Anyone take Polyrachis Vicina Roger aka Mountain Ant Extract?

Ideal man

Oct 27, 2020
If anyone tried black ant extract share your experiences
1. Was it good for erections/libido
2. Any T boosting effects noticed
3 list all other benefits you had taking it also


Jan 29, 2021
I made a tincture in vodka of a powder that was supposedly polyrhachis ant --

bought here

-- and I would hold the tincture in my mouth for it to absorb sublingually some. My teeth hurt from it, but I thought it was just acidity or something pretty temporary and harmless. Gradually during several months of using the ant tincture irregularly I got black discolorations on my teeth near the gums that I wasn't sure of the cause of, but when I noticed once that they got visibly worse immediately after using the tincture (went to brush my teeth right after having it in my mouth because my teeth hurt a little from what I thought was just some kind of acidity), I recognized maybe the black discolorations near my gums was because of the ant tincture. I stopped using it, and my teeth have slowly been looking better.

I don't know if there was an impurity in the powder, which I'm guessing came from China because of the seller's description of its use in Daoist herbalism, or if there's something strong in the ants naturally that can do that to teeth. Or maybe when I noticed while brushing my teeth that the ant tincture seemed to make the discolorations immediately worse, maybe the tincture was interacting with something else about my blood/saliva chemistry that coincidentally also changed after I stopped using the tincture (and my teeth have improved) and so it wasn't necessarily the ant tincture itself doing that to the teeth.


Sep 22, 2020
Could it be from increased androgens?

I guess possible. Or zinc toxicity? It’s extremely high in zinc and perhaps my dosages may have been too much. It did give a great boost in energy. I used the extract from Hyperion herbs.
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