Chronic Stress / Defeat Causes Mental Illness By Damaging Mitochondria


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yet another study demonstrating that mental illness has little to do with genetics, and is likely entirely due to energetic deficiency caused by environmental stress. This energetic deficiency is caused by mitochondrial damage caused by said stress. Keeping lipolysis and/or PUFA intake low can mitigate a lot of the negative effects of stress as it largely prevent the damaging effects on mitochondria. No wonder aspirin has shown robust anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and even anti-psychotic effects in virtually any animal model tried. Niacinamide and other similar chemicals can likely achieve the same effects.

Altered Slc25 family gene expression as markers of mitochondrial dysfunction in brain regions under experimental mixed anxiety/depression-like disorder
Anxiety-depressive disorder changes brain genes activity

"..."The results of this study confirm the findings of our previous works. It means that psycho-emotional disorders due to constant social conflicts cause severe mitochondrial dysfunction in the brain. The consequences of these disorders can be observed in many neurological and psychoemotional diseases, including depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. A detailed study of the mechanisms of development of mitochondrial dysfunction may provide the key to new methods of treating these diseases," says Natalia Kudryavtseva, senior researcher at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS."

"...Scientists conducted experiments on mice placed in terms of social conflict, triggering depression and anxiety. They compared how selected genes worked in this mice group with some control mice, who did not experience such a stress. It turned out that expression of most genes in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates stress reactions, has changed. Gene expression has also changed in the hippocampus, which plays a crucial role in memory formation, emotional reactions and new neurons formation. These data show that in chronic social conflicts that lead to the development of anxiety-depressive disorder in animals, the work of mitochondria is disrupted in several parts of the brain."


Feb 26, 2018
Borderliner as well ?


Aug 28, 2016
Lol Saturation of cardiolipin , t3, saturated fat must be the answer no?
Nov 18, 2018
Yet another study demonstrating that mental illness has little to do with genetics, and is likely entirely due to energetic deficiency caused by environmental stress. This energetic deficiency is caused by mitochondrial damage caused by said stress. Keeping lipolysis and/or PUFA intake low can mitigate a lot of the negative effects of stress as it largely prevent the damaging effects on mitochondria. No wonder aspirin has shown robust anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and even anti-psychotic effects in virtually any animal model tried. Niacinamide and other similar chemicals can likely achieve the same effects.

Altered Slc25 family gene expression as markers of mitochondrial dysfunction in brain regions under experimental mixed anxiety/depression-like disorder
Anxiety-depressive disorder changes brain genes activity

"..."The results of this study confirm the findings of our previous works. It means that psycho-emotional disorders due to constant social conflicts cause severe mitochondrial dysfunction in the brain. The consequences of these disorders can be observed in many neurological and psychoemotional diseases, including depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. A detailed study of the mechanisms of development of mitochondrial dysfunction may provide the key to new methods of treating these diseases," says Natalia Kudryavtseva, senior researcher at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS."

"...Scientists conducted experiments on mice placed in terms of social conflict, triggering depression and anxiety. They compared how selected genes worked in this mice group with some control mice, who did not experience such a stress. It turned out that expression of most genes in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates stress reactions, has changed. Gene expression has also changed in the hippocampus, which plays a crucial role in memory formation, emotional reactions and new neurons formation. These data show that in chronic social conflicts that lead to the development of anxiety-depressive disorder in animals, the work of mitochondria is disrupted in several parts of the brain."
I took 325 mgs today and jeez I’m so happy and extroverted right now it’s awesome


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
so would something like MitoLipin be good for this?

Could be. Also, thyroid, methylene blue, progesterone, DHEA, T, aspirin, etc. Anything that supports mitochondrial health really.


Jul 29, 2018
Could be. Also, thyroid, methylene blue, progesterone, DHEA, T, aspirin, etc. Anything that supports mitochondrial health really.
Good because I am already taking it lol

I feel as though I've done a lot of damage to myself with years of unnecessary stress, I am better now mentally, I understand how to deal with my stressors now and have overcome them. But it feels as though it has taken its toll on me. I am not the same person as before, I feel burned out by it all. My sleep is still poor, my twitches are always there in my eye, and I get more stressed out by little things that never used to bug me. I feel like I am not working with a full battery

Will I ever go back to normal? Is healing myself and reversing the damage caused by all this stress even possible? and if so, is mitochondria they key?

Thank you


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Good because I am already taking it lol

I feel as though I've done a lot of damage to myself with years of unnecessary stress, I am better now mentally, I understand how to deal with my stressors now and have overcome them. But it feels as though it has taken its toll on me. I am not the same person as before, I feel burned out by it all. My sleep is still poor, my twitches are always there in my eye, and I get more stressed out by little things that never used to bug me. I feel like I am not working with a full battery

Will I ever go back to normal? Is healing myself and reversing the damage caused by all this stress even possible? and if so, is mitochondria they key?

Thank you

If CO2 levels are optimal, new mitochondria are formed continuously and can eventually replace the damaged ones. Things like lithium and maybe even sodium can accelerate the process of removing damaged mitochondria.
Lithium Makes The Weaker Mithochondria Die Off

To quote Peat - "nothing is set in stone". You are a truly new being with every second of your life. As long as the conditions in your life have truly improved, health should reflect those better conditions by getting...well, better :):


Jul 29, 2018
If CO2 levels are optimal, new mitochondria are formed continuously and can eventually replace the damaged ones. Things like lithium and maybe even sodium can accelerate the process of removing damaged mitochondria.
Lithium Makes The Weaker Mithochondria Die Off

To quote Peat - "nothing is set in stone". You are a truly new being with every second of your life. As long as the conditions in your life have truly improved, health should reflect those better conditions by getting...well, better :):

Ok I just ordered Gerolsteiner mineral water for lithium and I drink plenty of bicarb. And time to start buteyko breathing again!

thanks for taking the time out to answer, I am a loyal Idea labs customer (kuinone, energin, mitolipin,) and its great to get some feedback from you!


Sep 5, 2012
These endless arrays of articles on stress at the root of illnesses, insightfull as they are, are giving me depression, learned helplessness, anxiety,etc.
What the raypeatforum needs are studies on how those who OVERCAME whatever sh_ _ one has been dealt and go on and became healthy, wealthy, wise, happy, etc. Perhaps it's someone here at RP...?? Share your story...?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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