Could aromatase inhibitors be useful in autoimmune diseases?


Apr 21, 2021
Dr Ray Peat mentions in some articles that the cause of autoimmune diseases is high estrogen. Considering this, has anyone seen benefits from using a pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitor?

I have a positive ANA marker for Lupus/Sjogren's, and even though it's low, I have several of the symptoms of these diseases, such as joint pain, dry mucous membranes and a recent skin lesion after exposure to the sun.

I take TRT and I was using exemestane 5mg/day, however in the last exam my E2 came to 50pg, I notice that together the symptoms got worse. According to Dr Rand Mcclein, the ideal for men is between 20 and 30pg. He recommends 1mg of anastrozole EOD, or 25mg of exemestane EOD, but my doctor insists it's too much. I clearly observe symptoms of high serotonin, increased anxiety, worsening sleep...

I intend to test larger doses and would like to know if anyone on the forum has had similar experiences.


Apr 21, 2021
"sex hormones are altered among transgender patient on hormone therapies. A few case reports exist of male-to-female transgender patients who developed lupus following the use of feminizing sex hormones (1921), and a single case report of a female-to-male transgender patient, reported an established subacute cutaneous lupus erythematous prior to hormone therapy with resolution of symptoms following androgen replacement therapy (ART) (22). To our knowledge no reports have been published supporting resolution in male-to-female patients or lupus development in female-to-male patients, further supporting a protective effect of androgens and an exacerbating effect of estrogens."



Mar 18, 2017
"sex hormones are altered among transgender patient on hormone therapies. A few case reports exist of male-to-female transgender patients who developed lupus following the use of feminizing sex hormones (1921), and a single case report of a female-to-male transgender patient, reported an established subacute cutaneous lupus erythematous prior to hormone therapy with resolution of symptoms following androgen replacement therapy (ART) (22). To our knowledge no reports have been published supporting resolution in male-to-female patients or lupus development in female-to-male patients, further supporting a protective effect of androgens and an exacerbating effect of estrogens."

Fascinating. Let's see if you get any input.


Apr 21, 2021
I did some tests with AI's but it didn't feel good. Mood swings, a lot of joint pain (clearly got drier) and it was difficult to establish a correct dose. Here on the forum there are articles about their side effects.

I had great improvements after switching from TRT to Deca Base (200mg Nandrolone:50mg Testosterone). Reports that nandrolone aromatizes are wrong, they are based on animals. In humans, nandrolone does not aromatize and zeroes estradiol in a few weeks, depending on initial levels. So it's a much safer method for those who have hypogonadism but aromatize a lot.

The main symptoms he felt were: nose and eye dryness; strong fatigue; joint pain, especially in the toes and wrist; severe anxiety and chronic insomnia (I slept between 3 and 4 hours a night for over 20 years).

By decreasing estradiol, replacing Testosterone with Nandrolone, my symptoms practically disappeared. Currently I can do weight training daily and I still walk my dog for 30 to 60 minutes. In addition to not aromatizing, nandrolone is excellent for your joints. I feel a strong anxiolytic effect with Deca Base, I can't say if it's because it doesn't aromatize or if the nandrolone itself has that effect. Less anxious and with the help of dramamine, for the first time in 25 years I can sleep early, all night, and wake up early, in a good mood.

My cousin has more severe Lupus/Sjogren's confirmed by all lab tests. She has just started the Coimbra Protocol, which has excellent results in autoimmune diseases, using high doses of vitamin d3. According to the creator of the Protocol, Dr Cícero Coimbra, these patients have genetic defects in vitamin d3 receptors, which prevents them from absorbing and using d3 properly.

Another thing I tried for a few months before starting Deca Base was the Carnivore Diet, which also has excellent results in Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sclerosis, etc.

Both helped me, but I only got considerable improvement when I lowered my estrogen.


Dec 7, 2015
Hoping you're still doing great on the Nandrolone. Any updates? How is your cousin doing on the Coimbra protocol? I have considered trying it (for Graves and likely Sjogrens) but for now just taking 5,000IU of D3 daily(should probably check my levels at some point). It seems to be helping, but I take so many things I don't really know which ones are working!


Apr 21, 2021
Hoping you're still doing great on the Nandrolone. Any updates? How is your cousin doing on the Coimbra protocol? I have considered trying it (for Graves and likely Sjogrens) but for now just taking 5,000IU of D3 daily(should probably check my levels at some point). It seems to be helping, but I take so many things I don't really know which ones are working!
Hello everything is fine?
I experimented with Deca Only for a few months, but at the time I was also supplementing with Vitamin D3 and drinking a lot of milk. He didn't know that nandrolone increased intestinal calcium absorption so much. I should have suspected, since they successfully use nandrolone for osteoporosis.
I ended up interrupting the experiment because I started having severe pain in my joints, especially my knees. It was almost impossible to climb a flight of stairs.

I believe I had hypercalcemia, but I didn't do the tests to be sure. In approximately 30 days without nandrolone, d3 and milk, the pain disappeared.

Lately I've been doing a test with Trenbolona Only, as my nighttime cortisol tests came in 100x higher at 10pm. And TREN is famous for antagonizing glucocorticoid receptors. So far it has been great, it has greatly reduced the anxiety I always felt due to high cortisol.

About my cousin, I haven't had an update yet. I will meet her in February and find out more about whether or not there has been any improvement, and I will update her.

On YouTube there are hundreds of reports of Brazilians who have fully recovered from serious autoimmune diseases.

I tested the Coimbra protocol, with medical supervision, but I didn't see any improvements.

When taking high doses of d3, such as those in the Coimbra Protocol, it is extremely important to limit calcium consumption, as extremely high doses increase it. greatly absorbs calcium. At the same time, the metric they use for remission of autoimmune diseases is to have PTH < 15. As Dr Ray shows us, it is possible to reduce PTH through high calcium consumption, which together with your current dose of Vitamin D3, Maybe can improve yours symptoms. Dr Ray recommended 2 liters of skimmed milk per day.

The decision to test Trenbolone Only was also because it does not convert into estrogen. And as Haidut has already said on the forum a few times, science knows that androgens can reverse autoimmune diseases.


Dec 7, 2015
Oh - good you stopped the nandrolone when you had hypercalcemia symptoms!! Really glad to hear the Tren seems to be working for you!
Yes, I have seen many testimonials for the coimbra protocol, especially for arthritis and MS, but I don't remember seeing any on Sjogrens, which is why I am wondering how it is working for your cousin. Sorry to hear that you didn't improve on it. But great that you're getting results with the Tren!
Hmm I am currently taking 5kIU of D3. If I decide to add calcium I think I will need to monitor my levels for sure, since I think even at 5kIU I believe there's a chance of developing hypercalcemia!
Would be very interested to hear if it is helping your cousin when you get a chance to catch up with her!! Thank you!!


Apr 21, 2021
There are many testimonials from people with Sjogren's with the Coimbra Protocol and also Lupus, which usually come together.

Below are some testimonials, but I have had the opportunity to read and watch many over the years.

I almost no longer feel Sjogren's symptoms, which in my case were very dry mucous membranes, especially my nose, something that made my sleep much worse. I had great improvements when I stopped using Testosterone and started using alternatives that do not increase estradiol, since I had been inflamed for many decades and testosterone aromatizes me a lot, and estrogens increase cortisol...

There are many articles showing dry mucous membranes due to high cortisol, so I also credit my improvement to the use of alprazolam, which incredibly reduces my nighttime cortisol and allows me to have restful sleep for the first time in 30 years.

Have you tested your blood s-dhea? It's a very reliable marker of high cortisol, or long-term adrenal impairment. The study below shows that patients with Sjogren's have low s-dhea. Have you tried supplementing dhea? Supplementation in women increases testosterone more than estradiol, which would be very beneficial since Dr Ray stated that it is possible to reverse autoimmunity with androgens.




Try putting machine translation subtitles, these are testimonials from Sjogren's patients. Just go to Settings > Subtitles > Automatic Translation > English.

Low serum levels of sex steroids are associated with disease characteristics in primary Sjogren's syndrome; supplementation with dehydroepiandrosterone restores the concentrations​

Conclusions: Disease manifestations in primary Sjogren's syndrome were associated with low sex hormone levels, dry mouth symptoms with low androgens, and dry eyes with low estrogens. Exogenous DHEA was preferentially transformed into androgens rather than into estrogens.


Dec 7, 2015

Thank you very much for this helpful post - I am just seeing it now, sorry to write back so late. The testimonials are very inspiring, thank you for posting them!
It's really great to hear how much you have improved!!
I have not tried alprazolam as yet. I am taking some progest-e, and I have been taking one drop(4mg) per day of DHEA (the reason I didn't take more was because Dr. Peat said small amounts of DHEA are androgenic but large amounts can be estrogenic):
Why DHEA Must Be Taken In Small Doses Only

But I see in rereading this that I can bring this up to 10-15mg per day! Especially since the article you posted said that, for sjogren's, "Exogenous DHEA was preferentially transformed into androgens rather than into estrogens."

I have recently been trying to get more vitamin D via UVB - At this time of year there is enough UVB in sunlight to generate vit D, so I am getting some sun. My eyes/mouth have been relatively dry despite my efforts, but at this time of year, as a typical sun-avoider, my D3 levels are likely depleted and I have probably not made up for this yet with sun/sunlamp therapy.
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