Dentist wants me to do a dental x-ray?


Sep 22, 2013
Yeah, it is very important to take care of your chompers, cuz you only get one set! I never had a single cavity or dental issue (other than braces, but I was not given a choice about that one) until after I began exploring the diet rollercoaster. Destroyed my tooth enamel during my early raw vegan years before I realized the consequences of eating loads of unripe pineapple and citrus without rinsing the acidic juice away after eating. I have chipped several teeth and my gums are severely recessed thanks to long bouts of depression when I would be in such a dark fog that for weeks I could not even bring myself to get out of bed and brush my teeth. Bouncing back and forth for 8 years between fruitarianism and insurmountable episodes of binge eating didn't help things much either! I'm glad I don't have any mercury fillings, but I'm sure there's some bad stuff in the composite/cement-like material that "repaired" my chipped teeth. Fortunately I have found that oil pulling with coconut oil is a powerful disinfectant for the mouth, and I stopped brushing with commercial toothpastes long ago. Hoping that Peating will be a nice blanket of extra security against any further dental problems.

@Swandattur: Maybe these will work! :shock:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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