
  1. haidut

    Serotonin promotes (futile) patience and (false) faith in future rewards

    This study alone explains so much of the pathological behavior seen in humans living in developed countries. Namely, the vast majority of them are willing to break their backs working and "delaying gratification" in the hopes that one day they will "make it" and all of their efforts will be...
  2. haidut

    There Is No Gay Gene

    Very apt title, in my opinion at least. And then it comes to genetic explanations of diseases, I guess an even more apt addition would be "another one bites the dust". Recently, I posted about the complete and utter failure of the genetic hypothesis to explain depression. That indictment on the...
  3. haidut

    The Stereotypes About Testosterone (T) Are Likely Wrong

    Just a few days ago, a thread was posted on the forum about a (observational) study implying that high T leads males to cheating. Higher Testosterone Levels Are Associated With Unfaithful Behavior In Men I made another post several months ago suggesting that it is likely cortisol, and in...
  4. haidut

    The Brain Is Not A Computer - Does Not Process/store Information, Memories, Knowledge

    A really great article that not only makes a major argument against the success of AI as implemented in digital computers, but also calls into question the mainstream approach to neuroscience. Even neuroscience currently views the brain as little more than "wetware" - a biological CPU...
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