Gluten intolerance & Celiac disease

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
Just a thought, i dont suffer serious effects of ingesting wheat products as some people might but do feel very lethargic and agitated so try to side step them as much as possible which is difficult unless you cook everything yourself as its in everything these days along with social obligations to ingest at family dinners etc. Its pretty common knowledge that wheat contains gluteomorphin that act on opiate recepters, anyone whos ever taken opiates prescribed or otherwise know the effects they have on the bowels, its not uncommon for doctors to prescribe laxatives at the same time to keep things moving....i remember one time after being prescribed some codeine after a slipped disc in my back... when i finally went to the toilet i felt i was gonna need stitches 😅 anyway im guessing gluten has a very similiar effect but along with high amounts of rough starches...and we all know the effects starches can have on alot of people, overgrowth of certain bacteria- along with a very long transit time leading to high inflammation, high seretonin, sibo, leaky gut etc
Wouldnt something as simple as casgara sagrada solve most of these issues aslong as the gut lining isnt too damaged, even if so the faster transit time and antibacterial action should help tremendously and give the gut a chance to heal. Ive noticed a big difference with a couple capsules of sagrada after a heavy meal of starch and/or wheat. My usual go to would be digestive enzymes and vitamin c and prepare for a crappy sleep but been having much better sleep and feeling alot more clear headed in the mornings after a wheat heavy meal.
Anyone had good results with sagrada casgara with glueten intolerence or casgara in general? I know peat wrote about it very favourably but surprisingly not a great deal of mentions here on the forum


Jan 15, 2022
United States
For me it's only certain forms. Some breads give me indigestion, bloating, fatigue, and joint pain, whereas others I'm fine. Try Ezekiel bread and einkorn. Sourdough may work as well as long as it's true sourdough and not sour yeast bread


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I took cascara for years and it had zero impact on my celiac disease. In fact I set myself back quite a bit in the initial 2-3 years after discovering Peat by relaxing my vigilance too much with gluten exposure. I’m not sure if gluten intolerance might be different though. I’ve read about different people reporting going from not tolerating gluten to tolerating it again by fixing their health so it must be possible. I’m all for trying of course because a gluten free diet can be very difficult and if one can tolerate it again that would be fantastic.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
I took cascara for years and it had zero impact on my celiac disease. In fact I set myself back quite a bit in the initial 2-3 years after discovering Peat by relaxing my vigilance too much with gluten exposure. I’m not sure if gluten intolerance might be different though. I’ve read about different people reporting going from not tolerating gluten to tolerating it again by fixing their health so it must be possible. I’m all for trying of course because a gluten free diet can be very difficult and if one can tolerate it again that would be fantastic.
Thanks for the reply. Surprised cascara had zero impact, is there anything you do get benefit from other than just avoiding gluten altogether?
I know about relaxing certain "vigilance" after discovering peat, i gained a stone after indulging in coke and ice cream, loved every minute of it though after years of restricting it 😁


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@purple pill, cascara definitely helped me regulate my bowels but I’ve yet to find anything that helps me tolerate gluten long term. There have been times I thought I was tolerating it because there wasn’t a noticeable immediate reaction but unfortunately within a month or two (usually sooner) I’m back to reacting to it as strong as ever. I’ve experimented with trying it off and on periodically for the last 10 years and it just doesn’t work out for me although sometimes it’s more immediate than others. There’s definitely an autoimmune component at play my experience. I’m older though so it could be a younger person might have a different experience.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@purple pill, my celiac disease seems to have been triggered from being floxed so your thinking on the microbiome makes sense and I think it is the root cause in my case. I ate gluten freely and as a staple without any issues before I was put on levaquin for 50 days in 1999. I do have one gene that places me at higher risk but no one else in my family was ever diagnosed with celiac so there’s that as well. There seems to still be so many unknowns.
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