How To Eat Nightshades Without Being Poisoned


Aug 5, 2019
I found that when my only source of fiber for the day is Potatoes I can eat a kilo without issues, when I mix it with fruit I tend to have some bloating.

So I try to not have high fruit days mixed with potatoes.

On potato days I do take a couple of spoonfuls of honey to have a better ratio of fructose/glucose.

On high fruit days I eat more white rice which is easier for the gut.
Nov 21, 2015
I have trouble with tomatoes and eggplant and peppers.

I must avoid eggplant, but I can tolerate small amounts of tomato and peppers.

I don't have trouble with potatoes at all.


Feb 22, 2014
I have a lot of trouble with nightshades. Here are my strategies.

1. avoid tomato products too many days in a row. A few days of eating some red sauce and then it starts to become a problem. Giving it a break makes it okay to have tomato again.

2. avoid chunks of tomatoes. Sauce seems to work out better than tomato chunks.

3. avoid any peppers at all, except small amounts of spicy peppers. Jalapeno, Serrano, Habanero, just small quantities give food a great deal of heat and taste great, but don't cause irritation because quantity is small.

4. avoid eggplant entirely.

5. white potatoes - peel before boiling. Remove eyes and don't eat green ones. No problems with occasional potatoes well-cooked as long as the skin has been removed prior to boiling.
Reading up on nightshades on another thread, found this. Thanks for the post.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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