Choline, Estrogen And Pregnancy. What Would Ray Say?


Jul 13, 2014
"Women have a biological advantage as the premenopausal female body has much higher levels of estrogen than does the male body. When a woman becomes pregnant this advantage is taken to an extreme, as pregnancy increases estrogen levels over 30 times normal. A successful pregnancy requires high amounts of nutrients delivered to the growing baby, esp. choline. Since the mother’s body is building a human being from scratch, there is an added burden on her biology to provide enough nutrition to her growing baby. Viewed from this perspective, the high estrogen levels during pregnancy can be seen to act like a biochemical insurance policy. Since the PEMT enzyme requires estrogen to function, pregnancy allows a woman to make extra choline for her developing child. Furthermore, the nervous system is the first system to form in utero and is a tissue that requires high levels of choline for proper development. Choline plays such an important role in cell membranes, myelin sheaths, and nervous system tissue that the high estrogen levels during pregnancy help make sure the growing brain and nervous system is nourished. It is a genius system that assures the health and survival of the child."


Jul 13, 2014
I'm pretty sure Peat has suggested in the past that choline promotes estrogenic and cholinergic activity.

This points to the later being at least partially false.
Can Choline Deficiency Actually Increase Cholinergic Activity?

I personally believe the literature on dietary choline during pregnancy is sound and certainly seems safer than supplementing folate.
What's wrong with Folate?

Folic acid is definitely bad. But natural Folate I always thought was good
Feb 1, 2016
Yes natural is good, i think its the supplements to avoid (in general). A balanced diet may tend to be under the rda in folate, but combined with adequate choline, should promote good health/balanced methylation.

I just think you get too much in supplements, which tends to throw off the balance in other b vits, and in methylation processes.
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