Lyme disease help



Apr 29, 2021
just realised, i still have some of the ticks i pulled off. i could send them to get tested. but are these test accurate? furthermore, the one question i still cant seem to figure out about all of this, is how urgent is the antibiotic use actually? do you need to take them within the week? can they still reverse lyme after a month?


Oct 6, 2020
well, you guys were right. i saw my doctor today, and as soon as i uttered the word lyme, her face turned to an almost angry look.
she REFUSED to even listen to me, telling me its just a cold. it was like she had a gun to her head.

Yep. Lyme, chronic fatigue etc. usually catapults you into conspiracy/hypochondriac status. The dreadfull story of every chronicly ill person not getting listened to and not reciving the help they need.

im in denmark. did you ever do antibiotics, or did you get better on your own?

There are people who have improved on tickborn diseases with herbs, nutrition, breathwork etc. it is quite a mysterial, systemic illness. General health advise applies here too.

just realised, i still have some of the ticks i pulled off. i could send them to get tested. but are these test accurate? furthermore, the one question i still cant seem to figure out about all of this, is how urgent is the antibiotic use actually? do you need to take them within the week? can they still reverse lyme after a month?

Doxycycline is standard treatment and apparantly the earlier the better. Waiting weeks/months when lyme is potentially indicated is essentially medical malfeasance in my opinion. Reversing it works later too altough it becomes harder and harder. However there isn't a 100% chance for antibiotics to fix it and diagnostic measures are sadly not that accurate. There is quite iinteresting protocols beside doxy which you should check out if you realy find yourself in severe health issues from tickbites (Some have already been mentioned).

I remember i found a article once that showed doxy in combination wiht methylene blue was alot "stronger" but the whole biofilm story is highly ambivalent and antimicrobial approach is not the answer for everyone from what it seems. Don't overreact this, there is alot one can do despite what doctors and google search results say. I'm saying this because i was at this point in 2019 too, running from doctor to doctor.

i talked to my elderly neighbour today, he told me that he and his wife are pretected from lyme because they eat so much garlic. he seemed convinced that it repelled tics.

Ocourse that can work. Ever ate raw garlic? Or used a garlic suppositorium? That smell that you can almost "feel" and smell inside you that remains for hours? its enough to keep every demon out imo. Or atleast prevents one from entering the meatsuit.

Flowers of sulphur or diatomaceous earth for example can be used on the fur to keep bugs of your 4legged best friend. I woudn't be surprised if putting it into hair or cloth on humans before going into the woods to be quite a effective repelant. If that sucks taking it orally can help too. Altough it can be harsh on the skin so test a little on the wrist beforehand.

It doesn't even have to be irritating powder, some water/alcohol solution or antimicrobial essential oil put in the hair... all of this stuff could "protect" while going out. This would require experimentation tho.

And what i want to add here is, there are people who gotten ticks many times in their life and they've been fine without needing medical interventions.
Do you have any other sympoms thus far? Bad inflammation? Systemic symptoms? Digestion going downhill since? Malnutrition symptoms?


Nov 4, 2017
did you ever do antibiotics, or did you get better on your own?
I did not do any antibiotics at all, but I ignored the bite and the rash and became ill a few months later. It's not necessary to have the antibiotics, but it would definitely help if you can get your hands on some. Your neighbor is correct, garlic will definitely work to kill the bacteria, as will cat's claw and methylene blue.

Are you currently symptomatic at all, or more just worried about the potential? When I became symptomatic, I was in a very poor state of health. I truly believe that healthy people handle Lyme just fine. I've seen the same in my dogs, they seem to tolerate it fine, as they have ticks all over them all of the time. Dogs that are elderly or just not healthy in general are the ones that get symptoms.


Nov 4, 2017
there is alot one can do despite what doctors and google search results
Exactly! And like he said, try not to be to worried. This is all part of the scare tactic used that keeps people addicted to the medical system, if you know what I mean. The fact that you are already aware and ahead of it, you'll likely knock out the bacteria before it has a chance to really spread through your system. Once it's had residence there for a significant amount of time is when it will make the biofilms and be elusive to your immune system. Just get a few of the named herbs or methylene blue and stay on it for a few weeks.


Apr 29, 2021
Do you have any other sympoms thus far? Bad inflammation? Systemic symptoms? Digestion going downhill since? Malnutrition symptoms?
muscle/neck/backpain for no reason. random joints aching like my wrist. wake up feeling like i havent slept. swollen lymph nodes, enough that the doctor felt it with her hands. but mostly i just feel like ive been hit by a truck, never felt exhaustion like this in all my colds and flus. its not like a flu where walking is just completely draining. i can go for a walk. i just feel so fatigued even though i can keep going. its unlike anything ive felt before.

Are you currently symptomatic at all, or more just worried about the potential? When I became symptomatic, I was in a very poor state of health.
how long did you stay sick for? im mostly just worried now that ive realised its probably not just a natural bacteria. would suck to have all the progress undone and become another lyme disaster since ive really seemed to figure out my health and im a good place right now with great digestion.


Nov 4, 2017
muscle/neck/backpain for no reason. random joints aching like my wrist. wake up feeling like i havent slept. swollen lymph nodes, enough that the doctor felt it with her hands. but mostly i just feel like ive been hit by a truck, never felt exhaustion like this in all my colds and flus. its not like a flu where walking is just completely draining. i can go for a walk. i just feel so fatigued even though i can keep going. its unlike anything ive felt before.

how long did you stay sick for? im mostly just worried now that ive realised its probably not just a natural bacteria. would suck to have all the progress undone and become another lyme disaster since ive really seemed to figure out my health and im a good place right now with great digestion.
Those are all classic symptoms, that's exactly how I felt. I was sick for a few months after I figured out what was going on. Once I started on the herbal tinctures it cleared up in a few months. I don't blame you for wanting to get on top of it with doxy. You're in Denmark the country, correct?


Feb 13, 2021
wait so can cats claw cure lyme, or is it only a preventative measure? would you suggest antibiotics this one time, then cats claw?

i talked to my elderly neighbour today, he told me that he and his wife are pretected from lyme because they eat so much garlic. he seemed convinced that it repelled tics.
Personally I would add in doxy unless Cat's Claw was already in my system when I got bit, if that makes sense.

Yeah, garlic and many different herbs are anti-insect and anti-tick.


Jan 30, 2021
I haven't read what others said but I do know about Lyme disease.
The ticks that give it to you are almost invisible; they are the nympth stage and about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.
If you have new symptoms and you suspect you have been bitten, the usual fast response is two weeks of doxycycline, which is one of the less dangerous abx.
A lot depends on your genetics as to whether you end up with a significant problem, and there is a gene called the post-Lyme gene that will indicate problems continue even after theoretical eradication of the illness. Many can just live with it asymptomatically.

I own a frequency machine that DOES cure Lyme and it fascinates me the number of people who won't believe me because of all the toys out there that claim to do it. I personally know people who have been cured by using this machine. It is not commercially available.

There is also a nutritional protocol that makes about 50% of people asymptomatic. Developed by an MD who himself has Lyme. It is at

Best of luck. This doesn't have to get you down -- many people who have terrible problems are also in mold exposure and don't make the connection.


Apr 10, 2017
i have absolutely NO knowledge at all about lyme disease. i recently moved to a place with a lot of ticks. i think i may have contracted lyme, and i know the most obvious answer would be to google all of this, but man google is so useless
i pulled a tick off my stomach 10 days ago, and thought nothing of it. now i cant remember if this came before or after, but ive gotten a rash above my penis, 6 red spots or so.
View attachment 37638
they look simmilar to the "disseminated lesions" example. 2 days a go i pulled another tick off my leg, and later that day i felt really fatigued. today i pulled 4 more off, and i am now feeling extremely fatigued, and my back and neck hurts. does it sound like lyme?
i was hoping someone could give me a crash course:
1. what is lyme disease really?
2. how soon after you get it do you need to start antibiotics?
3. what anti biotics should i take?
4. what happens if i just do nothing
5. natural ways of fighting lyme?
6. why do some people get permanently ****88 up by lyme? are they likely just suffering from chronic fatigue due to poor health?
7. how do you even know if you have lyme? are whatever tests the doctors give you actually reliable?
8. why can dogs and cats get 100s of ticks with seemingly no issues?
9. why is lyme suddenly such a big deal? humans have dealt with ticks for ever. i cant imagine the average greek farmer would just have to suffer the rest of his life because there were no antibiotics. surely they must have gotten tons of ticks while working with sheep and cattle.
10. after a course of antibiotics, are you then immune to lyme? can you develop immunity? there are so many ticks here, i cant hop on antibiotics once a month....
11. if you have any natural tick reppeling creams or lotions feel free to share.
ive always been a never go to the doctor kinda guy. im only 25 and i beat corona just fine. im really scared of antibiotics, ive heard so many stories of people ******* up their guts with them. but then again, they have moslty been older people whose bodies were not as resilient. idk something about lyme disease just doesnt add up. getting ticks is unavoidable if you work in a garden or farm enviroment... are humans really so fragile?
Forget the conspiracy theories. I contracted Lyme last September but didn't get properly diagnosed for a couple of months, at which time my doc finally put me on 4 weeks of doxycycline. It provided some improvement but I relapsed in a few weeks and was hospitalized and told I was still actively infected with Lyme, which had affected my heart. I left the hospital after a few days with a PICC line and infused myself daily with ceftriaxone for a month. I have felt better since then but am still affected by severe fatigue at times. It will be a slow but gradual road until I fully recover. I strongly urge you to get on a few weeks of doxycycline ASAP before the spirochete bacteria get fully entrenched in you. Your doc appears to be incompetent. Do what you have to do, your doc be damned.


Apr 29, 2021
Forget the conspiracy theories. I contracted Lyme last September but didn't get properly diagnosed for a couple of months, at which time my doc finally put me on 4 weeks of doxycycline. It provided some improvement but I relapsed in a few weeks and was hospitalized and told I was still actively infected with Lyme, which had affected my heart. I left the hospital after a few days with a PICC line and infused myself daily with ceftriaxone for a month. I have felt better since then but am still affected by severe fatigue at times. It will be a slow but gradual road until I fully recover. I strongly urge you to get on a few weeks of doxycycline ASAP before the spirochete bacteria get fully entrenched in you. Your doc appears to be incompetent. Do what you have to do, your doc be damned.
The documentary book "Bitten" has spread light about true Lyme story..invented in labs
Anyway My story is even warse..
No tick bite. But bulls eye by hospital needle.
2 years later I was more dead than alive. Bedridden. Weight lost 20 kg
Always have been healthy and with good functioning immune /thyroid system. T3 always been in upper range.
My thyroid went low 3 years after bulls eye
I have read a lot of books, articles, studies bcs no one of medical community were able to help me.
ABx did nothing but harm for my gut.
What put me in remission :
1 Antiparasitic herbs including Quassia Amara. There are 4 that can kill off Babesia - common co infec - Quinnine, Quassia Amara, MMS, Cryptolepis
Wormwood combination is amazing mix of herbs
2. Anti Candida herbs
Very popular
Don't skip Grapefruit seed extract, Pau D'arco and Lactoferin
3. Liver cleanse
B1 Benfotiamine, NAC, Aspirin, Cyproheptadine
Teasel root make cyct form to burst . Combine with Cats Claw and Cryptolepis Andrographis
Buhners protocols for Lyme
5. Lugol's Iodine
2-3-4 drops on Mon, T, W
3 on
4 days off
6. Lyme eats up every good mineral, vitamin, collagen ( problem with bones, eyes, brain and every cell)
Eat bone broth homemade very often ... As first meal this will safe you many problems with depletion..
7. Antioxidants bcs inflammation is on max with this killer disease
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2017
Lyme eats up every good mineral, vitamin, collagen
This statement is important! The herbal tinctures definitely help with the infection, but eating good food and lots of it to replenish the minerals is what will dig you out of the hole. Also, I truly believe that if you are able to take doxy within a week or so of being bitter, you can knock out the infection because it's in your blood stream. Once it becomes systemic and those little spirochetes invade your joints, nerve tissue, organs etc. then the abx are not able to penetrate these tissues to kill the infection, so that's where the herbs and nutrition come in.


Feb 3, 2020
I have heard of life-changing testimonies of mitosynergy‘s copper 1 for lyme disease.

Never had lyme but may be something to try. Or at least getting your copper status evaluated with blood work. (serum copper & ceruloplasmin)

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
Frankly, If I were you I would just avoid going out in tall grass and such! just avoid it that's all and then nothing to worry about! here in my part of Canada, they are everywhere, even in short grassy areas, our outdoor cat comes home covered in them daily, he takes meds that protect him, but sometimes they stay in the carpet when he comes in and I have had them in the bed! most are not the lyme carrying type though. My father got Lyme about 15 years ago. he had the full blown bullseye rash and was on antibiotics for a while, on a pump. he recovered fine and he was over 80 at the time! just avoid forests and grassy areas. there's probably lots of places to walk away from heavy brush. stop stressing!


Aug 10, 2012
? Change is late but it’s finally pulling up in the porte-cochére. CNN ran a story this week headlined, “House of Representatives Orders Pentagon to Investigate Whether Ticks Were Once Used as Biological Weapons.”

A bill amendment sponsored by New Jersey Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), which would never EVER have passed the House two years ago, requires the Defense Department’s Inspector General to investigate whether the DoD used ticks or other insects as potential biological weapons in experiments between 1950 and 1975.

Chris Smith has long advocated for Lyme Disease, which is named after Lyme, Connecticut, where the very first human case randomly appeared. By a complete coincidence — a coincidence that before 2020 only a conspiracy theorist would notice — Lyme, Connecticut is plumb spang right across the water from US Bio-Lab 257 — the Plum Island Animal Disease Center. See? Veterinary research! Just like we talked about yesterday.

Again, the actual news seems much more interesting to me than the investigation itself. In other words, two years ago Representative Smith would have just been one of those kooky Lyme disease characters. His crazy Lyme bills would have gone precisely nowhere. But after Wuhan — even though the federal government officially cleared itself and its evil muppets, Fauci and Collins — still, a majority of House Representatives are now willing to consider that maybe, just maybe, we need to check this Lyme thing out.

Just to be sure. Times have changed, after all.

One of the things that changed is a book that came out this year — post pandemic — titled, “Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons,” by Stanford University science writer (and Lyme sufferer) Kris Newby. Newby interviewed a retired scientist named Willy Burgdorfer, who used to work for DoD as a peace negotiator. Haha, just kidding. Burgdorfer was a DoD bioweapons developer.

Guess what retired DoD bioweapons engineer Burgdorfer told writer Newby? And guess what he showed Mr. Newby from his files? You guessed it, he told the journalist about having worked on a bloated bunch of tick research.

For balance, I’ll note that the American Lyme Disease Foundation’s president Phillip Baker says people should ignore Newby’s book because the CDC and NIH experts promised Lyme came from deer. I know it sounds like a joke, but he really said that. Baker thinks that if the CDC and NIH said something, that should settle it.

Oh! More good news. The AP reported this month that Pfizer is in phase III clinical trials for a Lyme disease vaccine. It uses two shots plus boosters. I’m not making this one up, either. So get ready.

I’m not even going to MENTION the newest conspiracy theory connecting Lyme’s red-meat allergies and Bill Gates’ fake meat campaign. It’s just too much.

Nov 27, 2017
Good podcast on it here: Lyme Wars
covers the controversies around Lyme and also the detailed history and science of it and irs relationships to cfs and gulf War syndrome. It also covers environmental toxins and their role in weakening the immune system so that infections like Lyme can do more damage


Sep 12, 2018
Desbio has a very powerful homeopathic regime for Lyme and co-infections...
Some practitioners work with a Voll type device that serves to help in finding if a particular remedy matrix might be appropriate.
something to keep in mind
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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