Hi all, these are my Dutch test results from 2021. If anyone is informed about hormones I’m open to hearing any advice/ interpretations/ suggestions


Dec 2, 2022
background info;
I am 26 years old, I have had PCOS since puberty and cold urticaria since January 2021. I grew up with a lot of yelling and physical violence in my home and felt traumatized. I was also bullied in school.

I think that led to me being in a chronic stressed mental state and also suppressed my thyroid. (Subclinically)

My thyroid blood results always been normal, they have been posted on my profile a couple times before but I can post them again.

I discovered Ray peat in fall of 2020 and started eating more pro metabolically slowly at that point. I still had pretty significant anxiety for the first half of 2021, which I had all my life. gradually my anxiety got better, at the end of 2021 I did a Dutch test, it’s much better compared to the Dutch test I did in 2019. If anyone is curious I can also post my 2019 results to compare (I was eating low carb in 2019).

I’ve continued to eat pro-metabolically since then so it’s been another 2 years since I did the test I’m posting. My anxiety is essentially gone, I’m much more confident and social and feel like I have aged in reverse over the past few years. My periods are always regular. I am ovulating (consistent basal body temp rise etc)

I have not done any further hormone or Dutch tests because they are expensive and I prefer to just do things based on feeling, and not chase certain lab values anymore.

I am just curious if anyone sees anything that stands out, or I may have missed. What I see is too much androgen/ stress hormone production and it aromatizes to estrogen. Which I know stress rises in a low thyroid state.

I also am still dealing with cold urticaria (hives that only appear after my skin gets cold) and the hives disappear completely within 10-15 min of being warm.


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