DHT not to blame in hairloss. Really ?


Dec 2, 2022
I want to raise a certain paradox in Peat's view of hormone-driven hairloss.

I keep seeing dozens of posts on Mesorx and Reddit where Proviron and Masteron users report immediate and heavy hairloss, at a rate that is unseen with other steroids.
They also almost always report prostate irritation and increased nightime need to urinate.
What's more, heavily aromatizing AAS such as Dbol, Deca and MENT don't seem to affect much the hair of those users, making Peat's theory of e2 being responsible for hairloss somewhat dubious.

What differentiates proviron and masteron from DHT is a methyl group. Could that explain all the difference ?

Could anyone reconcile Peat's view with those users' experience in a way that makes sense ?
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I want to raise a certain paradox in Peat's view of hormone-driven hairloss.

I keep seeing dozens of posts on Mesorx and Reddit where Proviron and Masteron users report immediate and heavy hairloss, at a rate that is unseen with other steroids.
What's more, heavily aromatizing AAS such as Dbol, Deca and MENT don't seem to affect much the hair of those users, making Peat's theory of e2 being responsible for hairloss somewhat dubious.

What differentiates proviron and masteron from DHT is a methyl group. Could that explain all the difference ?

Could anyone reconcile Peat's view with those users' experience in a way that makes sense ?

There are plenty of posts on Reddit and other sites saying Deca, MENT, etc also cause hair loss.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/n451qk/nandrolone_is_terrible_for_hairloss_if_youre_on/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/riocms/managing_hair_loss_on_testdeca_cycle/

Moreover, trenbolone (a steroid that cannot even be metabolized through 5-AR), and is in the same family as Deca, MENT, etc is reported to be the worst for hair loss.

At the same time, there are case reports of DHT-derived steroids such as oxandrolone reversing hair loss.
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Dec 2, 2022
There are plenty of posts on Reddit and other sites saying Deca, MENT, etc also cause hair loss.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/n451qk/nandrolone_is_terrible_for_hairloss_if_youre_on/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/riocms/managing_hair_loss_on_testdeca_cycle/

Moreover, trenbolone (a steroid that cannot even be metabolized through 5-AR), and is in the same family as Deca, MENT, etc is reported to be the worst for hair loss.

At the same time, there are case reports of DHT-derived steroids such as oxandrolone reversing hair loss.

Good find.

My statement was probably somewhat generalizing, but I found a trend of DHTs being more often the cause of this complaint than other steroid categories.

That being said, most Masteron users almost always use aromatizing compounds along, so it could also be that Masteron is freeing up some estrogens by lowering SHBG.
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