gray hair

  1. Apple

    Karen Hurd debunks coconut oil

    Here you go. Garrett Smith prefers sunflower oil , #ggenereux claims that coconut oil is no good because it delivers vit A all around your system and now biochemist Karen Hurd calls it coconut fad . Who would think... Mitochondria converts saturated fat into unsaturated fat through the beta...
  2. C

    Why Doesn't Excess Zinc Cause Grey Hair Via Induced Copper Deficiency? (Gray Hair Either:)

    Everyone says excess zinc can cause a copper deficiency and on this forum people think topical or dietary copper can sometimes restore hair color (also suggested by Dr. Peat). But zinc is such a popular supplement that lots of people like @youngsinatra will overdose for various reasons. So I...
  3. PopSocket

    How to properly use Methylene Blue ? Succinic acid, avoid graying of hair, sexual function, lower serotonin etc

    Feeling fantastic on 10-15mg per day, feel fully connected to the Universe so to speak. After many years of optimizing the organism it seems like MB is like the cherry on the top and bringing about all the benefits of lowered stress and improved metabolic function. Skin and hair looking great...
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