L-Ornithine - Anybody Results With It?


Aug 22, 2013
Does anyone have experience with L-Ornithine? After hearing about it on a recent Danny Roddy episode, I did a little research and found that many people report it greatly improves their sleep. I have no problem falling asleep, or staying asleep, but for years my sleep quality has seemed very poor, as I rarely woke up feeling refreshed. I had previous girlfriends tell me I tossed and turned a lot, chattered my teeth, etc. but otherwise was out like a rock. I also would very rarely remember my dreams, and when I did they tended to be nightmares or extremely stressful.

About a week ago I started trying 2 grams of L-Ornithine (Source Naturals caps) before bed, and the results have been a drastic improvement. Most mornings after having taken it I've woken up feeling noticeably more refreshed and ready to start my day. By the time I actually get out of bed I feel pretty alert, whereas before I felt like I was in a haze for the first hour or so after getting up. Interesting also, many nights I've woken up around 3:30am for no apparent reason, which never used to happen to me. I've read before that bi-phase sleeping is actually our natural state, and I wonder if this is further indication that my sleep is improving. I've been able to get back to sleep within 20mins every time and sleep well the rest of the night. I've also been remembering my dreams a lot more, and while they are a bit stressful, they are nowhere near the terror I used to experience on the occasional one I remembered, and they even have some pleasant spots.

Another observation, that may or may not be related, is that my desire to snack during the day seems to be greatly diminished. I used to constantly snack at work. Now, I have very little desire to do this, and I've been eating lunch later because I get really focused on my work and don't realize what time it is. All in all, this supplement seems to be doing me a lot of good, and I'm curious if others have experimented with it. I know I hadn't even heard of it until very recently, and I do a lot of reading on this kind of stuff.

It also makes me wonder if there is a lot of it in milk, because when I first started experimenting with Peating a couple years ago, I drank massive amounts of milk and it also fixed my poor sleep issues. Unfortunately, I was never able to get past having terrible bloating from dairy and eventually had to cut it out, which left me hunting for a way to help my sleep.


Sep 11, 2013
People with poor kidney or liver function there’s a build up of ammonia, it’s shown to happen in people to. I think I mentioned in one of our last shows there was a human trial with kelp. The medical trial of people in Japan, they were middle aged people in their forties, they looked like they were healthy, and they were given the amino acid L ornithine which is known to combine with ammonia and form urea, and these people that were given it, they woke up the next morning and felt almost as if they were 20 years younger. I mean ammonia is one of those things that tends to accumulate in the brain, and it kills brain cells like no other substance except cortisol and glutamate. The lower your ammonia the better your overall health will be. Bi polar disorder is now considered to be caused primarily by ammonia, and one of the Ledin’s main effects, ledin is the main drug for bipolar disorder, one of its main effect is combining, basically chelating ammonia so to speak, to make sure it can excrete.

I was wondering, if ornithine has such good effects in that study, isn't that a good supplement to take on a regular basis then?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I was wondering, if ornithine has such good effects in that study, isn't that a good supplement to take on a regular basis then?

The drug for bipolar disorder is not Ledin but lithium. Sodium has very similar effects, if you want to try the metal approach. Biotin, thiamine and pyridoxal also lower ammonia. And ceylon cinnamon is probably the most potent of these as it metabolizes into sodium benzoate and sodium benzoate is approved as a drug called Ucephan used to treat hyperammonemia hepatic encephalopathy in people with liver disease.


Aug 6, 2015
The drug for bipolar disorder is not Ledin but lithium. Sodium has very similar effects, if you want to try the metal approach. Biotin, thiamine and pyridoxal also lower ammonia. And ceylon cinnamon is probably the most potent of these as it metabolizes into sodium benzoate and sodium benzoate is approved as a drug called Ucephan used to treat hyperammonemia hepatic encephalopathy in people with liver disease.

Interesting thanks! So has it been proved that sodium reduces ammonia like Lithium?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Interesting thanks! So has it been proved that sodium reduces ammonia like Lithium?

Yes, search PubMed. I think potassium does too.


Nov 28, 2016
The drug for bipolar disorder is not Ledin but lithium. Sodium has very similar effects, if you want to try the metal approach. Biotin, thiamine and pyridoxal also lower ammonia. And ceylon cinnamon is probably the most potent of these as it metabolizes into sodium benzoate and sodium benzoate is approved as a drug called Ucephan used to treat hyperammonemia hepatic encephalopathy in people with liver disease.
This might be worth a thread of its own. I had no idea sodium benzoate had all these potential benefits.

The Health Benefits of Sodium Benzoate (A Food Preservative) - Selfhacked


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


May 10, 2018
Yes, search PubMed. I think potassium does too.
Which form of potassium would you recommend Haidut?
Also, do you think Ornithine (combined with some of the other things you mention), would be worthwhile in an attempt to lower ammonia?
Thanks mate.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Which form of potassium would you recommend Haidut?
Also, do you think Ornithine (combined with some of the other things you mention), would be worthwhile in an attempt to lower ammonia?
Thanks mate.

This has been discussed several times on the forum before. Ceylon cinnamon, biotin, thiamine, aspirin, etc are probably better for lowering ammonia. Ornithine may also do it but I prefer the other methods.


Jul 17, 2018
I bought some ornithine (by Vitacost) when i thought my ammonia was elevated. It could have been elevated or it was just a high glutamate and endotoxin, or most likly a very complex sauce of imbalance. However the ornithine didnt do anything noticable. At 2 grams it made me feel drunk actually (kinda funny) but i think i was more tired the next day so ive not done any since (about 2 months ago).

So i just did 2 grams just to see what happens. To me it seems it may just turn to citrulline > arginine and increase nitric oxide potentially? Idk....and how common is enzymatic defects of the Urea Cycle?
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