5α-reductase type 2 (SRD5α2)


Feb 18, 2016
Im hoping this thread can be a place to discuss this enzyme, it seems we haven’t discussed it much on here, most of the research is about inhibition, I’m curious as to how we can increase it more specifically.
It converts testosterone to DHT, we have always focused on 5AR in general, we have 3 different versions of this enzyme, it may be the case that we are metabolically biased to produce more allopregnanolone for example and this could be the effect for some when we look to increase 5AR in general. Glycine for example increases 5AR-1.

@haidut have you come across anything interesting on this?

The enzyme is produced in many tissues in both males and females, in the reproductive tract, testes and ovaries,[1] skin, seminal vesicles, prostate, epididymis and many organs,[2] including the Nervous System.[3][4] There are three isoenzymes of 5α-reductase: steroid 5α-reductase 1, 2, and 3 (SRD5A1, SRD5A2 and SRD5A3

Somebody mentioned cistanche increases it, cistanche seems to increase a lot more than just this enzyme though, the study below breaks down the components of cistanche, one of these compounds could be more specific to 5AR-2, if anyone has better understanding of molecular shapes their effect maybe you can spot something here.

Some good tidbits in this study, touches on scalp levels of 5AR-1 and 2.

In 1974, a lack of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT), the most potent androgen across species except for fish, was shown to be the origin of a type of pseudohermaphrodism in which boys have female-like external genitalia. This human intersex condition is linked to a mutation in the steroid-5α-reductase type 2 (SRD5α2) gene, which usually produces an important enzyme capable of reducing the Δ4-ene of steroid C-19 and C-21 into a 5α- stereoisomer. Seeing the potential of SRD5α2 as a target for androgen synthesis, pharmaceutical companies developed 5α-reductase inhibitors (5ARIs), such as finasteride (FIN) and dutasteride (DUT) to target SRD5α2 in benign prostatic hyperplasia and androgenic alopecia. In addition to human treatment, the development of 5ARIs also enabled further research of SRD5α functions. Therefore, this review details the morphological, physiological, and molecular effects of the lack of SRD5α activity induced by both SRD5α mutations and in- hibitor exposures across species. More specifically, data highlights 1) the role of 5α-DHT in the development of male secondary sexual organs in vertebrates and sex determination in non-mammalian vertebrates, 2) the role of SRD5α1 in the synthesis of the neurosteroid allopregnanolone (ALLO) and 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol (3α-diol), which are involved in anxiety and sexual behavior, respectively, and 3) the role of SRD5α3 in N-glycosylation. This review also features the lesser known functions of SRD5αs in steroid degradation in the uterus during pregnancy and glucocorticoid clearance in the liver. Additionally, the review describes the regulation of SRD5αs by the receptors of androgens, progesterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormones, as well as their differential DNA methylation. Factors known to be involved in their differential methylation are age, inflammation, and mental stimulation. Overall, this review helps shed light on the various essential functions of SRD5αs across species.

Through life, methylation patterns of SRD5αs can be modified. One factor that can act on SRD5αs’ methylation is age. Indeed, SRD5α2 is one of the most differentially methylated genes with age in mice and human liver (Mozhui and Pandey, 2017). In older BPH patients, SRD5α2′s promoter is more likely to be methylated in the prostate (Bechis et al., 2015; Ge et al., 2015). Moreover, those methylation patterns can be replicated in the prostate of old mice (Ge et al., 2015). Also, SRD5α1′s expression decreases with age in the hippocampus of rats, which correlates with increased methylation (Rossetti et al., 2015; Rossetti et al., 2016; Rossetti et al., 2019). A second factor that can increase methylation is inflammation linked to disease. Up to 36.5% of patients with BPH exhibit a decrease in SRD5α2 expression linked to hypermethylation of its promoter, which renders FIN therapy useless (Niu et al., 2011; Ge et al., 2015; Horning et al., 2015). This increase in methylation is connected to inflammation generated by the tumor ne- crosis factor-α (TNF-α) (Ge et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2017). Another factor leading to a change in methylation is mental health and stimu- lation. Enrichment of the environment can help decrease methylation of SRD5α1′s promoter in the hippocampus of rats (Rossetti et al., 2015; Rossetti et al., 2019), while social isolation will increase its methylation in the prefrontal cortex of mice (Araki et al., 2015). Additionally, pa- tients who went through FIN withdrawal and developed depression and anxiety problems exhibit high methylation of SRD5α2′s promoter (but not SRD5α1′s) in their cerebrospinal fluid


Sep 15, 2017
I dont think its as commonly known but besides 11 Beta HSD (the hormone that inactivates glucocorticoids), 5 alpha reductase also inactivates glucocorticoids.

When you combine the potent effect of DHT as an anabolic/ androgenic compounds created by the 5AR enzyme, with the glucocorticoid inactivating effects of the 5AR enzyme, and the importance of the 5 alpha reduced neurosteroids you see the importance of this enzyme system overall.

Calling for the blocking of 5AR because of cosmetic reasons like hairloss is absurd, in my opinion.

@Diokine started an interesting thread discussing the importance of 5AR, that may be of interest to you here:

I think some of the behavior displayed on hairloss forums, with guys using 5AR inhibitors can be explained by some of the effects described in the original article posted by Diokine.


Feb 18, 2016
I dont think its as commonly known but besides 11 Beta HSD (the hormone that inactivates glucocorticoids), 5 alpha reductase also inactivates glucocorticoids.

When you combine the potent effect of DHT as an anabolic/ androgenic compounds created by the 5AR enzyme, with the glucocorticoid inactivating effects of the 5AR enzyme, and the importance of the 5 alpha reduced neurosteroids you see the importance of this enzyme system overall.

Calling for the blocking of 5AR because of cosmetic reasons like hairloss is absurd, in my opinion.

@Diokine started an interesting thread discussing the importance of 5AR, that may be of interest to you here:

I think some of the behavior displayed on hairloss forums, with guys using 5AR inhibitors can be explained by some of the effects described in the original article posted by Diokine.
Well said, I’ve noticed the same mania in some.
I suspect that taking DHT doesn’t solely elevate 5AR-2, it may lower it, I’m guessing it gets shuttled down the allopregnanolone route also, this depends on how your current structure is primed, current cellular state essentially.


Feb 18, 2016
Haidut spoke about naringenin on the latest Danny Roddy podcast, they speak about it being an aromatase inhibitor, I’m curios if it increases 5α-reductase type 2, I think by default it will naturally raise it but is it more specific?
The study they speak about is here.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Im hoping this thread can be a place to discuss this enzyme, it seems we haven’t discussed it much on here, most of the research is about inhibition, I’m curious as to how we can increase it more specifically.
It converts testosterone to DHT, we have always focused on 5AR in general, we have 3 different versions of this enzyme, it may be the case that we are metabolically biased to produce more allopregnanolone for example and this could be the effect for some when we look to increase 5AR in general. Glycine for example increases 5AR-1.

@haidut have you come across anything interesting on this?

The enzyme is produced in many tissues in both males and females, in the reproductive tract, testes and ovaries,[1] skin, seminal vesicles, prostate, epididymis and many organs,[2] including the Nervous System.[3][4] There are three isoenzymes of 5α-reductase: steroid 5α-reductase 1, 2, and 3 (SRD5A1, SRD5A2 and SRD5A3

Somebody mentioned cistanche increases it, cistanche seems to increase a lot more than just this enzyme though, the study below breaks down the components of cistanche, one of these compounds could be more specific to 5AR-2, if anyone has better understanding of molecular shapes their effect maybe you can spot something here.

Some good tidbits in this study, touches on scalp levels of 5AR-1 and 2.

In 1974, a lack of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT), the most potent androgen across species except for fish, was shown to be the origin of a type of pseudohermaphrodism in which boys have female-like external genitalia. This human intersex condition is linked to a mutation in the steroid-5α-reductase type 2 (SRD5α2) gene, which usually produces an important enzyme capable of reducing the Δ4-ene of steroid C-19 and C-21 into a 5α- stereoisomer. Seeing the potential of SRD5α2 as a target for androgen synthesis, pharmaceutical companies developed 5α-reductase inhibitors (5ARIs), such as finasteride (FIN) and dutasteride (DUT) to target SRD5α2 in benign prostatic hyperplasia and androgenic alopecia. In addition to human treatment, the development of 5ARIs also enabled further research of SRD5α functions. Therefore, this review details the morphological, physiological, and molecular effects of the lack of SRD5α activity induced by both SRD5α mutations and in- hibitor exposures across species. More specifically, data highlights 1) the role of 5α-DHT in the development of male secondary sexual organs in vertebrates and sex determination in non-mammalian vertebrates, 2) the role of SRD5α1 in the synthesis of the neurosteroid allopregnanolone (ALLO) and 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol (3α-diol), which are involved in anxiety and sexual behavior, respectively, and 3) the role of SRD5α3 in N-glycosylation. This review also features the lesser known functions of SRD5αs in steroid degradation in the uterus during pregnancy and glucocorticoid clearance in the liver. Additionally, the review describes the regulation of SRD5αs by the receptors of androgens, progesterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormones, as well as their differential DNA methylation. Factors known to be involved in their differential methylation are age, inflammation, and mental stimulation. Overall, this review helps shed light on the various essential functions of SRD5αs across species.

Through life, methylation patterns of SRD5αs can be modified. One factor that can act on SRD5αs’ methylation is age. Indeed, SRD5α2 is one of the most differentially methylated genes with age in mice and human liver (Mozhui and Pandey, 2017). In older BPH patients, SRD5α2′s promoter is more likely to be methylated in the prostate (Bechis et al., 2015; Ge et al., 2015). Moreover, those methylation patterns can be replicated in the prostate of old mice (Ge et al., 2015). Also, SRD5α1′s expression decreases with age in the hippocampus of rats, which correlates with increased methylation (Rossetti et al., 2015; Rossetti et al., 2016; Rossetti et al., 2019). A second factor that can increase methylation is inflammation linked to disease. Up to 36.5% of patients with BPH exhibit a decrease in SRD5α2 expression linked to hypermethylation of its promoter, which renders FIN therapy useless (Niu et al., 2011; Ge et al., 2015; Horning et al., 2015). This increase in methylation is connected to inflammation generated by the tumor ne- crosis factor-α (TNF-α) (Ge et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2017). Another factor leading to a change in methylation is mental health and stimu- lation. Enrichment of the environment can help decrease methylation of SRD5α1′s promoter in the hippocampus of rats (Rossetti et al., 2015; Rossetti et al., 2019), while social isolation will increase its methylation in the prefrontal cortex of mice (Araki et al., 2015). Additionally, pa- tients who went through FIN withdrawal and developed depression and anxiety problems exhibit high methylation of SRD5α2′s promoter (but not SRD5α1′s) in their cerebrospinal fluid

Stress induces the activity of the entire 5-AR family of isoenzymes. So, initially/briefly stress is stimulating due to increase both allopregnanolone and DHT. If that stress increases in intensity or duration, the synthesis of allopregnanolone due to stress continues somewhat (due to increasing synthesis of pregnenolone / progesterone in adrenals, but in healthy/younger people mostly) but synthesis of DHT decreases due to cortisol and estrogen starting to inhibit the function of the Sertoli cells in the gonads, where most of the blood-bound DHT is produced. That is one reason why people undress chronic/severe stress are hypogonadal and why anti-cortisol drugs like RU486 are used by "natty" bodybuilders to increase androgens without taking real "juice". If the stress increase in intensity/duration, then the amount of glucocorticoids produced by the body (can reach several hundred milligrams daily if the stress is severe or chronic (as in people with depression)) is high enough to outcompete progesterone and testosterone for access to the 5-AR family as those enzymes are involved in cortisol deactivation (as @CLASH mentioned). So, in extended/severe stress, a person is producing mostly glucocorticoids, estrogen and the 5-AR derived glucocorticoid metabolites (which have some anti-stress effects through GABA agonism, but not nearly as strong as progesterone/allopregnanolone). If the person is young/healthy they will also have pregnenolone/progesterone coming from the adrenals and the latter sustains them for a while but as aging/stress continues eventually only the glucocorticoids (and estrogens) remain. That last endocrine profile is what has repeatedly been shown to exist in people who commit suicide. And as such (in full agreement with @CLASH), taking a 5-AR inhibitor is absolute madness as it directly puts you into that last stage even without the stress. So, a person with even mildly compromised adrenal/gonadal function can become easily suicidal from taking something like finasteride, and there are case reports published reporting suicide shortly after starting 5-AR inhibitors. And even a healthy person taking finasteride will probably eventually get to that point.


Feb 18, 2016
Stress induces the activity of the entire 5-AR family of isoenzymes. So, initially/briefly stress is stimulating due to increase both allopregnanolone and DHT. If that stress increases in intensity or duration, the synthesis of allopregnanolone due to stress continues somewhat (due to increasing synthesis of pregnenolone / progesterone in adrenals, but in healthy/younger people mostly) but synthesis of DHT decreases due to cortisol and estrogen starting to inhibit the function of the Sertoli cells in the gonads, where most of the blood-bound DHT is produced. That is one reason why people undress chronic/severe stress are hypogonadal and why anti-cortisol drugs like RU486 are used by "natty" bodybuilders to increase androgens without taking real "juice". If the stress increase in intensity/duration, then the amount of glucocorticoids produced by the body (can reach several hundred milligrams daily if the stress is severe or chronic (as in people with depression)) is high enough to outcompete progesterone and testosterone for access to the 5-AR family as those enzymes are involved in cortisol deactivation (as @CLASH mentioned). So, in extended/severe stress, a person is producing mostly glucocorticoids, estrogen and the 5-AR derived glucocorticoid metabolites (which have some anti-stress effects through GABA agonism, but not nearly as strong as progesterone/allopregnanolone). If the person is young/healthy they will also have pregnenolone/progesterone coming from the adrenals and the latter sustains them for a while but as aging/stress continues eventually only the glucocorticoids (and estrogens) remain. That last endocrine profile is what has repeatedly been shown to exist in people who commit suicide. And as such (in full agreement with @CLASH), taking a 5-AR inhibitor is absolute madness as it directly puts you into that last stage even without the stress. So, a person with even mildly compromised adrenal/gonadal function can become easily suicidal from taking something like finasteride, and there are case reports published reporting suicide shortly after starting 5-AR inhibitors. And even a healthy person taking finasteride will probably eventually get to that point.
It would be interesting to increase 5-AR type 2 while inhibiting cortisol, I know DHT isn’t anabolic but could it be? I’m curious if it gets broken down more when excess cortisol is present to inhibit cortisol, the 5-AR enzyme is wasted inhibiting excess cortisol and it could be this additionally, if it’s let circulating without additional breakdown required it would be interesting to see.

There is nothing on it, if they know this enzyme is heavily methylated in intersex conditions why have they not done research to increase it.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
DHT isn’t anabolic but could it be

Actually, DHT is at least as anabolic as T, and in fact in most rodent studies, it is more anabolic than T, and at lower doses. The only reason we have not gotten more info on that is because it is considered almost "unethical" to do male human studies with it, because, you know the whole "DHT is evil, causes baldness and prostate cancer, etc" thing. Here are some studies to consider on the anabolism of DHT.

There are some studies showing that in obese people DHT gets quickly "deactivated" to 3a-androstanediol, but those studies neglect to mention that in obese people T gets aromatized very easily too. That is a situation much worse than DHT converting into 3a-DIOL (which btw has anti-estrogenic effects through ER-beta, while T aromatizing into estradiol has no such benefits). Administration of 3a-DIOL, the "inactive" metabolite of DHT, has broad beneficial effects on the brain, while nothing similar can be said about the "deactivated" metabolites of T - i.e. either estradiol or androst-4-ene-dione (androstenedione).

There is nothing on it, if they know this enzyme is heavily methylated in intersex conditions why have they not done research to increase it.

I think we kinda know why that is. Even if it started as stupidity and lack of knowledge, it is by now a very deliberate process of destroying the difference between the genders. Administer estrogen to enough females (which masculinizes them them), and 5-AR inhibitors to enough males (which feminizes them) and everybody becomes unisex in their brain despite keeping their respective genitalia...but even the genitalia becomes "ambiguous" over time so the physical sexual differences truly get blurred.
"...In genetic male fetuses, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays an important role in normal prostatic and external genital differentiation. The enzyme steroid 5-alpha reductase (5 alpha R) catalyzes the conversion of testosterone (T) to DHT. The importance of 5 alpha R in sexual differentiation is evident from the study of human genetic males who congenitally lack this enzyme and consequently develop ambiguous genitalia."

Considering the massive amount of research (not just old studies, but recent ones and ongoing to this day) showing the absolute destruction of everything male by administering a 5-AR inhibitor, the fact that these drugs not only don't get pulled from market but now get promoted for everything from osteoporosis to mental illness (in males), is hard to explain as just stupidity. Same thing for estrogen in females. Despite the WHI studies clearly showing the lethal effects of estrogen, in a true "woke" fashion now doctors (aka pharma PR agents) are trying to redefine reality by saying the WHI results don't matter and should not be used to decide against prescribing estrogen. It is all about "personalized" medicine, you see. If the corrupt pharma boys/girls (or whatever gender they are now) sequence your genome, they may determine that you are prime candidate for estrogen therapy and in their mind that trumps the WHI findings, as to them genome (not reality, as in WHI results) is king. However....even the genome studies and all the companies behind them may turn out to be nothing but a scam/front for simply collecting the DNA of everybody in order to use for whatever nefarious and sick plans the elite has for us.


Feb 18, 2016
Actually, DHT is at least as anabolic as T, and in fact in most rodent studies, it is more anabolic than T, and at lower doses. The only reason we have not gotten more info on that is because it is considered almost "unethical" to do male human studies with it, because, you know the whole "DHT is evil, causes baldness and prostate cancer, etc" thing. Here are some studies to consider on the anabolism of DHT.

There are some studies showing that in obese people DHT gets quickly "deactivated" to 3a-androstanediol, but those studies neglect to mention that in obese people T gets aromatized very easily too. That is a situation much worse than DHT converting into 3a-DIOL (which btw has anti-estrogenic effects through ER-beta, while T aromatizing into estradiol has no such benefits). Administration of 3a-DIOL, the "inactive" metabolite of DHT, has broad beneficial effects on the brain, while nothing similar can be said about the "deactivated" metabolites of T - i.e. either estradiol or androst-4-ene-dione (androstenedione).

I think we kinda know why that is. Even if it started as stupidity and lack of knowledge, it is by now a very deliberate process of destroying the difference between the genders. Administer estrogen to enough females (which masculinizes them them), and 5-AR inhibitors to enough males (which feminizes them) and everybody becomes unisex in their brain despite keeping their respective genitalia...but even the genitalia becomes "ambiguous" over time so the physical sexual differences truly get blurred.
"...In genetic male fetuses, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays an important role in normal prostatic and external genital differentiation. The enzyme steroid 5-alpha reductase (5 alpha R) catalyzes the conversion of testosterone (T) to DHT. The importance of 5 alpha R in sexual differentiation is evident from the study of human genetic males who congenitally lack this enzyme and consequently develop ambiguous genitalia."

Considering the massive amount of research (not just old studies, but recent ones and ongoing to this day) showing the absolute destruction of everything male by administering a 5-AR inhibitor, the fact that these drugs not only don't get pulled from market but now get promoted for everything from osteoporosis to mental illness (in males), is hard to explain as just stupidity. Same thing for estrogen in females. Despite the WHI studies clearly showing the lethal effects of estrogen, in a true "woke" fashion now doctors (aka pharma PR agents) are trying to redefine reality by saying the WHI results don't matter and should not be used to decide against prescribing estrogen. It is all about "personalized" medicine, you see. If the corrupt pharma boys/girls (or whatever gender they are now) sequence your genome, they may determine that you are prime candidate for estrogen therapy and in their mind that trumps the WHI findings, as to them genome (not reality, as in WHI results) is king. However....even the genome studies and all the companies behind them may turn out to be nothing but a scam/front for simply collecting the DNA of everybody in order to use for whatever nefarious and sick plans the elite has for us.
Lol! This lizard link is insane, they will claim this is antisemitism, high IQ lizard potential!

"he received anomalous results suggesting that his pet lizard is 48 percent West Asian and 51 percent Ashkenazi Jewish"

It highlights the lens of interpretation when it comes to DNA and other diagnosis, I sampled several differing DNA testing algorithms and got differing results, 23 and me recently just changed everything again so my origins have changed.


Mar 15, 2018
I was laughing at the 'west african' ashkenazi jew lizard 23andme dna test a couple of weeks ago, it's just so dumb.


Feb 18, 2016
I was laughing at the 'west african' ashkenazi jew lizard 23andme dna test a couple of weeks ago, it's just so dumb.
It’s likely they want DNA profiles for more advanced bio weapons.
Feb 7, 2020
Actually, DHT is at least as anabolic as T, and in fact in most rodent studies, it is more anabolic than T, and at lower doses. The only reason we have not gotten more info on that is because it is considered almost "unethical" to do male human studies with it, because, you know the whole "DHT is evil, causes baldness and prostate cancer, etc" thing. Here are some studies to consider on the anabolism of DHT.

There are some studies showing that in obese people DHT gets quickly "deactivated" to 3a-androstanediol, but those studies neglect to mention that in obese people T gets aromatized very easily too. That is a situation much worse than DHT converting into 3a-DIOL (which btw has anti-estrogenic effects through ER-beta, while T aromatizing into estradiol has no such benefits). Administration of 3a-DIOL, the "inactive" metabolite of DHT, has broad beneficial effects on the brain, while nothing similar can be said about the "deactivated" metabolites of T - i.e. either estradiol or androst-4-ene-dione (androstenedione).

I think we kinda know why that is. Even if it started as stupidity and lack of knowledge, it is by now a very deliberate process of destroying the difference between the genders. Administer estrogen to enough females (which masculinizes them them), and 5-AR inhibitors to enough males (which feminizes them) and everybody becomes unisex in their brain despite keeping their respective genitalia...but even the genitalia becomes "ambiguous" over time so the physical sexual differences truly get blurred.
"...In genetic male fetuses, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays an important role in normal prostatic and external genital differentiation. The enzyme steroid 5-alpha reductase (5 alpha R) catalyzes the conversion of testosterone (T) to DHT. The importance of 5 alpha R in sexual differentiation is evident from the study of human genetic males who congenitally lack this enzyme and consequently develop ambiguous genitalia."

Considering the massive amount of research (not just old studies, but recent ones and ongoing to this day) showing the absolute destruction of everything male by administering a 5-AR inhibitor, the fact that these drugs not only don't get pulled from market but now get promoted for everything from osteoporosis to mental illness (in males), is hard to explain as just stupidity. Same thing for estrogen in females. Despite the WHI studies clearly showing the lethal effects of estrogen, in a true "woke" fashion now doctors (aka pharma PR agents) are trying to redefine reality by saying the WHI results don't matter and should not be used to decide against prescribing estrogen. It is all about "personalized" medicine, you see. If the corrupt pharma boys/girls (or whatever gender they are now) sequence your genome, they may determine that you are prime candidate for estrogen therapy and in their mind that trumps the WHI findings, as to them genome (not reality, as in WHI results) is king. However....even the genome studies and all the companies behind them may turn out to be nothing but a scam/front for simply collecting the DNA of everybody in order to use for whatever nefarious and sick plans the elite has for us.
I agree a lot with your post @haidut , but FYI the "lizard 23andMe" video is from a satire tiktok channel that deliberately posts silly videos.


Feb 26, 2018
Actually, DHT is at least as anabolic as T, and in fact in most rodent studies, it is more anabolic than T, and at lower doses. The only reason we have not gotten more info on that is because it is considered almost "unethical" to do male human studies with it, because, you know the whole "DHT is evil, causes baldness and prostate cancer, etc" thing. Here are some studies to consider on the anabolism of DHT.

There are some studies showing that in obese people DHT gets quickly "deactivated" to 3a-androstanediol, but those studies neglect to mention that in obese people T gets aromatized very easily too. That is a situation much worse than DHT converting into 3a-DIOL (which btw has anti-estrogenic effects through ER-beta, while T aromatizing into estradiol has no such benefits). Administration of 3a-DIOL, the "inactive" metabolite of DHT, has broad beneficial effects on the brain, while nothing similar can be said about the "deactivated" metabolites of T - i.e. either estradiol or androst-4-ene-dione (androstenedione).

I think we kinda know why that is. Even if it started as stupidity and lack of knowledge, it is by now a very deliberate process of destroying the difference between the genders. Administer estrogen to enough females (which masculinizes them them), and 5-AR inhibitors to enough males (which feminizes them) and everybody becomes unisex in their brain despite keeping their respective genitalia...but even the genitalia becomes "ambiguous" over time so the physical sexual differences truly get blurred.
"...In genetic male fetuses, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays an important role in normal prostatic and external genital differentiation. The enzyme steroid 5-alpha reductase (5 alpha R) catalyzes the conversion of testosterone (T) to DHT. The importance of 5 alpha R in sexual differentiation is evident from the study of human genetic males who congenitally lack this enzyme and consequently develop ambiguous genitalia."

Considering the massive amount of research (not just old studies, but recent ones and ongoing to this day) showing the absolute destruction of everything male by administering a 5-AR inhibitor, the fact that these drugs not only don't get pulled from market but now get promoted for everything from osteoporosis to mental illness (in males), is hard to explain as just stupidity. Same thing for estrogen in females. Despite the WHI studies clearly showing the lethal effects of estrogen, in a true "woke" fashion now doctors (aka pharma PR agents) are trying to redefine reality by saying the WHI results don't matter and should not be used to decide against prescribing estrogen. It is all about "personalized" medicine, you see. If the corrupt pharma boys/girls (or whatever gender they are now) sequence your genome, they may determine that you are prime candidate for estrogen therapy and in their mind that trumps the WHI findings, as to them genome (not reality, as in WHI results) is king. However....even the genome studies and all the companies behind them may turn out to be nothing but a scam/front for simply collecting the DNA of everybody in order to use for whatever nefarious and sick plans the elite has for us.
AFAIK nicotine inhibits that enzyme . So for fatties that can't make DHT work, a little nictoine might to keep it active longer.
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