How Long Do You Believe The Human Body Can Live?


Jul 11, 2019
I have a very hard time believing that the human body/mind can only reach about 110. I have felt this way ever since I was old enough to contemplate aging. What are your thought's on this? Why do I feel like we were designed to live past 150? Think about all the stress we have been exposed to from day 1. Chances are you began getting malnourished while inside the womb. You came out and if you were a male - there was a good chance you were circumcised. What a great way to start your life. You went from a warm womb to getting your private parts sliced. In my opinion that probably causes the infants mind to deeply believe that life is a threatening world - TALK ABOUT STRESS!

Once your life began you started being exposed to parents that probably weren't even capable of feeding themselves the right way, let alone a child. You started getting fed the wrong foods, were exposed to television, had to start school, etc. All of these things more often than not are not only stressful as hell, but they end up robbing the imagination of the child and then you become another brick in the wall - forced to go to school and eventually work the majority of your life. You do all of this while living in an environment that is highly out of balance. There is junk food on every corner, pollution virtually everywhere, etc. All of this stress and non-harmonic living must have a negative effect on your health and hence your lifespan!

Long story short: Don't you believe that the way we live our lives, the things we are exposed to growing up, bad food, etc dictates largely how long we live? Wouldn't it be fair to assume that if the human body can make it past 100 years in this crazy world we live in: It could make it far beyond that point if our environment was actually in balance? In the same way you cannot expect an aquarium fish to live very long if you never change the water? Its like we are all under a spell and I am sick of it. I would love to hear your thoughts about all of this and aging. Why cant we live to 200?
May 21, 2015
Personally I believe death is not mandatory. :grin Other then death to the carnal nature of man. Death can suck my balls.
May 21, 2015
Here's Ray's thoughts on the subject:

"In an ideal environment in all aspects of the word ideal (mind, body, spirit), how long do you believe our bodies were designed to live?"

"I have never seen evidence that they contain any principle of mortality, and in recent years the suspicion that we contain all the equipment needed for perpetual renewal, given the right circumstances, is seeming to be increasingly plausible."

from: Ray Peat Interviews Revisited


Oct 1, 2019
I am with you on this. Our current lifespan of 70-90 years is the result of societal stress, wrong nutrition, industrial toxins and a medical system that is out to profit from you instead of heal you.
I think the ages that some mythological persons reached (around 500 years) are probably realistic in a more optimal environment. I think Peat mentionend that higher CO2 levels in the past might have contributed to extreme longevity.

Longevity myths - Wikipedia
Ancient extreme longevity claims[edit]
These include claims prior to approximately 150 AD, before the fall of the Roman empire.

  • Fu Xi (伏羲) was supposed to have lived for 197 years.[28]
  • Lucian wrote about the "Seres" (a Chinese people), claiming they lived for over 300 years.
  • Zuo Ci who lived during the Three Kingdoms Period was said to have lived for 300 years.
  • In Chinese legend, Peng Zu was believed to have lived for over 800 years[29] during the Yin Dynasty (殷朝, 16th to 11th centuries BC).
A book Macrobii ("Long-livers") is a work devoted to longevity. It was attributed to the ancient Greek author Lucian, although it is now accepted that he could not have written it. Most examples given in it are lifespans of 80 to 100 years, but some are much longer:

  • Tiresias, the blind seer of Thebes, over 600 years.
  • Nestor lived over 300 years.
  • Members of the "Seres" over 300 years.

A woodblock print of Emperor Jimmu, part of Famous Generals of Japan by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Some early emperors of Japan are said to have ruled for more than a century, according to the tradition documented in the Kojiki, viz., Emperor Jimmu and Emperor Kōan.

  • Emperor Jimmu (traditionally, 13 February 711 BC – 11 March 585 BC) lived 126 years according to the Kojiki. These dates correspond to 125 years, 339 days, on the proleptic Julian and Gregorian calendars. However, the form of his posthumous name suggests that it was invented in the reign of Kanmu (782–806),[32] or possibly during the time in which legends about the origins of the Yamato dynasty were compiled into the Kojiki.
  • Taejo of Goguryeo (46/47 – 165) is claimed to have reigned in Korea for 93 years beginning at age 7. After his retirement, the Samguk Sagi and Samguk Yusa give his age at death as 118,[33] while the Book of the Later Han states he died in 121 at age 74.
Persian empire[edit]
The reigns of several shahs in the Shahnameh, an epic poem by Ferdowsi, are given as longer than a century:

Ancient Rome[edit]
In Roman times, Pliny wrote about longevity records from the census carried out in 74 AD under Vespasian. In one region of Italy many people allegedly lived past 100; four were said to be 130, others up to 140. The ancient Greek author Lucian is the presumed author of Macrobii (long-livers), a work devoted to longevity. Most of the examples Lucian gives are what would be regarded as normal long lifespans (80–100 years).

  • Tiresias, the blind seer of Thebes, was alive for over 600 years (Lucian).
  • Nestor lived over 300 years (Lucian).
  • According to one tradition, Epimenides of Crete (7th, 6th centuries BC) lived nearly 300 years.[34]

Biblical longevity
Methuselah 969
Jared 962
Noah 950
Adam 930
Seth 912
Kenan 910
Enos 905
Mahalalel 895
Lamech 777
Shem 600
Eber 464
Arpachshad 438
Salah 433
Enoch 365
Peleg 239
Reu 239
Serug 230
Job 210?
Terah 205
Isaac 180
Abraham 175
Nahor 148
Jacob 147 147
Esau 147?
Ishmael 137
Levi 137
Amram 137
Kohath 133
Laban 130+
Deborah 130+
Jehoiada 130
Sarah 127
Miriam 125+
Aaron 123
Rebecca 120+
Moses 120
Joseph 110
Joshua 110


Jan 1, 2020
I don't think there's any limit to the lifespan in theory, but in practice you're fighting an invisible war. You don't know the exact state of your body, and you don't know the the exact state of your environment, even if you happen to in theory know the exact mechanisms and value of all substances everywhere. The human body wasn't made to live forever, unlike certain other creatures like that immortal jellyfish, so the mechanisms for renewal aren't easily accessible.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Is it really like we never existed consciously ? After all, we have no memory of consciousness before our lifetime... it’s like we are a blip on the screen and that’s that


Nov 18, 2019
Is it really like we never existed consciously ? After all, we have no memory of consciousness before our lifetime... it’s like we are a blip on the screen and that’s that
Not at all. For some strong evidence of survival after death, not to mention strong science and research read Signs of Reincarnation by James Matlock. It will shake any skeptic with the crazy evidence.


Jul 9, 2020
Yeah, I think the CO2 thing is huge. The central stressor in the body is when CO2 declines (usually from low thyroid), because it acts as a master "antioxidant" of sorts.

When you aren't retaining CO2 well, you tend to see a rise in serotonin and lactate, resulting in systemic constriction and calcification. The lactate also impairs our ability to hold glycogen in the liver, and thus we tend to activate lypolisis and gluconeogenesis sooner and more frequently, which causes a rise in cortisol in tandem with serotonin and lactate.

The loss of CO2 is what causes the entire stress cycle to turn on, and thus is probably the number one cause of decreased lifespan. The steady rise of global CO2 in the past 30-40 years is likely a huge factor as to why life expectancy is higher now then it was.

Of course, mainstream will tell you inventions of modern medicine is the reason. But I think this is overselled way too much. I mean, if you think about it, outside of trauma units like the ER, modern medicine hasn't offered us many cures or breakthroughs. Just symptom treaters from Big Pharma. I'm not willing to sign off on the idea that SSRIs, statins, beta-bockers, metformin, and all this other crap the doctors like to hand out is the reason why we see higher life expectancy in aggregate.


Feb 8, 2020
The steady rise of global CO2 in the past 30-40 years is likely a huge factor as to why life expectancy is higher now then it was.

We are dying younger than ever before. Go back 3-5 generations and many people lived 100-120. Life expectancy is an average. The only reason the average ibcreased is because we are having less childbirths than ever before (people used to have 10-20 childbirths, and many would die at birth or childhood from malnutrition).

The lactate also impairs our ability to hold glycogen in the liver, and thus we tend to activate lypolisis and gluconeogenesis sooner and more frequently, which causes a rise in cortisol in tandem with serotonin and lactate.

This is a myopic view of the human body. And way too overcomplicated. Provide enough calories and nutrients consistently and those problems will disappear. You act like your body is working against you.


Nov 18, 2019
Provide enough calories and nutrients consistently and those problems will disappear.
+1 This is so important and applies with many health problems. I am making this claim from my personal experience and those of my clients as well.


Oct 1, 2019
@B___Danny Exactly. The decreased infant mortality rate is the only reason the average age is rising. People are actually getting sicker and (probably) dying younger.

I remember being lied to in school about it. They told me that people only reached 30 years of age in the past, even though that was just the average age factoring in infant mortality.

I can't believe I bought that.....
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Feb 8, 2020
@B___Danny Exactly. The decreased infant mortality rate is the only reason the average age is rising. People are actually getting sicker and dying younger.

I remember being lied to in school about it. They told me that people only reached 30 years of age in the past, even though that was just the average age factoring in infant mortality.
And also they say that there is less infant mortality because of medical advances. That may be true, but I have a suspicion that it is due to decreased attempts at childbirth. For example, my great grandmother had 10 childbirths/pregnancies and 6 children. 4 infant mortalities (or some miscarriages, I never asked). But when we look at today, women are having miscarriages and can't even get fertile more than ever before, and are having way less children because of the advances in our great new society. So id you actually look at it, more babies arent even making it to the TIME of childbirth/labor and are dying from a miscarriage/ the eggs are being fertilized way less than before.


Aug 17, 2018
Is it really like we never existed consciously ? After all, we have no memory of consciousness before our lifetime... it’s like we are a blip on the screen and that’s that

If you read Nag Hammadi texts (probably the most powerful thing I ever read) it explains where we came from and where we will are born into a body that has amnesia in it. That's why you don't remember. Our bodies are very limited now but it didn't use to be like that thousands of years ago. According, to the texts we did live for hundreds of years. The question is: What's the purpose of your existence? And my answer is: You are here for the experience.
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