Mesterolone PCT


Aug 25, 2019
Hey, I am 21 years old and 9 months ago I ran an 8-week Proviron cycle. During Proviron I was very good and my libido e and my strength were great.
When I stopped running I suffered testicular atrophy and loss of libido.
I didn't follow any PCT because I didn't have a good knowledge of PCT and I didn't want to make things worse...
Since then I have read about many PCT and protocols such as SERM, HCG and even Triptorelin.
I talked to an experienced friend and he advised me not to follow any PCT or take any drugs because in his opinion :

"HCG and SERM have no effect in any kind of recovery. HCG is a fertility drug to increase fertility while using it, not intended to cure anything. SERM drugs were created to combat and treat breast cancer and some used for temporary fertility. None of them were made to cure anything, and if you decide to live on them they will only cause further shutdown of the hormone system."

"Therefore drugs will either give you a temporary effect while using them, but eventually it will desensitize your body and decrease your natural production.
Steroid user who dont recover are chronically ill people depleted of nutrients. Post cycle therapy is useless. Drugs dont cure, they only treat."

I'm looking for a possibly natural supplement that can help to recover my hormonal axis and my balls without then once discontinued I' ll be worse than before.
That it can recover me permanently in other words.

Now I'm trying a mix of :
- Sustain Alpha Transdermal (Trans-Resveratrol and 7.8 Benzoflavone that can increase LH and FSH working like a natural SERM and blocking the suppression GnRH release through modulation of the GABAergic receptor complex)
- Fadogia Agrestis (can Increase Intratesticular cholesterol and other testicular proteins and enzymes)
- Taurine and mixed tocopherols (which can increase Gnrh release and sensitize testicles)

I don't know if they will work or not and they are certainly not as powerful as hormones or drugs but they are definitely not toxic or suppressive for my Hpta...
If anyone has any advice or comments, I will be very glad to read them.


Oct 4, 2017
Triptorelin works really well. Disregard anything else, grab pharmaceutical grade (they come in packs of 7x .1mg) and inject them as you wish.

I’ve had extremely difficult recovery from blasting multiple steroids for a while. Used SERMs like clomid, nolvadex, à combination of those, tried nothing at all, bloods came back with test being crippled around 400 total and single digits free T. Not to mention quality of life being atrocious. Many people somehow fare well on clomid tho.

The best option is to run a course of HCG monotherapy @500iu MWF and get bloods done by week 3. If you’re responding well to it you can shoot Triptorelin as per above. In my experience with the HCG+Triptorelin combo, one month after the Triptorelin shot my LH&FSH were both above 9, total test being stable in the 600s.


It’s been 7 months you have discontinued the Proviron now. What makes you think you haven’t recovered?

You have before and current blood tests?

Your testicles are still smaller?


Apr 30, 2015
heard some good things about long jack root however I am not active in the roid community.


Aug 25, 2019
Triptorelin works really well. Disregard anything else, grab pharmaceutical grade (they come in packs of 7x .1mg) and inject them as you wish.

I’ve had extremely difficult recovery from blasting multiple steroids for a while. Used SERMs like clomid, nolvadex, à combination of those, tried nothing at all, bloods came back with test being crippled around 400 total and single digits free T. Not to mention quality of life being atrocious. Many people somehow fare well on clomid tho.

The best option is to run a course of HCG monotherapy @500iu MWF and get bloods done by week 3. If you’re responding well to it you can shoot Triptorelin as per above. In my experience with the HCG+Triptorelin combo, one month after the Triptorelin shot my LH&FSH were both above 9, total test being stable in the 600s.
Use HCG. Should definitely help in recovery.
How much Proviron where you taking?

Hi, what exactly does the Triptorelin do?
Is a GnRH agonist that stimulates LH and FSH production.
It therefore stimulates the pituitary gland by mimicking the hypothalamus effect.
It's like HCG but it works on higher level of hpta axis.

HCG mimics LH which is released by the pituitary gland and stimulates the testicles reversing testicular atrophy but Leydig cell receptors will regulate themself for the increased given LH dose that is mimicked by the HCG.
Example: if before HCG the testicles received 2 IU of LH, they worked and the receptors were regulated for 2 IU of LH.
HCG gives 10 IU of LH and therefore the testicles will set to work for 10 IU of LH.

So far so good but when you stop HCG what happens?
The pituitary gland stops releasing LH and FSH because HCG is suppressive for the pituitary since it replaces it by starting a negative feedback mechanism.
Leydig cells no longer receive X IU of LH from HCG and are therefore desensitized compared to those 2 IU that can produce the pituitary gland and so a primary hypogonadism develops.
Triptoreline does the same thing but instead of working on Leydig cells it works on a pituitary level desensitizing it and suppressing the hypothalamus.
So IMHO paradoxically it does even more harm than HCG because it affect the release of both LH and FSH.

Maybe i'm wrong and if someone more knowledgeable than me corrects me, I'll be pleased to read it.


Aug 25, 2019
It’s been 7 months you have discontinued the Proviron now. What makes you think you haven’t recovered?

You have before and current blood tests?

Your testicles are still smaller?

Hi, then I must point out something important.
I stopped the cycle 9 months ago, I was wrong to write.
My balls are still shrunk but less than a few months ago.
I mean that they are in a constant but very slow size recovery.
Also, the amount and density of sperm is in a constant but very slow recovery.
Sadly, I don't have blood tests before the cycle but I have a Testosterone test from 4 months ago and it is 590 ng/ml.
Later on I will repeat the blood tests and I will also have all the other values checked but before that I want to monitor my progress by checking my testicles and my libido and erections quality.
Last edited:


Oct 4, 2017
Maybe i'm wrong and if someone more knowledgeable than me corrects me, I'll be pleased to read it.

You’re wrong, it’s a matter of dosage. Don’t reiterate broscience. The doses I’ve discussed are 200% safe

Do you have more extensive blood works? List all the data


Apr 5, 2019
How much Proviron did you take daily over the 8week cycle?
Normally Proviron shouldn’t be that suppressive.
Also your body should have recovered on its own now.
But as you say this is not the case, we try do give advice.
Bloodwork would be probably helpful.


Hi, then I must point out something important.
I stopped the cycle 9 months ago, I was wrong to write.
My balls are still shrunk but less than a few months ago.
I mean that they are in a constant but very slow size recovery.
Also, the amount and density of sperm is in a constant but very slow recovery.
Sadly, I don't have blood tests before the cycle but I have a Testosterone test from 4 months ago and it is 590 ng/ml.
Later on I will repeat the blood tests and I will also have all the other values checked but before that I want to monitor my progress by checking my testicles and my libido and erections quality.

Test at 590ng/dl?

You are fine now, you recovered (if you ever were suppressed...)

Move on with life, enjoy it


Aug 25, 2019
You’re wrong, it’s a matter of dosage. Don’t reiterate broscience. The doses I’ve discussed are 200% safe

Do you have more extensive blood works? List all the data
Ok then please can you find me a study or even just an anecdote where one says that HCG can increase the testicular size post cycle permanently?
I know that HCG is taken during an AAS cycle to keep the Leydig cells working and thus maintain testicular size.
The problem is that HCG suppresses LH and FSH levels like AAS and therefore when you stop taking HCG your LH and FSH levels are very low and your testicles shrink again.

Look what I found:
Case study: hCG restores testosterone production after steroids use
"HCG works, he claims. But soon after the injections were stopped, the man's testosterone level sank even lower than before he started with the hCG injections."


Aug 25, 2019
Test at 590ng/dl?

You are fine now, you recovered (if you ever were suppressed...)

Move on with life, enjoy it
Hi, I don't know what my T level was before the cycle, most likely I had a very high level as 800-900.
I say this because even if you say that my T level is not bad, since 9 months I have no morning or spontaneous hardons, libido has decreased, orgasm is weaker, the erection hardness is lower.

My balls are still shrunk and my sperm is not as good like before.
Now I'm interested in recovering and I don't want to go to roids or the like anymore...


Aug 25, 2019
How much Proviron did you take daily over the 8week cycle?
Normally Proviron shouldn’t be that suppressive.
Also your body should have recovered on its own now.
But as you say this is not the case, we try do give advice.
Bloodwork would be probably helpful.
I was taking 50mg daily.
I don't trust HCG, my thought is that it can help me when I take it by increasing my libido and recovering my testicles size but once when I stop it I will be worse than now.


Hi, I don't know what my T level was before the cycle, most likely I had a very high level as 800-900.
I say this because even if you say that my T level is not bad, since 9 months I have no morning or spontaneous hardons, libido has decreased, orgasm is weaker, the erection hardness is lower.

My balls are still shrunk and my sperm is not as good like before.
Now I'm interested in recovering and I don't want to go to roids or the like anymore...

Then your next best bet is to take aromasin solo for a while in hope to kick your HPTA to produce higher test levels.
Don’t touch SERMs


Dec 1, 2020
Hi, then I must point out something important.
I stopped the cycle 9 months ago, I was wrong to write.
My balls are still shrunk but less than a few months ago.
I mean that they are in a constant but very slow size recovery.
Also, the amount and density of sperm is in a constant but very slow recovery.
Sadly, I don't have blood tests before the cycle but I have a Testosterone test from 4 months ago and it is 590 ng/ml.
Later on I will repeat the blood tests and I will also have all the other values checked but before that I want to monitor my progress by checking my testicles and my libido and erections quality.
Did you keep any muscle gains + Are you still working out?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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