Call for information: Trying to determine extent of estrogenic substances still in food supply.


May 1, 2016
I would like for anyone to help contribute some knowledge, speculation and studies, and open a discussion on the extent to which, despite supposedly getting rid of BPA containing plastics, there are still estrogenic substances in all the plastics we store much of our food in, and used during the manufacturing process, resulting in unavoidable exposure eating food produced by others, over the course of childhood and adolescence, then adulthood, no matter how much intervention you do at home. For instance, the tubes through which milk is milked and moved around in dairy production plants. Likely made of plastic. Stuff like that.

I have a suspicion this switch is a reason, this transition over just the past 40-50 years from storing foods and liquids in non plastics (glass, metals) to plastics or plastic containing storage, has had a worldwide societal wide effect on lowering not only testosterone, but progesterone too, and so impacting the development of everyone, resulting in people not looking like they did just recently, not maturing as much, not as easily remaining slim and healthful in appearance. I've at this point heard this comment from numerous online commentators - that people used to look different prior to say the 60's and maybe 70's and 80's - and it is frequently intuitively attributed by them to the plastics and lack of testosterone in today's populace. Just look at all the reliably slender, sunken cheeked, handsome and vibrant soldiers in "WWII in Color", but also any other old footage. Neonatalization is occurring too, and seemingly worldwide, with other populations looking less and less mature at adulthood. Look at Japanese for instance now versus old footage, and in both women and men, they and many other nations seem to more retain childlike features and don't progress into a fully matured look; I think this might be due to the same thing: a suppression throughout development of both testosterone and progesterone.

I'm curious as to whether there are studies showing a reduction in average progesterone levels over the decades like there are for testosterone.

Here are some instances demonstrating this sensitivity to progesterone alteration:

"Thus, these compounds have the potential to block or interfere in the binding of the endogenous native AR and PR ligands and, hence, resulting in dysfunction"

"To evaluate the effect of BPA on endometrial PR expression in non-human primates and human cells. BPA is a xenoestrogen endocrine disruptor. Both BPA exposure and diminished progesterone action have been associated with pregnancy loss, endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia/cancer."

A further depressing point, supposedly BPA free Tritan appears to have just a new set of estrogenic chemicals. How absurd it all is if so. Plastics are possibly one of the biggest and insidious banes modernity has hit humankind with.

Need to make legislation for EA-free, not just BPA-free:


May 1, 2016
"There are a couple of hundred or maybe a couple thousand other chemicals that are used to make some kinds of plastics that are almost certainly as much a problem as BPA," Bittner says.

Bittner believed this so strongly that he founded PlastiPure, a company involved in making plastics without estrogenic chemicals, and CertiChem, a company that tests plastics for what's known as estrogenic activity. Over the years, Bittner would put millions of dollars into these ventures."


Jan 28, 2013
Plastics and the convenience culture they largely sustain (not to mention materialism and capitalism) have become so pervasive and central to the modern human's (distorted) sense of well-being that they are here to stay. Citing or examining the damage and dangers of them is just another thing forbidden in main stream society.

The determination's been made it's "better" to move toward a ban on gender identification until gender itself is eradicated.


Forum Supporter
Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA

Check the EWG quality scores for water quality, as it may reflect what's gotten into the ground water.

One other thing I would like to caution, is that the biology of an organism you're eating affects its plastic content.

As with mercury and arsenic, different organisms will absorb pollutants differently.


Mar 15, 2014
"There are a couple of hundred or maybe a couple thousand other chemicals that are used to make some kinds of plastics that are almost certainly as much a problem as BPA," Bittner says.
estrogen is the most primitive hormone, and there are 10,000 ways to destroy something but only a few to make it go right

the tubes through which milk is milked and moved around in dairy production plants. Likely made of plastic.
I've always thought about this, and I've also thought about whether the UHT milk is dumped into the plastic-lined carton at high temperatures. Otherwise how would it be sterile inside? So you're basically drinking the equivalent of microwaving takeout in a plastic container, except with milk.

also: This suggests that the problem is likely cumulative in an epigenetic sense. Meaning that it's probably even worse to be born from a parent who experienced plastic, than it is to simply experience plastic alone. Because a lot of these ~20 year olds look TOTALLY different from the ones I knew a decade back.


Forum Supporter
Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
I've always thought about this, and I've also thought about whether the UHT milk is dumped into the plastic-lined carton at high temperatures. Otherwise how would it be sterile inside? So you're basically drinking the equivalent of microwaving takeout in a plastic container, except with milk.
A study confirmed this by testing milk and foods that had no plastic touching them in the containers in which they were sold.

They still measured roughly the same amount of PFAs in people who ate them, and in the milk in glass bottles.

To the scientists, this confirmed that the introduction of PFAs was likely largely in the initial processing of the milk, even from the milking tubes used in everything from large scale factory farms to the Amish.
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