Does anyone need an EMDR Specialist?


Aug 7, 2014
If anyone is looking for an EMDR specialist then feel free to private message me.

I see more and more people have been asking about it.

He teaches via signal (video calls) so you can work with him from anywhere in the world and first call is always free.

I’ve been using it for 2 years myself and the effects are life changing… more potent than any supplement I’ve ever tried.


Feb 4, 2019
I’ve been using it for 2 years myself and the effects are life changing… more potent than any supplement I’ve ever tried.
Hi @Velve921 -- I'm happy to hear you're getting great benefits from EMDR. I'm in agreement that a person can get profound shifts from using it. I've tried things like EMDR, EFT, BodyCode, etc., as my wife has been a practitioner of all of these. She has worked with them all, and has methodically moved from one particular therapy to the next.

There's a constant evolution of "energetic" therapies going on out there that would be important for anybody considering these therapies to give some thought to. My wife thinks EMDR was a good tool when it came out many years ago. However, she has since come to realize it has certain limitations, and has supplanted it with EFT, and currently BodyCode, which she believes go beyond some of those limitations.

That said, I think a case could be made for using a therapy or "system" that has already been proven to be highly effective, such as in your case. It could be any number of reasons, including the overall skills of the practitioner. It may fit into the category of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!".

Congratulations on discovering that EMDR works really well for you. Just wanted to mention that these therapies continue to evolve as more and more skillful practitioners keep moving beyond the initial scope of some of the earlier work.


Aug 7, 2014
Hi @Velve921 -- I'm happy to hear you're getting great benefits from EMDR. I'm in agreement that a person can get profound shifts from using it. I've tried things like EMDR, EFT, BodyCode, etc., as my wife has been a practitioner of all of these. She has worked with them all, and has methodically moved from one particular therapy to the next.

There's a constant evolution of "energetic" therapies going on out there that would be important for anybody considering these therapies to give some thought to. My wife thinks EMDR was a good tool when it came out many years ago. However, she has since come to realize it has certain limitations, and has supplanted it with EFT, and currently BodyCode, which she believes go beyond some of those limitations.

That said, I think a case could be made for using a therapy or "system" that has already been proven to be highly effective, such as in your case. It could be any number of reasons, including the overall skills of the practitioner. It may fit into the category of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!".

Congratulations on discovering that EMDR works really well for you. Just wanted to mention that these therapies continue to evolve as more and more skillful practitioners keep moving beyond the initial scope of some of the earlier work.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have not come across many people that are familiar with the practice.

I definitely think having the right practitioner is key and how they implement it.

For example, my mentor taught me how to do it on my own without him so I use it all day, everyday.


May 11, 2022
If anyone is looking for an EMDR specialist then feel free to private message me.

I see more and more people have been asking about it.

He teaches via signal (video calls) so you can work with him from anywhere in the world and first call is always free.

I’ve been using it for 2 years myself and the effects are life changing… more potent than any supplement I’ve ever tried.
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