How To Properly Reduce Estradiol?



Sep 6, 2018
I would focus diet on reducing prolactin and cortisol. That would be good amount of carbohydrates from starches and sugars for cortisol reduction and then foods high in calcium for prolactin reduction is better. Since calcium lowers PTH and PTH has a relation to prolactin. Just drink pack of milk a day or eat lots of cheese. Also avoid exercise in this state. Focus on regular sleep pattern and coffee in the morning. Aspirin reducin inflammation lowering cortisol, estrogen and serotonin. This type of approach is probably better than just using lots of supplements hoping to become well. You need to rest your body untill you’re hormones are in balance. You could try androsterone from idea labs dc. I’ve used it and did do blood work it almost halved my estrogen. How is your temperature? Cold hands and feet? Fatigue?

My cortisol is around 525-585 nmol/L in the morning based on two separate tests.
I noticed sometimes when I would not until midday eat the chest pains would be much greater during midday and afternoon. I noticed this is not all the time, but most of the time.
Taking 500mg Niacinamide before bed in a day with all day chest pains in the mammary gland area resulted in a very interesting no pains in the next morning and almost not at all pain until towards the evening where there was more of an irritation.
That day I have also took 12.5mm clomiphene out of desperation, not sure it made any difference, I have some clomiphene pills but I don't want to take them (last summer I took 12.5mg every other day for like 2 weeks out of desperation also, I felt that I was doing something bad, so I stopped, but for short time strength was actually coming back enough to be doing pulls for fun, of course low numbers), that was the reason I went into all those supplements I have enumerated to not go with stuff one could get from doctors.
Unfortunately milk will cause me diarrhea or at best lose stool and some belly discomfort, and after that type of stool I usually get really fatigued the entire day.
But various cheese does not seem to cause me such issues.
As for greens pretty much everything that can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea will cause it for me, cabbage, peas, etc.
I bit of salad, a bit of onion, boiled carrots, seems to be good though, no issues.
Yes I am fatigued and pretty much tired all day, usually when noon sets a state of sleepiness sets in for me, almost daily on the clock, sometimes this does not happen.
I used to be quite well 3-4 years ago, like just doing like 40 pushups at waking up to feel good, more like in a fun way and it did make me feel good, now for example that is pretty much not happening since I am too fatigued to them, I think this happened pretty gradually.

Now I do not know if this matters but I am not taking or have taken SSRIs, Benzodiazepines, weed, drank around 20 times total in my life.
I've taken phenibut like 5-6 times total with large breaks between with doses of around 2-3grams. If that holds anything relevant.

Coffee 1 had only once in life, but not actually running from caffeine these years, just that for a long time I grew up with a homeopathic mother which was against caffeine and mint for example so it did not got onto me to be coffee drinker.

Probably does not matter,I can see acquiescence around me with no issues and drink 2 times a week seriously, eat all the PUFA in the world, are in contact with so called anti-androgenic stuff like rosemary, mint, curcumin all day long, weed and other drugs and seem to have no strength issues or sexual issues (especially when their girlfriend responds in their place, my boyfriend has no "issues" at all and all he eats is curcumin every day, that is interesting)


Jul 29, 2014
You should start drinking coffee. It is very enjoyable!

I would stop applying things to your nipples. I offer no evidence, but I think "irritating" them will make the problem worse.

Ray says that T3 is one of the most effective natural antiestrogens. You'll get people on the forum saying the opposite, so you'll have to research that and decide yourself.

If I were in your shoes I would drop most supplements and start logging my food intake on cronometer to see if there are any weak areas. I would also supplement thyroid. Personally I think it's risky supplementing metals. I definitely wouldn't supplement iron, as suggested earlier in this thread.


Sep 6, 2018
You should start drinking coffee. It is very enjoyable!

I would stop applying things to your nipples. I offer no evidence, but I think "irritating" them will make the problem worse.

Ray says that T3 is one of the most effective natural antiestrogens. You'll get people on the forum saying the opposite, so you'll have to research that and decide yourself.

If I were in your shoes I would drop most supplements and start logging my food intake on cronometer to see if there are any weak areas. I would also supplement thyroid. Personally I think it's risky supplementing metals. I definitely wouldn't supplement iron, as suggested earlier in this thread.

I gotta say I never applied stuff to my nipples, so far all the vitamins I have applied topically where on my thighs or my arms.

I want sometime soon to get some new blood work and see where I am now with the Thyroid values since it has been some time since my last bloodwork.
I pretty much dropped everything in terms of supplementation.


Jul 29, 2014
I gotta say I never applied stuff to my nipples, so far all the vitamins I have applied topically where on my thighs or my arms.

I want sometime soon to get some new blood work and see where I am now with the Thyroid values since it has been some time since my last bloodwork.
I pretty much dropped everything in terms of supplementation.

Oh okay, for some reason it seemed like you were applying some stuff to your nipples.


Sep 6, 2018
I have bought a couple of mercury thermometers to compare with the digital thermometer which I had for a while.

Measured in the same exact position, location while standing on a chair for all my thermometers. Also I have used the timer app on my phone and measured
around 11 AM
Temps with the mercury ones are 36.7C after 5 minutes and if I keep it 15 minutes it is 36.9C, this is what 2 mercury thermometers show (36.9C one and
the other 36.85C the other)
The digital thermometer measured quickly underarm in 40sec or less depending on the time, shows 36.2C or 36.4C after those 15minutes passed
Now supposedly the default time for measuring temperature with mercury ones underarm is 5 minutes. I have heard others say 15 minutes will get more of a
max temperature than 5 minutes. If I am to look at the 15 minutes value that is a good temperature but at 5 minutes it could be better.
The digital one shows a not that of an ideal temperature, at this point I am inclined to believe it is not that accurate.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
I am having massive issues with estradiol or maybe with other estrogens too.
Constant nipple irritation, or nipple pain or even very bad nipple pain like stabbing pains.
My age is 32.

So far the theory is D-Alpha Tocopherol, Retinol, Vitamin D3, K2 MK4 applied topically.
Unfortunately they seem to pretty much don't do anything at all, they sure have cut completely my ability to maintain an erection, libido is not that important to me, but an erection it is.
Sometimes if I apply a lot of retinyl palmitate on skin I will get some headaches at around 40-50K IU
Taking Zinc doesn't really help in any way at all, just shrinks the penis completely at 15-30mg doses, higher doses like 60mg does the same and creates an issue of not being able to get any blood in the penis whatsoever, this actually hurts physically.
I have been taking Magnesium citrate around 500mg to 1000mg which seems to also do nothing all. Considering it is citrate I will replace it with some other form of Magnesium
I have been taking some selenium methionine, 200mcg, seems like it does something after a couple of hours for a couple of hours after which the breast area comes back with issues.

I am not quite sure but something is aggressively keeping my estradiol up. This has also led me to getting fatter and well strength went down a lot.

I have been taking a bit of 15% Lugol from time to time, seems to pretty much shrink the scrotum and penis but not much else.

I am drinking Cola so I get around 30mgh caffeine daily, I thought that would matter to get some caffeine in considering I am not drinking coffee.

Taking orally around 5mg DHEA and Pregnelonone does not help me in any way, when I am good after a while and I do not feel bad in the chest area, if I take those I can feel in 30min to 1 hour the nipples slow get irritated and in 2 hours surely i will get some serious stabbing pains in the mammary glands

I have been trying to use like 1gram of Glycine and 1gram of Taurine for a week, it did nothing when added to the rest of the stack, even 2grams of Creatine daily

I do not have recent bloodwork done, but last time it several months ago:

Low TSH (which is the default with me so far in life)
Normal DHEA-S
Normal SHBG
Normal Progesterone
Higher end of lab Cortisol ranges
Low Test
So called in middle of the range DHT which is in my opinion low, but with high Estradiol and low T one could not expect differently
Prolactine is always low , this time was higher than before but still average within the labs range, not high.

I am not quite sure what is going on but I can't say any of my anti-estradiol supplement did anything for me, before I had more strength than now for
sure and if I work out well recovery is very slow. Yes issues with the nipples are still there.

I am not eating mushrooms to lower my DHT, or Curcuma or mint (even if can sure cut some nausea rarely when needed) things I think they would lower my DHT, like some say high Zinc dose lowers 5AR I have not done large doses just a couple of time to see if I would get some acute positive effects but there weren't any acute positive effects.

I have been reading here people after taking things like a bit of Vitamin E they would feel better, have some libido, some say this with K2 MK4, and a lot of positive stories with pretty much everything I have been taking, but for me all is going downhill, getting fatter, no energy, pain is still there, strength is way lower, workout stamina is like not existing.

One thing I would mention, Viagra or Cialis has zero effect on me, no matter the dosage or how much time I make sure to avoid food around taking the pills.
Maybe that can say something about other hormonal aspects which I am not thinking of, but surely seems like a surprising thing for me and I would guess to anybody.
Knowing how some old people around me or even on the internet celebrate because viagra and Cialis makes them like new kind of makes me wonder what can be so extremely bad with me?

Not quite sure what is going on, but it is starting to worry me a lot lately, especially when I see no improvement from my approach only worsening at a steady pace, which theoretically should make no sense.
What about taking DIM supplement which also has calcium?
Its an aromatase inhibitor and it takes estrogen out of the body?

I have also high estradiol and low T, similar problems, but not so severe. I will try this at some point also.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
rosemary is anti androgenic??? says who?
Yeah, rosemary will clear estrogen from the liver, not to mention a plethora of other benefits from consuming rosemary. I suppose some of the data says it is a DHT blocker, and if you want DHT, then perhaps don't consume it, but they don't say how strong of a blocker it is, etc. Many experts feel it has more of a hormone balancing effect, rather than raising or lower any particular hormone. D-limonene also helps clear estrogen from the liver, which is found also in other fruits and herbs.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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