Can Vitamin C Repair/Cure Adrenals?


Nov 29, 2022
Can vitamin c be used to help repair/rebuild the adrenals? Not so much a bandaid method” to adrenal fatigue, more like a permanent fixer.

Looking to eventually start thyroid again but making sure my calories & adrenals are in tip top shape.

I do notice lmnt electrloyte powder throughout the day is incredible. It has 1,000 mg sodium which you feel immediately.

Also just started with a gram or two of liposomal C & feel even better. Hoping to keep this train going…

What would be next? Introduce dhea or preg later on before thyroid?


Mar 27, 2023
I have had good look using Pantethine (600mg) which is a form of B5 (Pantothenic Acid). Prior to that I used Calcium Pantothenate under the tongue which also worked well. For me I have occasionally reached adrenal burnout from stress with dilated pupils and postural hypotension. The hypotension was particularly annoying and sometimes would even present without postural change after a long walk or exercise bout.

I take a lot of vitamin C and never noticed it helping with this particular issue. From my perspective B5 feeds the adrenal directly and the effect is felt within minutes to an hour. Worth a try and fairly cheap.


Jan 30, 2020
Ray wrote Progesteron could fully replace Adrenal Hormones in animals which had theirs removed. He also wrote, Vitamin c is helping in the context of heavy Metal poisoning and b5 could also prevent Adrenal Burnout. For regeneration, in rats, which had their adrenals scooped out, they did an experiment by giving them about 25k Vitamin A, retinol, and after a month, the adrenals had fully recovered and regrown.


Jan 30, 2020
Stress is known in the scientific world as a fact, that it depletes Vitamins massively, Not only Vitamin A. All b's, an Enzyme for example is upregulated in the liver to destroy Vitamin D und the influence of excessive Cortisol.

Go for the thread, Nutrition for Women. In His book he explains more in depth the Vitamin needed, amount and why.

Later he recommended different amounts of Vitamins, and also said, If you Take an massive excess of Vitamin a, you can get Symptoms of deficiency. So dosage is tricky. A starting Point referenced by him was 10k D3 + 10k A. Haidut postet a study, where 25k Vitamin a improved thyroid function by a lot in Woman, so i think this is a Safe margin.
I noticed, Vitamin a didnt Work properly for me, because of to much FFA in my blood which i had to get under Control First by using Aspirin and niacinamide.
Also the addition of cocoabutter/tallow did Something in my liver, since then Up to 100k are seemingly no problem, If i take more thyroid and or get a bot of Acne.
The fatty acid Profile seems to be verrryyy important to fix Vitamin a metabolism, and enough Vitamin d.
Have you looked your Vitamin d? You say you Had Problems with the adrenals, Vitamin d restores Cortisol Response in the cells, so lese is needed. In that Case it helps the adrenals...
Also sodium lowers aldosterone which is upregulated by hypothyroidism, Low Vitamin d. About 4-6k D3 depending on deficiency niveau restores/prevents Albumin and sodium leakage in kidneys. I would try more Salt, Vitamin a:d in a 3:1, Up to 5:1 Ratio of 5-10k Vitamin D3, 5-15g BCAA, 30g+ cocoa Butter, all b Vitamins, 10-15mg zinc + full nutritions from foods. Hope this gives you a starting Point
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