
  1. AlphaCog

    Inverse association between intelligence quotient and urinary retinol binding protein in Chinese school-age children with low blood lead levels

    Highlights • Urinary RBP is identified as a new factor associated with children IQ. • Urinary RBP might act as effect biomarker of Mn, Cd and Se exposure. • Low concentration of lead have a negative impact on children’s IQ. Abstract Objectives: Examine the relationship between blood lead...
  2. S

    Pregnenolone vs Progesterone for under developed cognitive function

    I am 23, male. My cognitive function (verbal IQ) is underdeveloped due to my mom being vegan and undereating during pregnancy. I also under eat whilst growing up, was mainly vegetarian. Therefore, I was was wondering if taking for short term either pregnenolone or progesterone would help restore...
  3. haidut

    Drop In Mom's Thyroid Levels, Undetectable By Blood Tests, Tanks Child IQ

    I am posting this article mostly for the specific quote corroborating Peat's writing that thyroid blood tests are very unreliable and always have to be interpreted together with other "biomarkers" of thyroid function such as pulse, core temperature, muscle tone, reflexes, etc before a...
  4. haidut

    Drinking Fluoridated Water During Pregnancy May Lower IQ (in Sons)

    Another study (the most comprehensive to date) that finds a strong link between pre-natal exposure to fluoride in drinking water and lower intelligence in the offspring. As the article aptly notes, the benefits of fluoride were never proven before it was introduced in drinking water throughout...
  5. haidut

    Fluoride At Levels In Tap Water Is As Toxic As Lead And Mercury For The Brain

    Finally some brave souls found the courage to publish a piece of truth. Fluoride is one of the "cornerstones" of public health policy and studies going against the established dogma are very rarely published. Whatever evidence about fluoride's toxicity comes to light is usually explained away...
  6. haidut

    IQ Scores Have Been Dropping For Decades And The Reason Is NOT Genetic

    I mentioned in a few other threads about the decline in intelligence and the reversal of the so-called "Flynn Effect" over the last 3-4 decades. Flynn effect - Wikipedia A few users commented that the drop in IQ (and SAT) scores is due to simply more people taking the tests and thus lowering...
  7. haidut

    World IQ Scores Are Declining

    Peat mentioned in one of his recent interviews that the population has been getting dumber as a result of PUFA overexposure. I posted a few studies on declining grip strength, sperm counts, and T levels all of which are good surrogates for general health. However, the most sensitive biomarker of...
  8. haidut

    Intelligent People More Likely To Suffer From Mental Illness

    I have mentioned a few times on the forum that in the "psychiatric bible" DSM IV/V a good mental health is characterized by a mild to moderate delusion, while realism is characterized by a mild to moderate depression. Peat said a few times that people with high IQ have a hard time adjusting to...
  9. haidut

    Fluoride Exposure (in Utero) Lowers IQ

    The news against fluride just keep on coming. Some states in the USA have started legislation to remove fluoride from drinking water. In response, the federal government is threatening to withhold emergency and disaster-relief funding. I wonder why... Fluoride exposure in utero linked to lower...
  10. haidut

    More Intelligent People Live Longer

    Ray has written many times about the links between metabolism and intelligence, and metabolism and longevity. The mainstream view if that both traits (intelligence and longevity) are genetic and unrelated. Previous studies that found correlation between intelligence and lifespan ascribed it to...
  11. haidut

    Intelligence Expected To Decline In Higher IQ And Rise In Lower IQ People

    While the study is observational, it is important because it shows that IQ score is very malleable and depends on the environment more than anything else. I think Ray said in one of his interviews that he thinks the population of Western countries is getting progressively dumber, and he...
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