I think he got some DHT from China, dissolved it in vitamin E and used it himself without even getting it tested. I think he did the same for testosterone. So, how come all of these other steroids are fine but pregnenolone is at a much higher risk of contamination? Is it the production process of pregnenolone somehow specific and it involves these contaminants but other steroids do not? It seems pretty unlikely to me that just pregnenolone is somehow uniquely contaminated but others are not...

    why not ask him?
Dec 18, 2018
Finally a study that directly corroborates one of Peat's most consistent message over the years. Namely, that drugs prescribed by doctors and dietary supplements in the forms of capsules/tablets contain additives/excipients that are not harmless at all and in fact can be responsible for many severe health issues affecting the public at large. Peat's latest newsletter from 2019 actually deals with this very issue but I did not see him reference this study, so I guess this is once again "synchronicity" at work.

“Inactive” ingredients in oral medications
Nearly All Medications Contain Potentially Allergenic Inactive Ingredients, Analysis Shows

"..Inactive ingredients are supposed to improve a medication’s taste, appearance, absorption, or shelf life without any noticeable effect. But they aren’t always behind-the-scenes players. Some are allergens that can cause adverse events, and they’re present in nearly all prescription and over-the-counter pills and capsules, according to a recent analysis in Science Translational Medicine. The analysis indicates that clinical reports of adverse reactions triggered by inactive ingredients are on the upswing. Some are type 1 hypersensitivity allergic reactions that produce immunoglobulin E, causing symptoms such as urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, or anaphylaxis. Although severe allergic reactions are infrequent, many more people are intolerant of inactive ingredients such as lactose, which can cause gastrointestinal upset in people with insufficient lactase. The investigators found that nearly 93% of all solid oral medications contain at least 1 potential inactive ingredient—a chemical dye or peanut oil, for example—that could provoke an allergic reaction.

Yes,so true,and it isnt coincident either.Titanium Dioxide changes,when fed during Pregnancy,epigenetic Programming
in the Offspring,producing a depressive Phenotype.They assess how dangerous fillers are,they pay a high price to use them,cornstarch and sugar would be way cheaper.Anyone that has to deal with medications should go for encapsulated
versions,if tablets,Titanium Dioxide most often can get easily washed away under warm water.

Plus,these phenomena arent "allergic",but manifest actual Tissuedamage by toxicity.


Polyethylene Glycol 6000 is in a blood pressure medication wt?

Excipients: When does benefit outweigh risk?
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Oct 21, 2013
Yeah, me too. I would like to hear him spell out what are these "estrogenic contaminants" he mentions so frequently in regards to pregnenolone or isolated amino acids. Or the unspecified "contamination" of vitamin C powders. This way we could at least test the raw materials and see if those allergens are even there.
why not ask him on the many podcasts?
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