Mind Blow \ Dream Pressure


Jan 22, 2013

I don't have much input on the grounding, I used to use a mat for a while but never noticed any significant difference when using it or not...a year or two on and off...so for a while I kept it under PC to use then, but
wouldn't use it consistently. A little while back I was kind of sore on ankle area, don't know why maybe I ran or something or was moving around too much, but as it was healing, there was a point where I thought it had healed but when I stepped on the mat, a hint of pain came back...so I thought for a minute it was actually hurting me, or adding to the inflammation enough to bring back a hint of the pain signal. I did some more research and it seems that its like a magnet for EMF's and static electricity in an ungrounded place, like its the only thing grounded so everything negative goes to it that's in the area. Im not sure, the info is conflicting...I no doubt think grounding is great, ive got good results and enjoy just walking around outside...wish I lived near a beach or body of water, I think earth grounding is the best thing. I used to live in a place where my room was actually grounded, it was just tile on a concrete base I guess which conducts...so a lto of people im sure are grounded barefoot in their bottom floor if its tile. In an upstairs carpeted room though, it might not be a good idea to step on a grounding mat as its attracting all the stuff to it and probably onto you if you step on it. Plus I think the sunlight and fresh air and natural tuning from the sounds and sights of nature make a huge difference too, so just going outside way trumps a grounding mat. A bottom floor home that's grounded might be fine cause a lot of the electricity dissipates to the ground before reaching the mat, so it might give a net benefit. Im suspicious as it stands so im not using any method of grounding other than the rare chance I get to actually be on the earth (how insane is that!)
Nov 26, 2013
I'm not sure how concrete and tile would conduct, especially at higher floors. I will try to ground my shoes as that is probably the best and easiest way to do it.


Mar 29, 2014
My understanding is that concrete conducts, like the ground, to the extent that it is wet. There are special grounded floors in some industrial settings, but they have added conductive material in them.

I got myself a conductive mat and slept on it for a few months, connected by wire to a stake in the ground outside the window. I never noticed any difference, but it could be my stake didn't go deep enough, or my connection wasn't good. I figured i'd disconnect it when thunder was in the offing.
I try to get out barefoot in the grass or beach from time to time, but it's another one of those trade-offs when it's cold.


Feb 4, 2014
Peater said:
The second one is definitely bad! I only studied man-made mains voltages rather than natural phenomena :) so I can't say for sure about it striking the ground, but as lightning just wants to 'earth' itself out, that should be OK. I'm not volunteering to test though ;)

I do think the makers of these things should make people aware of this though (Do they?)

I'm not convinced it's anything but woo science though. Current requires voltage and a complete circuit to flow. As for a resistor, that would impede the current flow by, well, resisting it! When you consider that a light bulbs resistance can vary from 65 - 880 ohms depending on if it is turned on (Heat = more resistance), think how much voltage would have to be being produced 'somewhere' in order to flow through the resistor.

I haven't made up my mind whether the mat is beneficial, the chaotic dreaming is enough to have stopped me using it (this may go away in time but I'm not sure, it may be some sort of stray current interferance), and there are definitely a lot of unknown variables. I do think it is doing something though. The question is whether it's actually worthwhile. I do feel good getting some time barefoot on grass, but this often isn't practical.



There are just a few studies, conducted by people with financial interest in earthing. The supposed 'normalizing' of circadian rhythm is intriguing, it might imply there is a some sort of electrical rhythm of the earth that humans can align with.
Nov 26, 2013
Peater said:
The second one is definitely bad! I only studied man-made mains voltages rather than natural phenomena :) so I can't say for sure about it striking the ground, but as lightning just wants to 'earth' itself out, that should be OK. I'm not volunteering to test though ;)

I do think the makers of these things should make people aware of this though (Do they?)

I'm not convinced it's anything but woo science though. Current requires voltage and a complete circuit to flow. As for a resistor, that would impede the current flow by, well, resisting it! When you consider that a light bulbs resistance can vary from 65 - 880 ohms depending on if it is turned on (Heat = more resistance), think how much voltage would have to be being produced 'somewhere' in order to flow through the resistor.

Currents come in more shapes and sizes than what we normally think. Read this, ask your own questions and give your own answers! http://vixra.org/pdf/1210.0158v1.pdf


Mar 26, 2014
Please don't equate the genius of Tesla to earthing mats! Was there any part that is especially relevant?

Sticking to the basics, Ohms Law states that current flow is a product of volts multiplied by current. Where is the voltage coming from in this arrangement? (Assuming we even have a complete circuit, which I do not believe the earthing mat provides). The human body does generate a tiny voltage, enough to run a torch bulb I believe, but it is not A.C., high voltage, or polyphasic. As with all circuits, these current flows are used within the body and any 'leakage' can be considered a fault.

If you were to lay a battery (A potential source of energy in the form of chemicals, as per the human body, basically) on an earthing mat, terminals down, it would short circuit and possibly explode. If you laid it terminals up, there is no conductivity (The same supposedly bad state the mat seeks to cure) and nothing happens.

An electrical item 'earthed' for safety still requires a voltage to allow sufficient current to flow to trip a breaker. The earth is otherwise passive, and does nothing.

We all 'earth' ourselves every day. Ever had a static shock? You just discharged a static electricity charge and are now back to zero, in a spark. This charge was not generated by the body, but by external materials/interactions. This is the closest the body comes to having a polarity as per my battery analogy.

You will be 'earthing' yourself whenever you take a shower/bath, or touch a metal tap/draining board that is bonded to earth for safety. I have spent days working in switchrooms, in contact with earthing systems for huge buildings, and felt no difference of any kind.

So, that's my take on it.
Nov 26, 2013
It is a very reductionistic view, as the body is not a piece of copper, and this we have ascertained listening to Ray Peat among others. It is furthermore my impression that Ohm was not on the hunt for an explanation of the interaction between a planet and its biosphere when he formulated his law. In the link is an attempt to recreate Tesla's "wireless energy" experiment, with surprising results.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
When I was little, I had pneumonia. I kept dreaming about the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

I would picture this maze and then descend into it, but I could never find my way out. I would repeat this process of zooming in and out trying to find the exit and figure out the maze, but I just couldn't.

I thought to myself, "This must be hell."
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