Mechanistic Uridine Unifying Theory Of Intolerance Of Peatarian Foods MUUTOIPF


Oct 17, 2013
Mechanistic Uridine Unifying Theory of Intolerance of Peatarian Foods MUUTOIPF (moo-toy-ph)
(because hypothesis just doesn't have the same ring to it)
1. Glucuronidation is important, elimination of PUFA, estrogen, rT3, aspirin, etc
2. Implication to milk and orange juice tolerance: naringenin & galactose
3. Uridine increases energetic things: GABA, glycogen, uric acid
4. Status as a 'pseudovitamin'
5. Dietary Sources
6. Depleted by stress (cortisol)

Glucuronosyltransferases are responsible for the process of glucuronidation, a major part of phase II metabolism. Arguably the most important of the Phase II (conjugative) enzymes, UGTs have been the subject of increasing scientific inquiry since the mid-to-late 1990s. (Glucuronosyltransferase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Glucuronidation, more correctly glucuronosylation, is the addition of glucuronic acid to a substrate. Glucuronidation is often involved in xenobiotic metabolism of substances such as drugs, pollutants, bilirubin, androgens, estrogens, mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, fatty acid derivatives, retinoids, and bile acids. (Glucuronidation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

PUFA PUFA Inhibit Glucuronidation – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)
rT3 is metabolized by UGT enzymes: " rT3 was the preferred substrate for both isoenzymes" (Glucuronidation of thyroid hormone by human bilirubin and phenol UDP-glucuronyltransferase isoenzymes. - PubMed - NCBI

A diet made up of a bulk of OJ and milk might be a burden to an already overburden liver. This may be the reason people have trouble with these food products and may warrant the use of other non-citrus juices and low lactose proteins.
Milk contains lactose, lactose is a disaccharide sugar composed of galactose and glucose.

In humans, galactosemia is a disorder that affects the development of newborns and children as they cannot metabolize the sugar galactose properly. It is speculated that overexpression of UDP-Glucose pyrophosphorylase may relieve symptoms in humans with galactosemia.[8] (UTP—glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Since Naringenin, a flavonoid found in orange juice, is known to inhibit Phase I detoxification in the liver. Without phase I, phase II (glucuronidation) cannot proceed.

Naringenin has been shown to have an inhibitory effect on the human cytochrome P450 isoform CYP1A2, which can change pharmacokinetics in a human (or orthologous) host of several popular drugs in an adverse manner, even resulting in carcinogens of otherwise harmless substances.[7] (Naringenin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Increases glycogen
UDP is an important factor in glycogenesis. Before glucose can be stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles, the enzyme UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase forms a UDP-glucose unit by combining glucose 1-phosphate with uridine triphosphate, cleaving a pyrophosphate ion in the process. Then, the enzyme glycogen synthase combines UDP-glucose units to form a glycogen chain. The UDP molecule is cleaved from the glucose ring during this process and can be reused by UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase.[1][2] (Uridine diphosphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Increases GABA (Interaction between uridine and GABA-mediated inhibitory transmission: studies in vivo and in vitro. - PubMed - NCBI)
Increases Uric Acid (haidut said this somewhere)

Pseudovitamin is a nonlegitimate term used to refer to any molecule that is not an Essential Vitamin or Mineral yet is similarly vital in the body. (Uridine - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects |

Dietary sources of uridine: Sugarcane extract, Tomatoes (0.5 to 1.0 g uridine per kilogram dry weight), Brewer’s yeast (1.7% uridine by dry weight), Beer, Broccoli, Offal (liver, pancreas, etc.) (Uridine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Given brewer's yeast's exceptional high amount of uridine, it is possible that it was a mechanism of action in Peat's anecdote about his father recovering from T1DM with large amounts of brewer's yeast.

Cortisol depletes it
"Another of my conditions is very high cortisol: I developed a significant amount of abdominal fat and stretch marks (in areas that are not fat) which is an obvious, outward sign of very high cortisol. This study confirms that cortisol depletes Uridine, and the absence of cortisol increases Uridine:" -natedawgg An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie (Uridine Monophosphate For Fatty Liver/weight Problems/depression/anxiety/insomnia)


Mar 15, 2014
Galactose is known in German as the "mucus sugar", and I do get mucus buildups in my throat from drinking milk.

Usually it's a low amount of mucus, but when I was losing hair very rapidly, it was a very large amount of sticky mucus that would begin a mere 10 seconds or so after ingesting milk. I get zero gas from milk.

Because of this, I have a suspicion that high levels of certain hormones (DHT seemed to do it for me) can cause increased lactase production. The geographic incidence of lactose tolerance seems to correlate with levels of observable DHT driven traits, to some extent (Asians have low baldness/hirsutism and low tolerance, Indians/Arabs/Europeans the opposite).

My lower mucus buildup occurs when I have less facial hair and baldness, which is indicative of a lower level of lactase.
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Jan 7, 2016
Anybody supplementing uridine here? Besides with beer, I mean.


Jul 13, 2014
Anybody supplementing uridine here? Besides with beer, I mean.
With beer? I've started experimenting with it today. Boosted energy but not sure if it's just a stress response
Nov 26, 2013
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