

Jan 25, 2014
I'd say it is modulating the immune system. 1,25D, via vitamin D receptor, upregulates parts of the innate immune system, down regulating parts of adaptive immunity, altering cytokine expression and else. The part that is being upregulated (by 1,25D) is involved in the antimicrobial host defense, reducing infection.

So you would indeed say let's use vitamin D, but in reality it is way more complex and actually supplemental vitamin D3 is tends to be counterproductive. Also if the Vit. D metabolism cannot regulate itself anymore, which is seen in many disease states. The increased 1,25D may have the ability to bind to other proteins like glucocorticoid receptor and thyroid receptors.

coincidentally I wrote my own exprience yesterday in another thread:

I start avoiding vitamin D supplements and things began to go better and better. A controversial thing is that when I initially started vitamin D suppletion I began feeling better in just a few weeks and felt really awesome 2 months after I began supplementing vitamin D. I even thought I was curing and advising vitamin D to a few relatives..... (at the time vitamin D was really hot topic - 2009/2010)

At this moment I am still avoiding vitamin D supplements, fatty fish and all that (i.e. cod liver oil).

Flu by the way doesn't have to say that much. Flu is the a result of certain cytokines, increasing metabolism by acting on the hypothmalus. Having flu every once in a while is actually a very good sign (not too often, once a year or every 2 years).


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Javelina said:
Javelina said:
Blossom said:
Everything has pretty much been covered but I just wanted to mention that cyproheptadine works as both an antihistamine and anti-anti-serotonin agent. I have used it with great results (though not for breathing). It might be worth looking into if you haven't yet and if other antihistamines didn't seem helpful. I believe that the benefit you feel from the steroids and the opiates are probably working in different ways but seem similar in the result. The steroid is anti-inflammatory which will allow for ease of breathing by resulting in less swelling in the airways. Opiates can slow the breathing somewhat which could possibly increase your CO2. I'm not sure what other effects the opiates would have unless it might be allowing you to relax. As you mentioned both are not ideal long term solutions. I've often wondered how Peat would feel about the inhaled anticholinergic medicines. There are anticholinergic breathing medicines in use today as long-acting bronchodilators. I know Peat has written about anticholinergic medicines as beneficial in certain contexts but I've never read or listened to any of his work where he speaks about their use in inhaled form or for breathing specifically. It's another avenue to research if you so choose while you work on implementing the diet and lifestyle changes that will really give the best chance of healing your problem for good. That is just my own personal thought on what I might consider researching if I needed a pharma drug for asthma during the healing process (not a recommendation by Peat himself).
I have been using the homemade eggshell calcium that I make from eggshells. I like it because there are no additives that can be bothersome in store bought calcium supplements. Good luck!

Thanks. I'll see if I can get my hands on some cyproheptadine and will report back on the results at a future date.

PS- What dosage of cyproheptadine does one use?
From what I've read on the forum 1mg seems to be the common starting dose. All of the cyproheptadine pills that I'm aware of come in 4mg strength so 1mg would be 1/4 of a 4mg tablet. Many people adjust the dosage according to their own needs/context.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
From Ray regarding cyproheptadine.

Ray Peat said:
One milligram is often enough, large amounts can be very sedative and can stimulate the appetite.

I started with 1/4 and 1/2 milligram in the beginning.


Aug 9, 2014
Does anyone have a good source for cyproheptadine (w/o a prescription)? It seems tough to find. You can PM me if you'd prefer. Thanks.
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