
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
In one of his earlier articles, Ray talks about how the estrogen industry had to publish fake studies and show them to the Catholic Church in order to get their tacit approval for selling BC to the public. The church still maintained that they are opposed to all forms of BC but explained that it is a lesser sin than abortion because no actual fertilization of the egg occurs when BC are being used. That also became the dogma taught in medical schools, despite the common knowledge up until the 1950s that estrogen did not prevent fertilization but prevented implantation, so it was in effect an abortion pill.
Now the study below resurrects that controversy and it may have the unforseen positive effect of getting the power of the Catholic Church (and possibly other churches and religions as well) behind banning the use of estrogen in women of reproductive age. That alone will likely have a huge positive effect on the health of young women and reduce the rates of breast and other cancers, which have been rising strikingly especially in the youngest age groups.

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research
Hormonal contraceptives cause abortions, researchers find
"...In a review of available scientific literature, three physician-researchers have found evidence that women using hormonal birth control do conceive children, who are then destroyed by the chemicals in an early abortion...Having examined scientific papers dating back to 1990 that studied the use of hormonal contraception, they found evidence that high levels of estrogen and progestin hormones, which circulate when ovaries produce ova, are accompanied by the conception of embryonic babies who die."

"...Dr. Harrison explained that the study shows that eggs are “released much more frequently during the use of hormonal contraceptives than was previously thought.” She wrote that when eggs are released during the use of hormonal contraception, progesterone (the hormone needed to sustain a pregnancy) is not produced very well. Hormonal contraception, she wrote, interferes with the woman’s “ability to produce progesterone to sustain a human embryo.” Dr. Harrison, while acknowledging that much more research is needed, expressed concern over “how many embryos are actually produced during the use of hormonal contraceptives and what happens to those embryos created but which do not live long enough to produce a positive pregnancy test at the end of a cycle.”


May 6, 2014
I consider that one of Peat's bombshells: The pill does not prevent conception; it prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.

Imagine how many people have been deceived about how the pill works. How many would use something else?


Apr 5, 2016
Wow this is a bombshell. I doubt it will ever make the mainstream dialog. The progressive movement will never acknowledge any downsides to the pill and anyone who criticises it even to offer other alternatives really is sticking their neck out to be attacked from all sides.


Mar 12, 2017
I was taught this in 1986 in my AP biology class...thought it was main stream. Guess my teacher was up to snuff...


Aug 6, 2017
I'm almost in tears here, if we had known this my fiance would never have gone on the pill which probably contributed to her leaving this world too soon. I see american people have at least got a class-action going, over here they completely ignored the role of yasmin and simply ruled the cause unknown.

Sometimes i wonder if all the bad that happens in the world is simply karmic consequence for the satanic ways we have been tricked into living.


Feb 5, 2019
I was taught years ago in biology that at least 25% of the time, it is preventing implantation and not ovulation. Originally, the pill was much higher in estrogen. As they have lowered the estrogen, the pill is functioning more and more as an abortifacient. Of course the producers don't want anybody to think about that. We now live in a world where people think nothing of letting infants born alive die "comfortably" if that is the woman's wish. Look at what contraception has done to the culture we live in - relationships, family life, and health. It was supposed to improve everything, especially regard for women and children.


May 6, 2014
I'm almost in tears here

Ray wrote about a young woman he knew who died after going on some early version of the pill. I have wondered if she was his girlfriend and that his mission to study women's hormones is a personal cause.


Feb 5, 2019
What about the breast cancer/abortion connection? That has certainly been kept quiet.

According to the Church, the use of artificial contraception is still a mortal sin. But you will pretty much never hear this today. There is so much rot and sin in the hierarchy that they hate to tell us lay people how to live since they are filled even more deviant sexual sins themselves. Thus rather than appearing hypocritical, they talk about global warming and promote socialism rather than the salvation of souls. Only in Tradition will anyone find the Church anymore (ie the FSSPX)
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