urine color

  1. :M :B.

    Detoxed PUFA/crazy oil slick seen in urine, Photo proof, warning.

    When I learned of Peat's work and started to do the things I saw crazy things come out of me and took pictures. I figured putting the proof here on the forum might be interesting. At first, besides foam, I saw actual oil slicks in the pee. As more time passed I would get these scales/flakes...
  2. yerrag

    Is Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Really What Makes Your Urine Amber Instead of Yellow?

    I've been told that it's the B-Vitamins, specifically Vitamin B2, that makes the urine amber colored, and I've long taken that as a fact. But now I'm not sure if that's true at all. I think it's pharma disinfo in order to distract us from knowing that there is some hemolysis going on, even...
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