
  1. Mauritio

    Narirutin + Didymin

    Narirutin is the secon most common flavonoid in orange juice, but is little talked about. Here are some interesting studies: 1. Anti-depressant effect - Narirutin produces antidepressant-like effects in a chronic unpredictable mild stress mouse model - PubMed 2. Lowers inflammation via...
  2. Lejeboca

    Ray Peat Interview KMUD - February 18, 2022

    https://archive.kmudfm.org/ Yet another packed with information show. This is the first time I've heard Dr. Peat talking about mTOR, mentioning that progesterone is precursor to glucocorticoids, and why he does not in favor of (wisdom) tooth extraction. "The brain is participating...
  3. Mauritio

    Early treatment with OTC's reduces Covid hospitalizations to zero

    In this study, they looked at the difference between treating people less or more than 3 days after COVID-19 symptoms started. They treated the people with a combination of - Aspirin 100mg - indomethacin 75-100mg - omeprazole 20mg - A combination of flavonoids: hesperidin, quercetin and...
  4. Sefton10

    Citrus peel powder has a preventive effect on NAFLD, which can be related to the regulation of intestinal flora

    The Regulatory Effects of Citrus Peel Powder on Liver Metabolites and Gut Flora in Mice with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/10/12/3022/htm
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