Increase "Sense of Urgency"

Dec 1, 2020
What hormones are responsible for "sense of urgency"?

I would think its stress hormones like cortisol, then dopamine, and perhaps testosterone as well.

I feel like entire days go to waste with me not moving towards my goals and just ******* around. And it runs in my family, most of my siblings are the same.

Im able to function and go through the daily motions (complete work, exercise, etc) but I cant help but think if I had a little more "oomph" I would be way ahead of where I am now.

Is this something CBT could help with? Or is it a chemical thing?

One thing I've found is to delay eating as late into the day as possible, so basically Intermittent Fasting. When you're ravenously hungry you get a lot more done. But I don't know if it's healthy, or sustainable, especially when doing heavy workouts.


Jan 6, 2019
You could be in a low-grade adrenal burnout, especially if pushing yourself with heavy workouts, skipping meals and such is a staple for you. The basic solution would be to rest as much as possible and nourish yourself over a period of 6-12 months. Then, once your natural production of stress hormones picks up, you should feel a steady level of active energy throghout the day.
Dec 1, 2020
You could be in a low-grade adrenal burnout, especially if pushing yourself with heavy workouts, skipping meals and such is a staple for you. The basic solution would be to rest as much as possible and nourish yourself over a period of 6-12 months. Then, once your natural production of stress hormones picks up, you should feel a steady level of active energy throghout the day.
I wouldnt say its an energy problem per se, maybe it is, but I think its more of a motivation problem

I have plenty of energy for workouts, sex, socialization, etc

Just none for work, school, administrative ***t (filing taxes, etc)


Mar 21, 2021
What hormones are responsible for "sense of urgency"?

I would think its stress hormones like cortisol, then dopamine, and perhaps testosterone as well.

I feel like entire days go to waste with me not moving towards my goals and just ******* around. And it runs in my family, most of my siblings are the same.

Im able to function and go through the daily motions (complete work, exercise, etc) but I cant help but think if I had a little more "oomph" I would be way ahead of where I am now.

Is this something CBT could help with? Or is it a chemical thing?

One thing I've found is to delay eating as late into the day as possible, so basically Intermittent Fasting. When you're ravenously hungry you get a lot more done. But I don't know if it's healthy, or sustainable, especially when doing heavy workouts.
The two way to produce energy through the thyroid and breaking food for energy and cortisol and adrenaline breaking down the body for energy.

And they have a ying Yang type of effect.

So when your thyroid is working properly cortisol and adrenaline will be lowered and only used for short term burst of energy when needed when you are facing a threat.

But if you are constantly stressed and running on cortisol that will lower your overall thyroid function.

When you intermittent fast your body increases cortisol and adrenaline to break down body tissues for energy which is the fight or flight hormones which will give you that sense of urgency to get things done.

Longterm this is not healthy. It was designed for short term burst of energy when facing a threat. And once that threat goes away and if healthy your return to your thyroid for producing energy.

The problem is, living in today society we see threats everywhere. If you don’t get to work on time you lose your job which is a threat. You don’t have money, no house , no food , for you or your family. Your job performance , your boss
Or coworkers liking you. There lots of stressors in life from just walking past a stranger and could they be a potential threat and thousands of other things.

So when we are constantly running on cortisol for energy you eventually burn out. And excess cortisol eventually leads to cancer, diabetes and heart disease among many other conditions.

So that probably contributes to that feeling you are not getting enough done to get your goals completed and in subconscious way if you could obtain your goals you could get off this cortisol, adrenaline train that your body intuitively knows is not good for your health.

Haidut breaks it more effectively then I can and give solutions



Jun 7, 2016
General hypothyroid.

The sense of urgency is from adrenaline and cortisol.

You want to be moving forward in a way that isn't forced or stressful like floating down a stream.
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