Carotene Help


Aug 24, 2013
I have been Peating for over a year now, and I have seen some really incredible improvements in my health, from a place where I constantly felt like I was going to die, and that's no exaggeration.

But I still feel like I am only staying well by keeping the gas pedal to the floor, so to speak. If I miss any thyroid or have a cheat day, even only once every month, I regress very quickly. I can get everything back under control, but I only recently read that in Hypothyroid people carotene can interfere with thyroid and conversion to vitamin A. Has anyone on here dealt specifically with an excess of carotene? If you have, what was it like and how did it get better? How long does carotene stay in the body if you aren't able to convert it? I just took a large does of sublingual B12 (with 6, 1, and 3 also), and my temperature immediately went up and I felt pretty good. If carotene has been keeping me from improving fully, that would make sense because I haven't taken B12 ever, and might not have been able to detox the level of carotene in my tissues (I do not have a particularly orange hue, however).

Before I discovered Peat I was juicing lots of carrots, after a few years of going to Robek's juice and always getting carrot, which is apparently THE BEST way to get a huge load of carotene in your body. It was about that time that I started developing serious problems, and of course I was mistakenly under the impression that raw vegetables were great for you.


Mar 29, 2014
I think I've had carotene overload a few years ago, because I developed a severe aversion to cooked carrot, and milder aversion to pumpkin and sweet potato. I still have slightly yellowed callouses, but I think it may be improving. I can't identify specifically what trouble it caused me. I just guess that it may have been one of many factors contributing to my health problems.
I now avoid cooked carrots, and rinse grated carrot for salad, else it tastes bad to me after a couple of days. I still eat a little cooked greens most days, so I imagine I get some from that too.
I've changed too many things to be able to identify what difference dropping cooked carrots made.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I noticed mild carotene deposits on the soles of my feet last winter and inquired about it here on the forum. Mittir suggested replacing some of the raw carrot salad I was eating with well cooked bamboo shoots and adding b12. The combination helped resolve the issue for me within a few months.


Mar 29, 2014
I've been supplementing a little B12 the last couple of months too. Maybe that contributes to my palms being more to the pink and less to the orange, though the difference is subtle.


Jun 20, 2015
Blossom said:
I noticed mild carotene deposits on the soles of my feet last winter and inquired about it here on the forum. Mittir suggested replacing some of the raw carrot salad I was eating with well cooked bamboo shoots and adding b12. The combination helped resolve the issue for me within a few months.
I am having more severe issues than yellow soles of the feet. - Do you remember how much B12 you took? From food and from supplements? Is there other advice you can give me?
Nov 26, 2013
7,370 said:
Vitamins C and E, which protected the enzyme--substrate complex in vivo and in vitro, were found to be the most efficient protectors of beta-carotene conversion into retinal.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Giraffe said:
Blossom said:
I noticed mild carotene deposits on the soles of my feet last winter and inquired about it here on the forum. Mittir suggested replacing some of the raw carrot salad I was eating with well cooked bamboo shoots and adding b12. The combination helped resolve the issue for me within a few months.
I am having more severe issues than yellow soles of the feet. - Do you remember how much B12 you took? From food and from supplements? Is there other advice you can give me?
I used 5,000 micrograms of b12 several times per week for about 4 months until the carotene deposits were gone.
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Jun 20, 2015
Blossom said:
Giraffe said:
Blossom said:
I noticed mild carotene deposits on the soles of my feet last winter and inquired about it here on the forum. Mittir suggested replacing some of the raw carrot salad I was eating with well cooked bamboo shoots and adding b12. The combination helped resolve the issue for me within a few months.
I am having more severe issues than yellow soles of the feet. - Do you remember how much B12 you took? From food and from supplements? Is there other advice you can give me?
I used 5,000 micrograms of b12 several times per week for about 4 months until the carotene deposits were gone.
Thanks, Blossom. I am using 500 mcg daily (Methylcobalamin) for two weeks now. No results so far. I thought 500 mcg is a mega-dose. :) Were 5,000 mcg recommended to you? Do you still supplement B12?

Sorry for the nosey questions. I think there is a possibility that my B12 metabolism isn't working as it should, and unfortunately I don't think that a doctor's visit will help me to find out if that's the case.
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Jan 12, 2014
Giraffe said:
Blossom said:
Giraffe said:
Blossom said:
I noticed mild carotene deposits on the soles of my feet last winter and inquired about it here on the forum. Mittir suggested replacing some of the raw carrot salad I was eating with well cooked bamboo shoots and adding b12. The combination helped resolve the issue for me within a few months.
I am having more severe issues than yellow soles of the feet. - Do you remember how much B12 you took? From food and from supplements? Is there other advice you can give me?
I used 5,000 micrograms of b12 several times per week for about 4 months until the carotene deposits were gone.
Thanks, Blossom. I am using 500 mcg daily (Methylcobalamin) for two weeks now. No results so far. I thought 500 mcg is a mega-dose. :) Were 5,000 mcg recommended to you? Do you still supplement B12?

Sorry for the nosey questions. I think there is a possibility that my B12 metabolism isn't working as it should, and unfortunately I don't think that a doctor's visit will help me to find out if that's the case.

There are other variables you need to consider. Specifically, increasing the metabolic rate with a thyroid med. That is going to be the quickest way to resolve the carotene issue. My b12 levels always test sky high but i still had the orange callouses.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
answersfound said:
Giraffe said:
Blossom said:
Giraffe said:
Blossom said:
I noticed mild carotene deposits on the soles of my feet last winter and inquired about it here on the forum. Mittir suggested replacing some of the raw carrot salad I was eating with well cooked bamboo shoots and adding b12. The combination helped resolve the issue for me within a few months.
I am having more severe issues than yellow soles of the feet. - Do you remember how much B12 you took? From food and from supplements? Is there other advice you can give me?
I used 5,000 micrograms of b12 several times per week for about 4 months until the carotene deposits were gone.
Thanks, Blossom. I am using 500 mcg daily (Methylcobalamin) for two weeks now. No results so far. I thought 500 mcg is a mega-dose. :) Were 5,000 mcg recommended to you? Do you still supplement B12?

Sorry for the nosey questions. I think there is a possibility that my B12 metabolism isn't working as it should, and unfortunately I don't think that a doctor's visit will help me to find out if that's the case.

There are other variables you need to consider. Specifically, increasing the metabolic rate with a thyroid med. That is going to be the quickest way to resolve the carotene issue. My b12 levels always test sky high but i still had the orange callouses.
Agreed answersfound. We are multivariate organisms after all. I do not take any supplements at the moment giraffe and I consider myself fortunate that the switch to bamboo shoots and b12 seemed to resolve my orange callouses. Certainly that may not be the answer for everyone.
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Jun 20, 2015
answersfound said: There are other variables you need to consider. Specifically, increasing the metabolic rate with a thyroid med. That is going to be the quickest way to resolve the carotene issue. My b12 levels always test sky high but i still had the orange callouses.
I don't have access to thyroid meds. I could buy chicken necks (as pet food), but I'm not sure they still contain the thyroid gland (at least one product is free of them, no information about the others). There have been many reports of hyperthyroid dogs a couple of years ago ... :lol: ... maybe the producers reacted?

I wonder how much iodine is in chicken necks, PUFA...

Blossom said: I do not take any supplements at the moment giraffe and I consider myself fortunate that the switch to bamboo shoots and b12 seemed to resolve my orange callouses. Certainly that may not be the answer for everyone.
Thanks again.
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Mar 29, 2014
Giraffe said:
answersfound said: There are other variables you need to consider. Specifically, increasing the metabolic rate with a thyroid med. That is going to be the quickest way to resolve the carotene issue. My b12 levels always test sky high but i still had the orange callouses.
I don't have access to thyroid meds. I could buy chicken necks (as pet food), but I'm not sure they still contain the thyroid gland (at least one product is free of them, no information about the others). There have been many reports of hyperthyroid dogs a couple of years ago ... :lol: ... maybe the producers reacted?

I wonder how much iodine is in chicken necks, PUFA...

Blossom said: I do not take any supplements at the moment giraffe and I consider myself fortunate that the switch to bamboo shoots and b12 seemed to resolve my orange callouses. Certainly that may not be the answer for everyone.
Thanks again.

I can't speak to whether/how much thyroid is in the chicken necks you can get - I couldn't get any info about the ones here either. But I think I could tell that the stock made a small difference to me. You could try it and see if you notice any difference.
You can get rid of a lot of the PUFA by making a stock, cooling it, and discarding the fat off the top.
I couldn't manage to eat the fish head stock I made, but others have said taht can be another good source.
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May 21, 2016
After being 3 straight months drinking almost OJ for my energy source and sometimes eat other foods that contains some beta carotenes, I easily turned into a Simpson. I'm struggling a little bit to get rid of my yellow color (it seems to be a very slow process). Probably it will take some 3 months too or more.
With a low metabolism, this means that my body store more and burn less of it?
Aug 18, 2015
are you eating liver? i just randomly was reading some rp quotes and saw that carotene gets converted to b12 via the liver, but with poor liver functioning, it is putting more stress on the liver. i'm assuming, based on what you said, that you have one cheat day and you fall apart.. perhaps you are still under stress somewhere and something else is missing. are you getting enough zinc, doing gelatin, liver, prolactin level tested, calcum per day, magnesium per day, etc, etc, something to think about.


Mar 29, 2014


May 21, 2016
I think B12 is needed to convert carotene into active vit-A.
Interesting, didn't know about that. And it may (or not) actually explain why I turned yellow easier (I was not taking that much B12 in my diet).

But if a person turns orange faster than another person (both eating the exact same thing), what possible reasons could explain that?
- low B12 intake?
- low metabolism?
- both?


Mar 29, 2014
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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