Europe Road Map On Vaccinations From 2019


Feb 18, 2016
It’s impressive that this road map was drawn up in quarter 3 of 2019 around the same time as Bill Epstein Gates event 201.
Have a look here, conspiracies abound....

Did you know about the global vaccination summit held in September 2019?

Global Vaccination Summit - Public Health - European Commission

‘The European Commission organised, in cooperation with the World Health Organisation, a Global Vaccination Summit on 12 September 2019, in Brussels.

The event took place under the joint auspices of the European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker (alcoholic) and WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (communist).The overall objective was to give high level visibility and political endorsement to the topic of vaccination, which is the most successful public health measure saving millions of lives every year. It demonstrated EU leadership for global commitment to vaccination, boost political commitment towards eliminating vaccine preventable diseases and engage political leaders and leaders from scientific, medical, industry, philanthropic and civil society in global action against the spread of vaccine misinformation".

I’m sure you’ll find Captain Vaccine and his foundation in amongst thorns not as a rose, more as a fly on poo.
There is also a video at the bottom of the whole event, it’s very long but skip through it and you will find the usual suspects, the American surgeon general Adams is there also ,the usual topics like combatting fake news etc are discussed.

If any of you can spread this around the web please do. Skip to 1hr 28 for introductions and listen to the rantings of the first make speaker, he is declaring war on fake news around vaccines and preaching humanism, the main objective it seems is vaccine hesitancy, now how would create vaccine urgency do you think?

@Giraffe this may interest you if you haven’t seen it already.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
It’s impressive that this road map was drawn up in quarter 3 of 2019 around the same time as Bill Epstein Gates event 201.
Have a look here, conspiracies abound....

Did you know about the global vaccination summit held in September 2019?

Global Vaccination Summit - Public Health - European Commission

‘The European Commission organised, in cooperation with the World Health Organisation, a Global Vaccination Summit on 12 September 2019, in Brussels.

The event took place under the joint auspices of the European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker (alcoholic) and WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (communist).The overall objective was to give high level visibility and political endorsement to the topic of vaccination, which is the most successful public health measure saving millions of lives every year. It demonstrated EU leadership for global commitment to vaccination, boost political commitment towards eliminating vaccine preventable diseases and engage political leaders and leaders from scientific, medical, industry, philanthropic and civil society in global action against the spread of vaccine misinformation".

I’m sure you’ll find Captain Vaccine and his foundation in amongst thorns not as a rose, more as a fly on poo.
There is also a video at the bottom of the whole event, it’s very long but skip through it and you will find the usual suspects, the American surgeon general Adams is there also ,the usual topics like combatting fake news etc are discussed.

If any of you can spread this around the web please do. Skip to 1hr 28 for introductions and listen to the rantings of the first make speaker, he is declaring war on fake news around vaccines and preaching humanism, the main objective it seems is vaccine hesitancy, now how would create vaccine urgency do you think?

@Giraffe this may interest you if you haven’t seen it already.
Thanks. No surprise. Freaks gone completely mad. I'll spread.


Aug 17, 2016
It’s impressive that this road map was drawn up in quarter 3 of 2019 around the same time as Bill Epstein Gates event 201.
Have a look here, conspiracies abound....

Did you know about the global vaccination summit held in September 2019?

Global Vaccination Summit - Public Health - European Commission

‘The European Commission organised, in cooperation with the World Health Organisation, a Global Vaccination Summit on 12 September 2019, in Brussels.

The event took place under the joint auspices of the European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker (alcoholic) and WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (communist).The overall objective was to give high level visibility and political endorsement to the topic of vaccination, which is the most successful public health measure saving millions of lives every year. It demonstrated EU leadership for global commitment to vaccination, boost political commitment towards eliminating vaccine preventable diseases and engage political leaders and leaders from scientific, medical, industry, philanthropic and civil society in global action against the spread of vaccine misinformation".

I’m sure you’ll find Captain Vaccine and his foundation in amongst thorns not as a rose, more as a fly on poo.
There is also a video at the bottom of the whole event, it’s very long but skip through it and you will find the usual suspects, the American surgeon general Adams is there also ,the usual topics like combatting fake news etc are discussed.

If any of you can spread this around the web please do. Skip to 1hr 28 for introductions and listen to the rantings of the first make speaker, he is declaring war on fake news around vaccines and preaching humanism, the main objective it seems is vaccine hesitancy, now how would create vaccine urgency do you think?

@Giraffe this may interest you if you haven’t seen it already.
I sent the link and your comments to James Corbett (fwiw).
Here is Corbett's most recent commentary.
I am so sad with all of this. My heart breaks for the children. I want to buy land somewhere and invite children to hide there.
The Corbett Report


Feb 18, 2016
@Vinny thanks.

@Regina I think a lot in that circle will already know.

Gates and the like are pathological , so sure of their understanding of the human ,they won’t stop until it’s accepted, they will test the public to see if they will bite as you see in the agenda , if that doesn’t work they will pump propaganda to kids.

People with kids will need to start doing daily debriefings with their children to ensure the schools aren’t sneaking this stuff into their consciousness through fear like the climate alarmism. They understand generational change and seek to influence this through media and pop culture.

The profit they can make from this is every year is hundreds of billions and subsided by the tax payer.

We the public need to start changing our information sources, it seems to be happening with social media sites, hopefully it will catch fire.


Feb 18, 2016

An immunity pass for European Union was planned already in 2019. Lots of vaccinations will become mandatory everywhere in the EU... It's scary!

Two articles in the German alternative media discussed this:

Fahrplan zur totalen Kontrolle
Die Realität der Verschwörung

This is more for their mass immigration ideology which politicians never canvass the electorate on when looking for votes nor do we get a referendum on it.
The immigration is for cheap labor and the big corporate groups, it’s lowers the wage of workers ,throughout history violent riots break out and lives are lost but the ruling class see that as collateral damage.


Sep 24, 2016
The comic linked by @boris fits well with that.
The EU is currently the main administrative and organizing vehicle of a „globalist“ agenda. Its funds and authorities just got a massive boost during the emergency Corona legislations and initiatives and findings
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
This is more for their mass immigration ideology which politicians never canvass the electorate on when looking for votes nor do we get a referendum on it.
The immigration is for cheap labor and the big corporate groups, it’s lowers the wage of workers ,throughout history violent riots break out and lives are lost but the ruling class see that as collateral damage.

+1 This exactly!


Feb 18, 2016
+1 This exactly!

The way to turn this on the elites is to start pumping the narrative that it’s a subtle form of contemporary slavery under the guise of a humanitarian endeavor ,it is and they are aiming at 3rd world countries again.


Oct 1, 2019
The comic linked by @boris fits well with that.
The EU is currently the main administrative and organizing vehicle of a „globalist“ agenda. Its funds and authorities just got a massive boost during the emergency Corona legislations and initiatives and findings

This is the EU funded comic LeeLemonoil was referring to: INFECTED


Feb 18, 2016
I understand people don’t want to look or hear about these issues but I think they are important to highlight, I’m putting the documents here because its something coming soon so at least we have it here in this thread to discuss.

From any point of view this is dangerous, it is medical tyranny, they are so sure of their "science" just like the days of eugenics, from a "peaty" perspective this is horrifying, it’s not just covid vaccines, it opens the door for diagnosis and "treatment" of any common patterns they find within these databases, they are also pumping anti microbial resistance which again is a Pandora’s box for pharma and the medicinal tyrants to justify mandatory treatments when they choose.

Many new lenses of diagnosis will be created to justify treatment, symptoms don’t seem to matter anymore, just look at how the PCR amplification cycle is being used to falsely inflate numbers, there is question at this point they are knowingly doing this.

Interestingly Sweden never fully joined the EU, will they opt out of these measures? Was their refutation of lockdown measures a sign of dissent? The reality is I don’t think they can, the digitized health cards will be required for trade and travel.

The European Union as stated a number of times throughout the documents are following the UN agendas, GAVI vaccine alliance, agenda 2030 etc , so much for a independent European Union, this is why brexit is a fraud, the Uk are signed up to all this crap, if laws are aligned between countries the rest is tokenism like national flags etc. I mean the WHO have a specific European Union vaccination plan, think about that, the European nations with all their history are being guided by the WHO,a tiny organization in comparison with an unelected team making these decisions.

The word "stakeholders" keeps turning up also, Alison McDowell from the wrenching in the gears blog covers the real meaning of this word within these institutions.

This immunity common pass or immunity license is inevitable, I was looking into it a bit more, the EU are digitizing all health data, here is a link to the EU info graph-

It’s a cross boarder ehealth data exchange between all EU countries, all your health data can be viewed by any EU country, you will also have access to the data, it will be similar to 23andme but it’s mandatory, no opt out. The EU also want 1 million genomes by 2022 on this database. Keep in mind the EU operate under the paradigm of natural selection, neo Darwinism etc, you get wind of this throughout many health orientated documents they do.

I’m sure the cloud it’s on will be Microsoft which means Israel have access to this data therefore China/Russia/USA by default, token arguments and promises of encryption will be given to justify this, these are worthless because the code won’t be open source, a key is all that’s needed, regardless of what country the Microsoft hardware is Israel will have access.

When you understand the health weaknesses of different nations it’s easy to strategize a more effective bio warfare styled attack, the power in this information is too great to have at the fingertips of a few.
Let’s be grateful these clowns believe everything is in the genes so they will probably focus on these areas believing they can control us accordingly, a bit like the wrecking ball that CRISPR is turning out to be, we will be in real trouble when bioenergetics enters their paradigm, DARPA have been investing heavily in bioenergetics for years now so it doesn’t bode well.

This document is a Proposal for a council recommendation on Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases
EUR-Lex - 52018DC0244 - EN - EUR-Lex

Detailed explanation of the specific provisions of the proposal

Points # 1 to 9 of the Recommendation are for the consideration of the Member States, aim to accelerate the development and implementation of national vaccine action plans to meet the goals and targets of the World Health Organization’s European vaccine action plan. There is also specific emphasis on measles vaccination given the current outbreak in Europe. The proposal recognises the need to simplify and broaden the opportunities for vaccination and for targeted outreach towards vulnerable groups in order to close immunity gaps. The proposal calls for educational authorities to strengthen vaccination training in medical curricula and continuous medical training for all health workers. It further highlights the need for increased communication and awareness raising activities on the benefits of vaccination. Exploiting the synergies with eHealth and digital technologies to establish electronic vaccination records for all citizens is also an important element of the proposal that would be included into the information exchange between healthcare providers across borders in the context of the work of the eHealth Network.

Points # 10 to 16 concern actions that the Commission intends to undertake in close cooperation with Member States and include aiming at establishing a European Vaccination Information Sharing system which could bring together related vaccination information and expertise together with the national public health authorities. Under this system, various stakeholders could come together to develop guidelines for a possible core EU vaccination schedule, share common methodologies for monitoring coverage, and launch a web portal with transparent evidence on vaccines benefit and risks including tracking vaccine myths and misinformation. The proposal also highlights the need to strengthen the effectiveness of the exisiting Directive 2 on health and safety at work which guarantees that health workers are vaccinated against specific diseases.

Finally, to address shortages and increase supply, the proposal puts forward the idea of creating a virtual data warehouse for Europe on vaccine needs and stocks and a mechanism for mutual exchange of vaccines among Member States; identification of options for a physical vaccine stockpile in case of outbreaks or global shortages of vaccines and envisages working with industry and other stakeholders to improve EU manufacturing capacity of vaccines.

Points # 17 to 25 welcome the Commission's intention to carry out a number of activities including presenting options for a common EU vaccination card with standardised information on vaccination history; presenting a report on the State of Vaccine Confidence in the EU is requested in addition to actions to better understand the barriers and increase access to vaccination for disadvantaged and socially excluded groups; convening a Coalition for Vaccination with associations of European healthcare workers and relevant student associations aimed at promoting vaccination and strengthening partnerships and collaboration on vaccination with international partners is another important element of this propsoal.


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 168(6) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,


(1)Pursuant to Article 168 of the Treaty of Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), a high level of human health protection shall be ensured in the definition and implementation of all Union policies and activities. Union action, which shall complement national policies, shall be directed towards improving public health, preventing physical and mental illness and disease, and obviating sources of danger to physical and mental health.

(2)In accordance with Article 168(6) TFEU the Council, on a proposal from the Commission may adopt recommendations for the purposes of that Article to improve public health, in relation to in particular fight against major health scourges, monitoring, early warning of, and combating serious cross-border threats to health. Vaccine-preventable diseases are considered major health scourges.

(3)Vaccination is one of the most powerful and cost-effective public health measures developed in the 20thcentury and remains the main tool for primary prevention of communicable diseases.

(4)While vaccination programmes are the responsibility of the Member States, the cross-border nature of vaccine-preventable diseases and common challenges faced by national immunisation programmes would benefit from more coordinated EU action and approaches to prevent or limit the spread of epidemics and diseases with a cross-border dimension.

(5)The rapid spread of disinformation through social media and vocal antivaccination activists have fuelled misconceptions that are shifting the public focus away from the individual and collective benefits of vaccination and the risks posed by communicable diseases, towards increased distrust and fears of unproven side events. Action is needed to strengthen the dialogue with citizens and to understand their genuine concerns or doubts about vaccination and to adequately address those according to their needs.

(6)The insufficient vaccination coverage rates of healthcare workers 3 and their adequate training on vaccination must be addressed to ensure their own - and their patients’ - protection, in line with national recommendations.

(7)The variation of vaccination schedules between Member States with regards to recommendations, type of vaccines used, number of doses administered, and timing 4 increases the risk that citizens, in particular children, miss taking a vaccine while moving from one Member State to another.

(8)The need to bring immunisation services closer to citizens requires dedicated efforts to reach out to the most vulnerable of society, in particular through community-based providers such as pharmacies and school medical programmes. The European Structural Funds, in particular the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund, offer significant opportunities for Member States to strengthen vaccine-related training of the healthcare workers and reinforce the health infrastructures capacities in the area of vaccination.

(9)Demographic changes, mobility of people, climate change and waning immunity are contributing to epidemiological shifts in the burden of vaccine preventable diseases, which require vaccination programmes with a life-course approach beyond childhood years. This approach aims to ensure a lifelong adequate protection and contributes to healthy living and healthy ageing as well as the sustainability of healthcare systems.

(10)Vaccine shortages have direct consequences for the delivery and implementation of national vaccination programmes 5 ; Member States face various vaccine supply disruptions 6 ; production capacities in the EU remain limited 7 ; and difficulties persist in sharing vaccines across borders, while the lack of coordinated forecast planning contributes to demand uncertainty. In this context, the European Union and its citizens remain vulnerable in case of outbreaks of communicable diseases.

(11)The need to rapidly advance research and development of new vaccines and improve or adapt existing ones requires innovative partnerships and platforms, high-level expertise and stronger interlinks between disciplines and sectors, as well as investment in social and behavioural science research to better understand context-specific determinants underpinning vaccine-hesitant attitudes.

(12)The Council Conclusions on Vaccination as an Effective Tool in Public Health 8 already identify some of these key challenges and ways forward, and call on Member States and the Commission to develop joint actions to share best practices on vaccination policies.

(13)The Council Conclusions on Childhood Immunisation 9 specifically call for the refinement of immunisation registers and information systems to improve the monitoring of vaccination programmes and facilitate the exchange of information between vaccine service providers.

(14)The Commission Communication on the implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy 10 and the Communication on the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 11 recall the importance of the digital health agenda and the need to prioritise the development of eHealth and Big Data based solutions. These initiatives are reinforced by the Commission Communication on enabling the digital transformation of health and care in the Digital Single Market 12 ; empowering citizens and building a healthier society, to ensure modern and sustainable health care models as well as empowered citizens and healthcare workers.

(15)Directive 2000/54/EC 13 on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work lays down minimum requirements to ensure workers’ protection, including the need to offer vaccines for those not previously immunised and Directive 2010/32/EU 14 implementing the Framework Agreement on prevention from sharp injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector concluded by HOSPEEM and EPSU foresees that if the risk assessment reveals that there is a risk to the safety and health of workers due to their exposure to biological agents for which effective vaccines exist, workers should be offered vaccination.

(16)Decision 1082/2013/EU 15 on Serious Cross-border Threats to Health provides the basis for the establishment of a voluntary mechanism for the advance purchase of medical countermeasures for serious cross-border threats to health,.

(17)The Council Conclusions on Common values and principles in European Union Health Systems 16 endorse the principles and overarching values of universality, access to good quality care, equity and solidarity, which are of paramount importance to ensure equity of access to vaccination services regardless of age, social status, or geographic location, in accordance with national and regional immunisation programmes.

(18)Regulation (EC) No 851/2004 17 mandates the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to support the prevention and control of communicable diseases and foster the exchange of best practices and experience with regard to vaccination programmes. In addition, the Centre coordinates data collection, validation, analysis and dissemination at EU level, including on vaccination strategies.

(19)Directive 2001/83/EC 18 and Regulation (EU) No.726/2004 19 on the community code relating to medicinal products for human use and establishing a European Medicines Agency, provide regulatory authorities with the mandate to promote and protect public health by authorising the use of safe and effective vaccines, and by continuously assessing their benefit and risk profile following the granting of marketing authorisation.

(20)The Commission One Health Action Plan 20 supports the EU Member States in their fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and calls for streamlined pathways for the authorisation of new antibacterial agents, and to boost the research and development of new vaccines for pathogens associated with antimicrobial resistance.

(21)The European Parliament Motion for a Resolution of 19 April 2018 on vaccine hesitancy and the drop in vaccination rates in Europe 21 calls on Member States to ensure sufficient vaccination of healthcare workers, take effective steps against misinformation, and implement measures for improving access to medicines. It also calls on the Commission to facilitate a more harmonised schedule for vaccination across the EU.

(22)The Commission Action Plan on Fake News and online disinformation 22 aims to contribute to the development of an EU-level strategy on how to tackle the spreading of disinformation, and the Commission Communication on tackling disinformation 23 addresses online platform challenges as regards the spreading of disinformation.

(23)The Commission supports improving access to modern and essential vaccines in the 77 poorest countries through GAVI the Vaccine Alliance since its inception in 2000. EUR 83 million have been contributed until 2015 and another EUR 200 million pledged for the period 2016-2020, which contributed to fully immunising 277 million children in the period 2011-2015, with plans to immunise another 300 million children in 2016-2020.

(24)The Ministers of Health, at the 2012 World Health Assembly, endorsed the Global Vaccine Action Plan, to ensure that no one misses out on vital immunisation by 2020. In 2014 the European Regional Committee of the World Health Organisation adopted the European Vaccine Action Plan 2015-2020.

(25)The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 24 Goal three - to 'Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages' - underlines the importance of vaccines in protecting people against diseases. And, through the European Consensus on Development "Our World, Our Dignity, Our Future" 25 , the EU and its Member States reaffirm their commitment to protecting the right of everyone to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including by helping to secure access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.

(26)A Joint Action on Vaccination, co-funded by the third Programme for the Union´s action in the field of health 26, starting in 2018, is to focus on sharing of best practices on national vaccination policies and identifying technical requirements regarding electronic immunisation information systems, vaccine forecasting, prioritisation of vaccine research and development, and research to address vaccine hesitancy.

(27)The actions put forward in this Recommendation aim to increase public health security, reduce inequalities between Member States, and increase the security of vaccine supply within the Internal Market. They complement and reinforce national policies and actions in all Member States while taking into account their different starting points as regards their immunisation policies, institutional set-up, regional differences, and healthcare capacities.

(28)This Recommendation is in line with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.

Some random quotes below to further turn your stomach -

"Develop the capacity of healthcare institutions to have up-to-date electronic information on the vaccination status of citizens, based on information systems providing reminder functionalities, capturing vaccination coverage data in real-time across all age groups, and allowing data linkages and exchanges across the healthcare systems"

"examine the options of establishing, by 2020, guidelines for a core EU vaccination schedule, aiming to facilitate the compatibility of national schedules and promote equity in Union citizens´ health protection, and subsequently ensuring broad uptake of the core schedule as well as a common vaccination card"

"design EU methodologies and guidance on data requirements for better monitoring of vaccination coverage rates across all age groups, including healthcare workers, in cooperation with the World health Organisation (WHO). Collect such data and share them at EU level’

"Monitor online vaccine misinformation and develop evidence-based information tools and guidance to support Member States in countering vaccine hesitancy, in line with the Commission Communication on tackling online disinformation"

"Reinforcing and establishing new partnerships and research infrastructures, including for clinical trials, facilitating – together with the European Medicines Agency - early dialogue with developers, national policy makers and regulators in order to support the authorisation of innovative vaccines, including for emerging health threats"

Developing a roadmap of unmet population needs and agreed priorities for vaccines that can be used to inform future vaccine research funding programmes at national and EU level, including leveraging the advantages of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious diseases Preparedness (GloPID-R);

Investing in behavioural and social science research on the determinants of vaccine hesitancy across different subgroups of the population and healthcare workers.

"Examine issues of insufficient vaccine coverage caused by cross-border movement of people within the EU and look into options to address them, including developping a common EU citizens' vaccination card/passport, compatible with electronic immunisation information systems and recognised for use across borders"

And below the best is saved for last, global,global and more global ironically from the European Union, I mean what exactly is the point of a European Union when all your policies are globally focused, when you encounter the idiots on twitter with European Union flags ask them this, why have patriotism for the European area when they are clearly globalist’s-

"Strengthen partnerships and collaboration with international actors and initiatives, such as the World Health Organisation and its Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE), the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (ETAGE), the Global Health Security Initiative and Agenda processes (Global Health Security Initiative, Global Health Security Agenda), UNICEF and financing and research initiatives like GAVI the Vaccine Alliance, the Coalition for epidemic preparedness innovations (CEPI) and the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious disease Preparedness (GloPID-R).


Feb 18, 2016
Bumping this thread to highlight these frauds have been planning this since 2019, they have no respect for people.
Its all about digitization of health data, no democracy whatsoever, hard to believe this is happening and still so many idiots supporting them.
She is also states "digital green pass" ,no paper allowed I’m sure, it’s coercion and psychopathology.

Somebody highlighted the authoritarian vonderleyens tweet in another thread, here it is again-


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Bumping this thread to highlight these frauds have been planning this since 2019, they have no respect for people.
Its all about digitization of health data, no democracy whatsoever, hard to believe this is happening and still so many idiots supporting them.
She is also states "digital green pass" ,no paper allowed I’m sure, it’s coercion and psychopathology.

Somebody highlighted the authoritarian vonderleyens tweet in another thread, here it is again-

"...The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad - for work or tourism."

So....according to her without this pass which is yet to come into being, the lives of EU citizens are hindered and they are unable to move safely within the EU for work/tourism?? The last time I checked, before the "pandemic", people within the EU were able to do all these things. What has this pass to offer that is not already in place?? Who is she to define the citizenry as "disabled" so that now a pass is needed to "enable" them to enjoy things they used to just a year ago without any special "license". I guess the EU leaders woke up one day and said "ooops, we made a mistake. we said you could move around the EU for work/tourism and that is your fundamental right as an EU citizen, but we actually meant "privilege", which we now revoke unless you get the pass". In other words, freedom went from being a right to being a privilege only for the wokists or the ones willing to inject themselves with transgenerational poison.


Feb 18, 2016
"...The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad - for work or tourism."

So....according to her without this pass which is yet to come into being, the lives of EU citizens are hindered and they are unable to move safely within the EU for work/tourism?? The last time I checked, before the "pandemic", people within the EU were able to do all these things. What has this pass to offer that is not already in place?? Who is she to define the citizenry as "disabled" so that now a pass is needed to "enable" them to enjoy things they used to just a year ago without any special "license". I guess the EU leaders woke up one day and said "ooops, we made a mistake. we said you could move around the EU for work/tourism and that is your fundamental right as an EU citizen, but we actually meant "privilege", which we now revoke unless you get the pass". In other words, freedom went from being a right to being a privilege only for the wokists or the ones willing to inject themselves with transgenerational poison.

It’s surreal, it’s similarities with WW2 are concerning me. The only difference I’m seeing to German WW2 polices is their fascination with migrants.

I think their main concern is migrants, they want to track them, the fact that opposition is on the rise to migrants means they need to track the natives also, for a project that was supposed to be about Europe and the European people it’s impressive the turn of events that has made them publicly negate the existence of "Europeans", they are now focused on all things global with a major focus on low skilled international migration.


Feb 18, 2016
Those of us in Europe should be witnessing the ramp up in propaganda for the end stage of this roadmap, it’s pathetic the adverts I’m seeing, the omicron variant isn’t working well enough to justify this, people are reluctant with boosters.
All they have left is aggressive rhetoric from politicians most people are starting to hate.

They may need to give this covid narrative up soon unless it genuinely gets worse, no one cares about cases other than the shills and cult members, another master crisis is needed to justify the digital ID at central banks, clowns.


Aug 17, 2016
Those of us in Europe should be witnessing the ramp up in propaganda for the end stage of this roadmap, it’s pathetic the adverts I’m seeing, the omicron variant isn’t working well enough to justify this, people are reluctant with boosters.
All they have left is aggressive rhetoric from politicians most people are starting to hate.

They may need to give this covid narrative up soon unless it genuinely gets worse, no one cares about cases other than the shills and cult members, another master crisis is needed to justify the digital ID at central banks, clowns.
There's always an alien invasion--who hack our grid and give us marburg.


There's always an alien invasion--who hack our grid and give us marburg.
I don't think the elites would infect us with a virus that's actually dangerous because it could kill their own people. Catherine Austin Fitts, who is related to them, says they don't kill their own unless they cross a red line. A coronavirus was probably already chosen to be the cause of a worldwide pandemic a couple decades ago, since there was such a strong fear campaign in the SARS 2002 outbreak.

This virus is very effective since it has a low lethality, has drugs that are effective for coronaviruses and suppress fatality even further which are suppressed from the public (notably, HCQ and ivermectin), and it has a high rate of mutation, which I think is enhanced by the vaxx. Also, the fact that tests have a high rate of false positives, that hospitals are paid when their covid patients die, and that ventilators/remdesivir increase their rate of death, making the virus seem lethal, is all a little too convenient to pump the panic into the press.

No other virus is needed. This is the pandemic, and what follows is a financial crisis which will be blamed on it, which was already present in 2019.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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